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Ezb V4 Camera Take A Picture?

Can the camera take a picture? If it does where is it stored and how to do it?


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ControlCommand("Camera", CameraSnapshot)

Here's a script that I use. It does take a sound file that makes the sound of a camera clicking. You can find one very easy on the net. You can leave it out if you wish. As for the folder it's stored in, sorry but I'm not home to check and can't even find it in the search here. I'm sure someone else will jump in here and help with that.

SayWait("Camera snapshot countdown")



SayWait("Say! cheese!")

#Plays shutter sound from soundboard
ControlCommand("Soundboard", Track_5)

#Takes picture and sends to picture folder
ControlCommand("Camera", CameraSnapshot)

Note: I don't know if I wrote this code or someone else did, so I will not take credit for it?


Thank You! Can I give the resulting picture a set file name?

United Kingdom

No but you can change where it saves them and with a simple AHK script or other application you can have it be automatically renamed.

To change the location of pictures and videos it's in the camera settings (click the gear icon) then Media.

User-inserted image


@Rich What is a simple AHK script?

United Kingdom

Sorry, it's Auto Hot Key, google for it, it's an awesome little program which pretty much made batch files redundant.

I'm sure there is already something out there to monitor a folder and rename but they have an active forum and a lot of clever people over there.

Check them out here