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Script Recorder Corrupts Ez-Script Files

After recording movements with the Script recorder when I attempt to save a file I get this error message:

Error saving configuration file. Filename c:\test.ezb Message: There was an error generating the XML document.

User-inserted image

Hope this helps,



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Hi Bill, I have the same problem and I think it is the result of a bug that was never resolved. There was a claim that it was related to having too much data - If it has been resolved maybe somebody out there can help.. I gave up on it..;)


There has not been a solution to this issue yet. I've been working on a new file type - which hopefully will lead to a resolution for this. However, i've been working on it for a few days straight because it's about 8,000 lines of code to modify:(

This was a thread for it:



Glad to know that Dj remembers us, 8000 lines of code should be a lot of work!;)