— Edited
When setting up an Auto Position Frame, how do I select which EZB Controller?
When setting up an Auto Position Frame, how do I select which EZB Controller?
The settings button on the front box.
So in a single frame, I can not change positions of servos on both EZB0 and EZB1. Rats, I will need to rethink my entire InMoov wiring. I currently have the right side of my InMoov on one EZB0 and the left on EZB1.
Thank you for the post Greg.
@DJ - Possible addition for a future release.
I don't think so. I am also doing a inmoov. Are you thinking 2 /4s?
I use a separate autopositioner for every ezb4 board I am using... This is how I manage this in my inMoov... I have 3 autopostioner controls. One for the main ezb4 and the other two for each of the 2 ioTinys I am using..
Did you use a iotiny for each arm and the /4 for the body? I have not decided on how to do power yet. Are you having any brownouts?
@Greg C Yes, I have an ioTiny in each arm and an exb4 for the rest... I do not have brown out issues due to my power setup... The main body servos run off of their own power connection. And I either use a 6v 50amp power supply or 2 6v SLA batteries depending on if he needs to be mobile or not...
@Greg, Yes, I am using 1- EZB4/2 and 1 - EZB4 (ports 11 - 23 don't work for some reason) So I have reconfigured so both arms, the eyes and the jaw are on the EZB4/2 and the rest on the first 12 ports of the EZB4.
@RichardR, One Auto Positioner for each board, that is my new plan also. Would be nice if we could use a $Variable in the Auto Positioner in place of the port number. I am trying to write my project so anyone with an InMoov could use it just by changing the configuration script.
Thanks all for your input.
Not really advocating this because I think it could end up with some herky-jerky movement, but you could build the AutoPosition to use all virtual ports (v1-v255) and then have a constantly running script or relative servo objects that make the real servos follow the position of the virtual servos.
That is creative Alan, I will do some playing around with that. Thanks. I think I am going to need a more powerful PC.
Change the variable in the settings of the Auto Position control.
@DJ, I must be missing something. In the settings, the only Variables I see I can change are Current Action, Current Frame and Is Active.
What I would like to do is in my configuration script:
Now in the Auto Position use the variables not the port numbers.
That's not possible
That is what I thought. But Nothing is impossible for you. you are the great DJ Sures The Robot Overlord we all know and love. The impossible only takes you a little longer. You have proven this time and time again.
I have no doubt that some day we will be able to.
Thank you for everything you do. We all love the EZ-Robot Products and the Software.
@rz90208 -
Were you able to get AutoPosition to work on 2 boards like you wanted? I am also building an InMoov and have 2 Lotiny in each arm and a single ezb4 for everything else.
@Holy1 The servo auto positioner control will work on any board (1,2,3,4 etc), not just board 0... Look under settings in the auto positioner control to choose which board you want to use with it... You can have more than one Auto Position control in a project (only one Movement Panel though)...
@ Richard R.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I understand you can have more than one Auto Position control in a project.
I should have said, (trying to be more clear) was he able to move 2 different servos attached to two different boards from inside one Auto Position control window.
Like move the eyes on board one and wiggle fingers on the loTiny (board 2) inside the Actions portion of the Auto Position control.
It looks like this is not possible.
see this topic.
choose ezbv4
Hi Nomad 6R
Thanks, I had seen this but it is not the same thing.
@Holy1 not using a single auto positioner you can't ... Just write simple scripts (using the cheat sheet/control commands) to drive frames or actions on 2 or more different boards. This way you can can control one or more auto-positioner controls at once... e.g... Fingers move in one auto-positioner at the same time head moves in another auto-positioner control... and so on...
Thanks, I will work on that as learning scripting is next on the list as my Inmoov is ready to go ( as much as I am going to do for now) .
Yeah - create a different Auto Position for different servo groups. Such as one for the fingers, and one for everything else...
then you can execute them like so in ez-script..
I can see that the AutoPosition control (non movement) can be set to EZB 0-4 but AutoPosition (movement) is defaulted to EZB 0
Is this correct ?
Yes, all movement panels are EZ-B 0 only.
Just for clarity, you can only have one Movement Panel per project but that Movement Panel can be assigned to any EZB. An Autopostion with Movement Panel can only be EZB-0.
i think this is a good pic for explanning it. no settings.
here a pic with drop down list to choose connections.
Thanks everyone...
This is why I love this forum... so much good advice
Hey frank - also see where it highlights in when people type Movement Panel ? Click on that because it's got some good info. Explains in more detail why movement panels work the way they do - and how they integrate with the software.
The new normal version of ARC does not have the settings at all for the movement panel.
This thread is outdated and is 3 years old. The way to select the ezb index is during selecting the servo in the Auto Position editor...