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  • 2014-07-04 - joined Synthiam
  • 2014-07-04 - created first new question
  • 2014-07-12 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-07-27 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2014-08-01 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2014-08-01 - created a custom avatar
  • 2014-10-08 - posted your first tutorial
  • 2014-11-07 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2014-12-22 - posted a robot project showcase

Latest submissions

Mobile App Questions - Several

Mobile App Questions - Several

Good Evening, 1. Does Script Manager work with the Mobile App. 2. How do you delete old local projects. There is no delete button or anything that helps. 3....

Limitations With Sayezb Command?

Good Evening, I am a new with Ez-Robot. I am impressed. My question is trying to get the onboard sound to say something with in a string value. Can ARC do that?

Looking For Script To Parse .Xml To Txt File

Good Morning, I am looking for some help with a program or script that will parse an xml file and convert to txt so that ARC can read. Thanks! Wayne

Newest Version Of ARC Cannot Install

I just downloaded the newest version of ARC, when I go to install it, Windows is telling me its not a valid installer program? I am running windows 7. Thoughts?

Display Attributes Between Iphone And Ipad

Good Evening, I created a mobile app and downloaded to my Iphone and IPad. The display text labels are correct on the Iphone and Mobile interface, however, on the Ipad, the text labels are cut short, letters and sometimes even words are missing. Thoughts? Thanks

Script Help - Reading From A File

Hi, I am looking for help with a script or to help guide me to a script that will allow me to read contents from a saved file and compare to a string value. I already have a script that will get the value of a servo, and store it to a file. I would like to read that same file and compare the values. Thanks.

Help With This Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Good Evening, I am attempting to write servo information to a file (C:\SERVO\INFO.txt The process and order that I am using is: $filename = (C:\SERVO\INFO.txt) :start $servo1 = FileReadReset($filename) #opens file for reading sleep(50) FileDelete($filename) #deletes the file becauase I want a new one every time sleep(50) FileWrite($filename, )...

Video Player Within ARC

Good Morning, Has anyone used the Video Player from within ARC? I just discovered it and I played back an mpeg file. The playback was choppy with pixels and the video stopped playing after about 10 seconds into my 30 second clip.

Script Help Please

Good Morning, I have created two arrays. I am trying to speak the contents of the arrays with the SAY command. For Example: code SAY(This is + $ARRAYONE[0] + good work + $ARRAYTWO[0]) /code When I run the script I get the error message: Variable is in array: $ARRAYTWO[0] Which makes me think that I am trying to add. Do I have the syntax correct?
Who Is Winning At Pinball?

Who Is Winning At Pinball?


Numeric Keypad - Mobile Builder

Good Afternoon, I am looking to create a numeric keypad within ARC. I want to pre-program a script for example 133. How do you combine the numbers into a string value, and that value is a number? Thanks WayneA

Virtual Desktop To External Monitor

Good Afternoon, Would it be possible to extend a Virtual Desktop from within ARC to an external monitor? This could be helpful when members of the community who is trying to teach or the end user to build a Mobile Interface with the intention of using a touch screen monitor. (I have a touch screen monitor and would like to use it.) WayneA

Counter Script

Could any of you fine folks please post an example script of a counter. The counted number would be contained in a $string value? Thanks WayneA

Test This Script For Me

Good Morning, Could the members of the community with fast computers please run this script for me and tell me the CPU load from ARC. For me, when I run this script my CPU process from ARC is 50 percent. If you have something at D20,D21,D22 just comment the PWM statements out. :loop REPEAT($x,0,100,10) PWM(D20,$x) PWM(D21,$x) PWM(D22,$x) print($x)...

Updated Cloud And Server Profiles

Question, is there anyway to disable the syncing of server profiles from the cloud? I do not use any revolution robots and I dont need to sync. If there is documentation about this please let me know.

Help With Array

Good Afternoon. I want to create an array where I store two string values. For this example I will call it $x and $y. I want to store the variables in the array. I want to store as many as I need. I understand the definearray command. What I do not understand is how to input in the array and keep adding the string variables. Let me post my example....

