
Did You Miss Me?

Did you miss me? Have been out of the EZ-Robot/Synthiam loop for over a year, but I am back. I see DJ and company (and the community) has been busy adding support for lots of other products. Looks like I have a bit of catching up to do. First project is to get Inmoov (UNAS) ready for Halloween. I am thinking of going traditional and dressing him up as the Frankenstein Monster and I will be Dr. Frankenstein. Looking forward to getting back to my series on the Simple brain. Well everyone it is good to be back.


Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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#1   — Edited

@rz90208 Nice to have you back, you will see many changes.  most very good.  my inmoov robot Bruce-e you know like wall-e will be handing out candy this Halloween, he will not be dressing up this year as his normal look is costume enough.  I love to see the wide eyed look of the kids when they see Bruce-e giving them candy.  he says what no trick but here is your treat anyway. or just BOO and watch them run.   a couple of  years ago Bruce-e did dress up, you can watch it if you search Youtube for    it was called my inmoov robot wants to go trick or treating.


Thank you It is good to be back in the fold. The firmware for the Arduino has me excited. With the price of the Arduinio getting cheaper all the time (Just picked up 6 for $7.00 each) I just might use 2 IOTinys and 2 arduinos to run my Inmoov (UNAS). Ever since I had a large scale servo burnout and short and take out the lower ports of my EZBv4, I have been looking for a way to isolate the EZB. Now one way is to use a cheap Arduino and save the EZB for other projects.