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Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2016-02-04 - joined Synthiam
  • 2016-02-04 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-02-16 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2016-02-16 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2016-04-18 - created first new question
  • 2016-04-19 - created a custom avatar
  • 2016-07-17 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-10-19 - answered a forum question
  • 2016-11-23 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2018-01-27 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2018-02-05 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2022-03-10 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2022-12-26 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2023-03-10 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription

Latest submissions


Configuration Form When Creating A Plugin

I have went thru the tutorial for the plugin and have successfully created a basic plugin. Now I want to go the next step and create a plugin that has a configuration page that is accessed by clicking the gear icon but can not figure out how to do it. The plugin I hope to create will allow the user to create a connection to a database using a DSN....

Can Someone Spot The Error In My Code?

Can someone tell me why I am getting this error? I must be going code blind or I found a bug. ARC version 2020.05.18.00 Error on line 4: Missing ) in Expression $HumanSaid = birds can fly $Sentence = $HumanSaid $xCount = 0 repeatwhile(contains($Sentence, )) $xStrLength = Length($Sentence) $xIndex1 = IndexOf($Sentence, ) $Sentence =...

Creating A Simple Robot Brain

Building on Justins thread on creating a brain. There are many ways to create artificial intelligence and this is just what I have come up with using the tools ARC has currently available. I have designed my project to be Service/Agent based. When the Robot is powered up the connection script launches the init script. ControlCommand(quot;Script...
Auto Position Ezb1

Auto Position Ezb1

When setting up an Auto Position Frame, how do I select which EZB Controller? RichardZ
Using Arduino Mega As A Isolation Device

Using Arduino Mega As A Isolation Device

Looking for an inexpensive way to isolate the EZBv4 signal line from the Hitech 805bb servos on my inMoov. I am think of using 2 Ardunio...

Did You Miss Me?

Did you miss me? Have been out of the EZ-Robot/Synthiam loop for over a year, but I am back. I see DJ and company (and the community) has been busy adding support for lots of other products. Looks like I have a bit of catching up to do. First project is to get Inmoov (UNAS) ready for Halloween. I am thinking of going traditional and dressing him up...

I Cant Seem To Find The Plugi

I cant seem to find the plugins page on the new site. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you RichardZ
Ez-Robot Camera $29.99

Ez-Robot Camera $29.99

For those who might be looking for the EZB Camera for your Iotiny. Hobby King has them on sale for $29.99 I just purchased 3
Servo Holding Brake

Servo Holding Brake

Might be biting off more then I can chew, but going to try and design a servo holding brake. Initial plan is the try and keep it 15mm thick by 25mm in dia. When not powered will hold...
Snybot Plugin Question

Snybot Plugin Question

I tried loading the SynBot plugin following the tutorial and the plugin just comes up as a white box. I tried loading it into a clean new project and got the same results. I am...

Javascript Plugin

I am sure the answer is no but have to ask. Is it possible to add/install a JavaScript library within ARC?
Using Substring With An Array

Using Substring With An Array

Again I cannot see what I am doing wrong. Is this another bug or am I using the array incorrectly? This works DefineArray($TestArray,2) $SearchString =...

What Is Wrong With This Script

for some reason I can not get the following simple statement to work $Test = 123 123 123 repeatuntil(contains($Test, ) != true) Print($Test) endrepeatuntil I get the following error 8: repeatuntil(contains($Test, ) = true) Error on line 8: Missing ) in Expression I have tried using repeatWhile also same result. I just dont see what I am...
Exponential Notation E

Exponential Notation E

I am saving a number in to a variable and when I retrieve the number from the variable it is in exponential notation. Is it possible to tell ARC NOT to do this? The number I am...
Ezbv4 D12-23 Not Working

Ezbv4 D12-23 Not Working

I have 2 EZBv4 controllers that D12-D23 do not work. The first one stop working a few weeks ago and now the second one. I have tried doing a reset with the reset button but...

Camera Train New Object Thru Ez-Script

Does anyone know if it is possible using EZ-Script to Train a new object? What I am looking for is a command like this: ControlCommand(Camera, TrainNewObject, $NewPerson) Richard Z

6V Regulator

For those building an Inmoov, here is a possible solution for the 6v to the 805BB servos. 12v/24v input 6v 20amp output

Alternitive To Pandora

In looking for a (Free) alternative to Pandora, I can across this site Has its own scripting language and well as ability to import AIML Supports the AIML 2.0 Allows you to create multiple bots I have my bot set to private, so only I can access it. Check it out Here is my code I use to talk to my bot and parse the answer. I...
Error Trying To Add Google Speech Addin

Error Trying To Add Google Speech Addin

Receive the following errors when trying to add Google Speech Recognition RichardZ
Need Help With Plugin

Need Help With Plugin

I need some help with a plugin I am working on. I am new to C# and OOP. Have went thru the Tutorial and the SDK Tutorials also. How do I get the values from the form in to my C#...

( Within A String Variable

I receive the error: Error on line 7: Missing ) in Expression $HumanSaid = How far is the earth from the moon $URL= + $HumanSaid $URL = $URL + Hello There sleep(3000) $Answer = HttpGet($URL) $StringLength = length($Answer) $MessageLength = $StringLength - 14 $APIResponse =...
Using 2 X 4 In 1 Sensors

Using 2 X 4 In 1 Sensors

I am trying to find a way to use 2 of the 4 in 1 sensors on the same EZB. Is it possible to change the i2c addressing on this sensor? Why I would want 2 sensors: On my R2...

Suggestions On Gripper Orientation For 3D Printing

Any suggestions on the best orientation when 3D printing the gripper?
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