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Shipping Address: BrainPaint, Inc. 17366 Sunset Blvd. Apt. 302 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


  • 2012-07-27 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-09-09 - created first new question
  • 2012-10-14 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2013-07-16 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2013-08-01 - answered a forum question
  • 2014-11-17 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2014-12-24 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2015-04-01 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-04-05 - connected ARC to the cloud

Latest submissions

Mebo Robot Platform With Best Gripper Lifter For Price

Mebo Robot Platform With Best Gripper Lifter For Price

Hi Everyone, Heres a cool inexpensive robotic platform that with a little help from an ARC interface, would be...

Raspberry Pi 3 Ezb Sdk Help

Hi All, As I follow the RPi SDK instructions below, when it get the command: sudo gacutil -i EZ_B.dll The Pi counsel reads: Failure adding assembly EZ_B.dll to the cache: The system cannot find the file specified. I didnt see where in the instructions where I could get the dll. Ive searched the site for a...
Most Elegant Diy Arm, Gripper With Stl Files I've Seen

Most Elegant Diy Arm, Gripper With Stl Files Ive Seen

Hi Everyone, Heres the most powerful and well thought out gripper and robotic arm Ive seen: Heres where you can...
Google's Project Tango Superior Indoor Micro Navigation

Googles Project Tango Superior Indoor Micro Navigation

Hi, Just did a search through the forum and didnt see anyone using this here yet. This is the smartest sensor...
Sabertooth 2X12 V1.0 Responds Inconsistently With St Movement Panel

Sabertooth 2X12 V1.0 Responds Inconsistently With St Movement Panel

Hello, I tried connecting the EZ B v 4 to my 2x12 v1.0 Sabertooth and control it with...

Robotic Base Modification For Laundry Cart

I solved my quest for a cool looking platform base which was a requirement from my wife. Just ordered this two wheeled self-balancing scooter to modify for a laundry / grocery cart. $425 with shipping. I plan to add a triangular platform...
Latest Update Won't Let Me Past Tos Agreement

Latest Update Wont Let Me Past Tos Agreement

Hi, Im not able to install the latest version of the software. Im on Windows 8 and cant get past the Terms of Service agreement....

New Indoor Navigation Combines Video With Inertial Data

Just found this website that includes a methodology to produce very accurate indoor navigation. They combine a technique called Rolling Shutter with IMU sensor fusion. Heres the paper covering her methodology: Dont be intimidated by the...
Lidar Lite Causes Ez-B V4 To Disconnect After 150-400 Reads

Lidar Lite Causes Ez-B V4 To Disconnect After 150-400 Reads

Hello, Lidar Lite causes EZ-B v4 to disconnect after 150-400 reads. Here are the symptoms: With the...

Inverted Pendulum Order Progress

Hi DJ, Any approximate ETA on the inverted pendulum? That seems to be a very powerful and necessary tool for the coolest bipeds, two wheeled and Segwayesk projects. I have an AI biped project based on Shannon entropy thats been gestating with a slow summer to give birth. Thanks Much, Bill

A Place To Buy Robot Cases?

Hi Mates, Im a very bad fabricator and have been scouring the web for a robot case that would look nice in a contemporary high tech office / home and cant find anyone who sells cool looking robot cases. It just cant look like a tool chest with wheels. Ive completed a mini scale of the autonomous bot with the rover chassis and I have the parts to...
Moving Average Array Error

Moving Average Array Error

Hello, Im getting this error Error on line 19: Variable is an array: $MvAvgTouch. Im trying to smooth out all the noise coming in from my ADC0 from my graphite sensor I...

Feature Request For Addition And Division Of Arrays

Hi DJ, I would like make a feature request to do array addition and division so Ill be able to do DSP for things like vibration signature analysis to test faulty metal parts. $AvgTouch=($MvAvgTouch[1]+$MvAvgTouch[2]+$MvAvgTouch[3]+$MvAvgTouch[4]+$MvAvgTouch[5]+$MvAvgTouch[6]+$MvAvgTouch[7]+$MvAvgTouch[8]+$MvAvgTouch[9]+$MvAvgTouch[10])/10 I...

New Powerful Simple Sensor Tech

Hey Brothas, I think youll like this. I found this paper sumerized this week on of a very simple graphite sensor made by drawing on a piece of paper and attaching wires to the drawing. Then as the paper is bent it produces a very specific digital signature on an AD converter. Ive created a video demonstration for it. This will be a very...

Weight Limits For Ez Bits

Hi, I see that the weight limits for the Heavy Duty servo (HDS) is 15 kg but I would like to know how much weight could the Ezbit Adapt HDS Extension block HDS extension block HDS extension block iron fist. Im wanting to see how easy it would be to control an AirWheel (electric self balancing unicycle) with the EzB as a potential robotic...

Dos And Donts To Prevent Release Of The Magic Smoke

Hi, The extent of my knowledge in electronics is that they run on magic smoke and if you let it out they stop working. I found a thread on hooking up H-bridges prevented me from frying my EZb 4. I would like a one stop thread where we could post our experiences where we have fried our boards and other components. Ive gone through all the tutorials...
2 Wheel Laundry Cart Via Modified Mip

2 Wheel Laundry Cart Via Modified Mip

Does this sound feasible? My wife wants me to make her a laundry and grocery cart that can carry things from the basement to any level (via...