Epic Fail

Good Evening, I was working on a project and I got stumped with arrays. I was trying to create an array and I really did not know how. Keep in mind I already had a project where I had two string variables and I wanted to add to the array. So, I click on help at the top and then I click on example projects. The window pops up and I choose open from...
Android App - Help

Android App - Help

I have uploaded the script - showctrlhelp.EZB I have installed the android app on my tablet. I have followed all the instructions to the best of my knowledge. When I load the script...

Help With Show Control On Mobile App

Good Afternoon, I am trying to get a better understanding of the show control command. showctrlhelp.EZB I have a Main Mobile Interface App window with a button. When I click it I want to show the other window which is labeled My mobile Interface 2. Please take a look. Thanks

Mobile App Button Press To Ezb

Good Evening, I am looking for some help with a way to use the mobile builder Add Button. I see the script window, and it needs script, how can I use the button press as an input to my script? Does anyone know? Thanks.

Change Layout Of The Moblie App From Within ARC

Good Afternoon, I have a question if the community doesnt mind. I would like to change the layout of the Mobile Page based upon scrips from within ARC. For instance, if my robot has to make a decision and it needs your help to make it, but the mobile interface currently only has two script buttons to press, is there a way to add another? (I hope I...

Generate A Random Colour

Good Evening, I am trying to generate a random colour from four predefined colours. The pre defined colours are Red,Blue,Green,Yellow. Please take a look at what I written so far. :COLOR $1 = RED $2 = GREEN $3 = BLUE $4 = YELLOW $COLOUR = GETRANDOM($1,$4) say($COLOUR) I know why the error I am getting is because the GetRandom is looking for a...

Pictures From Ezb V4 Using Mobile App

I got a quick question, I would like to know if I can take a picture with the EZBv4 camera and save to my tablet using the mobile app. Thanks.
Weird Error

Weird Error

Good Afternoon, I have been working with the version four board and once in awhile I get this error message.
Ezb V4 Disconnect Question

Ezb V4 Disconnect Question

Good Morning, Last night i was playing with my robot, and i think that it went out of wifi range. I could not stop my robot and it ran into a shelf and broke one of my...

Servo Position

Good Morning, I think I have noticed or at least I seem to think I have, but when I ask a servo to move to a predefined location, it does it at least 50 percent of the time. I have to disconnect and remove power on my V4 board to get my project to do what I want it to do. Thoughts?
Looking For A Way To Ping_Wait Command Timeout

Looking For A Way To Ping_Wait Command Timeout

Good Afternoon, I know there is a ping wait command. I want the ping wait command to time out in 5 seconds.Thoughts on this are...

Possible To Add A Command?

Good Evening! I see the saywait command. I like it! I see the Sayezb command. @DJ could you create a sayezbwait command? Thanks, Wayne

Tablet Ezb Camera Video

Good Evening, I borrowed a friend of mines Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I used the script and made on the tablet. I get weird video flickering on the screen. Has anyone seen this. I recorded video of it doing it. Where, how can I post?
Ezb V4 Camera Take A Picture?

Ezb V4 Camera Take A Picture?

Can the camera take a picture? If it does where is it stored and how to do it?

Slight Delay With Ezb Voice

Quick Question, Is it me or have you all noticed a slight delay with the SayEzB Voice. In other words, when the command is executed half or most of the words are not being spoken. Has anyone else seen this? Wayne

Not Enough Coffee

Good Afternoon, There is not enough coffee to keep me awake. So, I humbly bow down to EZ-Script and say, ugh, where can I get training on how to use. Gotta get the ideas out of my head and onto script to make things do what I want it to do!

Ez-Robot Camera : Grid Lines

Good Morning, Is there anyway to save the grid lines in the software? If I open and close my project, I have to re-adjust my grid lines to the position that I want. Thoughts? Wayne A
Ez-B Color Tracking Question

Ez-B Color Tracking Question

Good Afternoon, I am trying to get a better understanding of how the tracking works. The debug button within the camera control, allows you to see what is going on...
Ez-Robot Camera

Ez-Robot Camera

Good Afternoon, Is there a way to control the camera? You can control the Color and the Black Level and the Gain from with in the ARC software. Can I turn off the automatic iris and auto...
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