
Lists Block In Blockly Score 669

I would like to request the Lists block to be put into Blockly with all the various types of things you can do inside of Lists. This would help a lot for making various types of arrays etc. and cutting down on making a ton of extra variables. It would make things nice and clean and easier to pinpoint items. I just drilled 64 holes with various locations with a program I made in Blockly but it would have been much easier if I could have used lists to do this.

Want to see this feature happen? Like it to increase the score.


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Not trying to be critical towards you at all here. Personally, I have found Blockly to be limiting for my purposes. Maybe I just cant get the hang of it. I've tried to use it many times and end up writing the script myself in EZ Script (I'm now learning Javascript and converting them). Blockly has been useful to me sometimes when I get stuck and need syntax suggestions, if what I'm looking for isn't too complicated. Don't get me wrong, it appears to be a good tool but I can't seem to find a way to use it for anything else then simple scripts. Again, maybe it's me because I've been watching your comments and requests about Blockly and it seems like you're able to do a lot with it. Perhaps when I have more time I should spend a little more time with it and learn it better.

Good luck with your efforts in getting Blockly more functional for you.


sorry, I don’t know what you mean by all the different things you can do with lists?


Blockly is great and I think this would be a great addition to it. Will send you the info when I get home later tonight.


It's all good Dave, with Blockly I kind of think that old show Name that tune wheres someone could do it in a few notes. If you were to tell me what you want your B9 robot to do which probably took quite a while to write and debug, I could probably do it in about an hour with Blockly and Auto position. Isn't that what Synthiam is advertising take hours instead of weeks. I do respect people that code, it's not where I want to spend the majority of my time-mechanical things are my wheelhouse. Blockly has come a real long way in the last couple years and the way that it can intermingle with other skills- it's great and I would recommend it. Non of this would be possible without DJ's smarts to put it all together. I suppose that Blockly was bit limiting in the past but do not find it limiting at all now, just needs an additional block here and there. Have some big plans for this year wheres building some real nice 6' robots and hopefully can go to market some day.


DJ, if and when you make a lists block could you please take a video of how you did it and how someone can make their own and save it so that it comes back up if needed this would be really helpful.


Going to take your cue Dave and learn JavaScript for specific things, arrays, etc. Because I want to learn what is actually happening behind the scenes I still think that lists should be in Synthiam’s Blockly. Map filter reduce sound familiar?


As I'm learning JS I'm seeing that it's really pretty good and not to hard to grasp. It is a lot like EZ Script in a lot of ways. Other ways it isn't and I find myself tripping in these things as I convert my EZ scripts. The biggest things I'm struggling with are the If/else if statements and the uses of ==  or = or even ===  in them. The other thing that I miss when using JS is being able to loop using the GoTo and Label tags. I liked to jump around in my more complex EZ Scripts. I really have to rethink these scripts when I try to convert them. I'm sure you will pick up JS better and faster then me as you don't have EZ Script methods stuck in your head. There is a lot of help on the internet hat helped me along with the help here in DJ's tutorial and JavaScript api in the Support section.   Have fun.