— Edited
for some reason I can not get the following simple statement to work
$Test = "123 123 123"
repeatuntil(contains($Test," ") != true)
I get the following error
8: repeatuntil(contains($Test," ") = true)
> Error on line 8: Missing ) in Expression
I have tried using repeatWhile also same result.
I just don't see what I am missing
Deleted wrong answer...
if I replace the Repeat statement with an IF statement it works, but I want to preform a loop to count the spaces in the sentence is the finial goal.
It seems a Bug, does not work if the function has two parameters.
no errors:
same error:
EDIT: The problem is common to RepeatWhile and RepeatUntil statements.
Thanks PTP, Good to know its not just me. I am sure DJ will have it corrected first chance he gets. Until then I will use a if statement and a loop counter. I am surprised this went so long without being reported.
If that syntax parser bug in repeat didn't exist, the code still wouldn't work. It would loop for ever... for infinite and beyond! as Buzzzz would say from Toy Story.
Use the new Count() function from this release: https://synthiam.com/Community/Questions/10983
@DJ Count function how did I miss that! That is a bit shorter than I was doing it.
Thanks again DJ.
You can do this...