
In the audio section there is a wait for phase section, rather than having a specific phase be listed have the answer go into a variable. Example "Robot move right" then it would go into a subcategory "ok how far" the answer goes directly into a variable. The answer will have to verify that it is a number rather than a phrase. Then to be more advanced have the variables go into an array? After it is in an array you could separate each by a specific timeout. Having these items available in Blockly and being able to manipulate them would be very helpful. Thanks, Don
Related Hardware EZ-B v4
This appears that you’re asking how to use IF conditions. You can add your own IF conditions using the Blockly section. Ezrobot has a great tutorial on how to use IF conditions here:
additionally, if you’re looking for natural language processing, we recommend Dialog Flow:
*note: this has been moved to a question as it’s not a feature request. It’s a question about how to use IF conditions.
Hi automation man
This may not be exactly what you want
I had my laptop's audio speak it out.
I created a variable called it Robotmoveright
I tried this on my robot car,
if I set the variable to 1, it moves right - if I set the variable to 0, it moves left
I noticed the "sleep for" tells it how far to move in the amount of time you put in there
There is my script, and my servo movement panel
EZAng, i think it's more like this he wants..
Or this is nicer by using functions...
great thanks, lol - you are the programmer
Here's a robot skill that will help you out:
You can start the robot skill from Blockly using the Utility Control Command
Hey so great to see another Proff E tutorial video! I used to be really good at programming the If Else coding for my original outdoors Terminator but like anything you forget how to do coding if you stop for a long time so that was like a refresher vid!
Agree robo rad, I have been doing a lot of "refreshers"...
I appreciate all the help from everyone, it's been a busy week and it's going to take a minute to digest it all. I am going to do a deep dive on all the answers and see if will take care of business. Thanks, Don
That is some really nice programming! I come back to it ever now and then as a refresher.