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Country: Germany
Member Since:


  • 2014-03-01 - joined Synthiam
  • 2014-03-16 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-09-22 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-04-26 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-04-27 - created first new question
  • 2015-04-28 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2015-09-01 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2016-05-10 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2018-05-17 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2018-05-17 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2018-05-17 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2018-05-17 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text

Latest submissions


I2C Color Code Freezes EZB

Dear robot friends, I have noticed the following issue. When BlinkM I2C is connected, the code works: I2CWrite(0,0x09,o) and I2CWrite(0,0x09,c,0x00,0x00,0x00). No problem at all. However, if the BlinkM is not connected and this code is started via EZ-Script, the EZB freezes. This happens with every single EZB. Therefore, if I try to control...
ARC Software Is Not Working - Happy Halloween

ARC Software Is Not Working - Happy Halloween

Dear Synthiam Team, Windows 10 has all new Updates and I installed the newest ARC Software - today its not possible to open the...
Soundboard Ticking-Noise Scriptcode - Energy Pulse

Soundboard Ticking-Noise Scriptcode - Energy Pulse

Dear Synthiam Crew and Friends, its an old problem since the beginning of EZB. The Ticking/ Clicking-Noise from the EZB...
Is It Possible To Move(9V~12V) Servos ?

Is It Possible To Move(9V~12V) Servos ?

is it possible to move (9V~12V) servos? I have really cool high quality servos.. but its difficult regards

A Similar Article Like Blinkm ?

since 6 months the BlinkM Module is sold out in Europe. So I search a similar Modul like BlinkM.. A small Muli-Color Modul for EZ-Robots. Can someone help me ? regards

Import/ Export Utilities Troubleshoot

Dear EZ-Robot Friends :-) I want to use the Import/ Export Utilities for the Auto-Position. I use Windows 10, installed the newest ARC. The problem: I can produce an Export-File (Servo Profile Auto Position) but If I import this Data, all is fully visible but nothing is working and there comes a error message: Auto Position Thread Error:...
Ezb Sound Servo Vs Sound Board Ezb - Synchronisaion-Questions

Ezb Sound Servo Vs Sound Board Ezb - Synchronisaion-Questions

Dear EZ-Robot team and forum members, my work stand still, because I have big problems to...

Hbridge Sound-Servo Control

Dear EZ-Robot Team and friends, I want to control a 4 Wire HBridge PWM connected Motor with the Sound-Servo App or a similar program / script. Its a mouth-motor from a toy, I cannot change the motor. so I want to use HBridge. I dont wanna make a long script with mouth animations.. for 1-3 sentences its okay but for a conversation not. Can someone...

Software Language

Hi @all, a lot german and french customers ask me.. is it possible to change the software language ?! I know it´s not but why ? it will be better for foreigners ^^! I mean all Text-Data of buttons, menu and apps same with the homepage :-) regards Marty
ARC Version 2016.05.17.00 - Soundboard Noises - Bug Or Bad New Future?

ARC Version 2016.05.17.00 - Soundboard Noises - Bug Or Bad New Future?

Hi there! I updated to the newest Software: Version 2016.05.17.00 If I playing...

Dfferent Servo Speed - Same Settings

hi there.. I use the auto position app to control my robot. my action settings for turn left and turn right (all frames) are: 15 1 -1 but turn left is more fast as turn right.. sometimes.. I change settings from go forward or add a new action.. after that all other actions are faster then before.. I dont know why.. ?! same problem with the camera...

Blinkm Stop Script

hi there knows someone the code for the BlinkM App button stop script? I want to skipt the BlinkM App - I only want to use Ez-Sript to stop the automatic starting LED-Demo-Mode. cheers Marty

4-In-1 Orientation Sensor Stability

I have the 4-in-1 Orientation Sensor.. all works fine! but after a few minutes (2-30 minutes) (in different times) the Ez-Boards are freezing.. I have tested two different ez-4 boards and three different MPU9150 and MPU6050.. the MPU9150 is from Ez-Robot. ____________________________ Error-Code: Comm Err: System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data...

Would You Like To Sell Your Omnibot 2000?

Hi robot makers, I search a Omnibot 2000 incl. Master Control Unit. Would you like to sell your Omnibot 2000? Please contact me. thanks Smarty
Wireless Cam On Ezb 4.0 Digital Port Question

Wireless Cam On Ezb 4.0 Digital Port Question

update 02.11.15 #### resolved by myself How to programming ON/ OFF for the original EZB 3.0 2.4G Wireless Cam on EZB 4.0. Step 1:...
4-In-1 Orientation Sensor

4-In-1 Orientation Sensor

today I wanna buy the ez-robot 4-in-1 Orientation Sensor. at the moment I use another MPU6050 and it works but there is a problem.. after two minutes EZ-Robot says: Comm...

Preorder Time

I think 2 months waiting-time for one sensor or camera is not appropriate. thats it - all what I wanna say. cheers Marty

Project Backup-Question

hi @ all, when I save a project and open it again, there is a problem: 1. the camera grid is in a wrong position, not in the default position. 2. the blinkM window is reseted and I think a lot of more current settings are not saving. its a lot work to change all settings after I open my project regards Marty
Camera Device Visual Options

Camera Device Visual Options

I use a few EZ-Robot video cameras for my different robots.. the design of the camera allows not always the installation in the correct position.. and my problem...

My Battery Is Low

hi there, Im working with the EZB-4 and 21x servos + a lot leds, camera and sensors.. the robot needs a lot power in action. in the same second If my robot says: my battery is low, he collapse.. I have no time for a reaction. its not good for the optical look.. I dont want scratches.. or a broken arm.. you know. So I need to find a way to...
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