Array $Xray[$N]=1 Makes An Error

Hi, Am I doing something wrong? This code is producing this error in the latest version of EZ builder: Error on line 41: Input string was not in a correct format. my line with the $yray[$n]=2.12 creates the above error The arrays with static numbers as in $xray[1] = 3.14 work [] $n=0 definearray($xray,5) definearray($yray,5) definearray($zray,5)...

Ezb 4 Status Update On Orders Page?

Would the powers that be put blurb on the orders page of the current status of the EZB 4? Or put a EZB 4 status link in the menu area next to Community Forum, EZ-Robots, EZ-Cloud, 3D Printing Community, EZB 4 status update? That would likely save time from people asking over and over again, and my having to search...

Using All Iphone Sensors Gps With Ez-B

Im inches away from creating a method for us to use Iphones GPS, Acclerometer, gyro, data for our robots. This app rapidly streams data to the PC via wireless UDP stream. With Python 2.7 or greater installed, this Python script updates the PC with comma delimited data of telemetry data. Ive been trying for about 12 hours to make the Python script...

ARC Broke From Win 8 To Win 8.1 Update On Surface

Had Ez Builder 7-29 working and communicating with the EZ B until I upgraded from Win 8 to Win 8.1. Uninstalling and reinstalling Ez Builder didnt work. Heres a video of the symptoms: Any suggestions? Im trying to downgrade back to win 8 now but its a pain... Thanks, Bill
ARC Works On Ms Surface Pro With Win8

ARC Works On Ms Surface Pro With Win8

Ez-builder Works On Ms Surface Pro With Win8 Its operational but there are font scaling issues that require me to work around them. A few of...

Balance Bot Demo Mma7455 Accelerometer

Heres a video of a balance bot concept with two wheels. Click To Watch Video $n=0 $D0Pos=GetServo(D0) $D1Pos=GetServo(D1) ServoSpeed(d1,0) $posA=50 $posB=50 :Top $n=$n+1 #print(quot;MMAX=$mmAX MMAY=$MMAY MMAZ=$MMAZ n=$nquot;) if ($mmay`gt;116) $posa=$PosA+2 servo(D1,$posA) #sleep(200) $posb=$posb-2 servo(D0,$posB) #sleep(200) endif #sleep(200)...

Looking For Analog Read Of Heat Sources Mlx90614?

I just failed to yield useful results from 3 Radio Shack pIR digital sensors mounted to my robot. When it moves wether its in or out doors it picks up many different heat signatures and cant follow a body. Im looking for an analog equivilant and came across the MLX90614 which has I2c and a PWM output capabilities. The PWM would likely be the...

Wii Remote Error Connecting To Wii Remote

Hi, Im attempting to build a 2 servos on wheels balancing bot with a Wii remotes accelerometer. Im using version 2012.10.27 and during the procedure where Ive added the Nintendo Wii unpaired and the blue lights are flashing, and I add the Misc Wii control I get this message: error connecting to Wii remote: Timed out waiting for status report After...

Non Ms Developer Studio C# App For Wireless Camera? Yes/No Question

Hi, My main question is: Can the EZ builder embedded C# script read camera data from the wireless camera I purchased? If so, Ill give my left little finger to anyone who can provide me with a sample C# script that does not require MS developer studio or any other complex program beyond the ARC scripting languages that does the equivalent of the C#...

Ez-Script If And And And Syntax?

Im trying to teach my robot to center a red can with the cameraX variables and use the center of 3 ping sensors to know when its in punching distance per my video. Click To Watch Video Is there currently a way to do the equivalent of this C# script in ARC: if ((LeftDistanceFar) (CenterDistanceFar) (RightDistanceFar)){ ezb0.Movement.GoReverse(50);...

C# If And Boolean Operators Are Broke Me Thinks.

Hi Im trying to move the ping sensor to 3 locations and capture the variables of $left, $Center and $right and compare which has the largest distance among these three locations to make the robot move in that direction. Ive moved from EZ-Script to the C# scripting for better conditional control. The goforward() command for the h-bridge in your c#...

If Conditions Broke On 9-14-2012 Update

Heres some sample code that just keeps counting beyond 90 where on the previous update it exits as its told. $position = 10 :loop servo(d1, $position) print(Position: $position) Say($Position) sleep(1000) $position = $position + 10 if ($position 90) goto(done) goto(loop) :done Say(Im Done counting!) Uninstalling the latest update and...

The 6 Axis Robotic Arm Working Script Included

Heres a video of the 6 axis arm moving very fast yet gently picking up a lid and placing it on a bottle. It does produce EZ-B brownouts after prolonged use after putting it back and forth a few times. Heres the Ez-Script source code to make this happen: ServoSpeed (d7, 0) ServoSpeed (d2, 0) ServoSpeed (d3, 0) ServoSpeed (d4, 0) ServoSpeed (d5, 0)...
Script Recorder Corrupts Ez-Script Files

Script Recorder Corrupts Ez-Script Files

After recording movements with the Script recorder when I attempt to save a file I get this error message: Error saving configuration file....
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