Hi there,
today I introduce you my new EZ-Robot Project: "Combot".
Combot is a working 8-Core Super-Computer with 4,00 GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD, Windows 10. You can use him as your Home-Computer also as your personal House-Robot. :-)
No Battery-Pack inside. The Computer working hand by hand with the EZ-Robot Technology.
Lot of LEDs , Motors, Sensors, a Camera and the Sound System make this Computer a special experience.
A Video coming soon.
By Smarty
— Last update
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cant hardly wait to see it in action.
I find this robot very aesthetically pleasing! Super excited to see a demo!
Looks great! Can't wait to see the video.
Haha - I’m agree with the rest - super interesting build! Probably the most creative of anything I’ve seen.
Job Well Done!
This is really cool, hope to keep updated!
EZ-Robot Combot Video with english subtitles :-)
have fun!
smarty pro is a good name for you.stunning.
A-MAZING! eek Thanks for the video (and for including the subtitles)! Incredible how emotive Combot is!
Very Awesome! Combot's expressions are so life like. Thanks for sharing @Smarty
Supercool, da steckt ne Menge Arbeit drin! Was nutzt Du denn für seine künstliche Intelligenz? Verschiedenes denke ich! Die Camera Funktion ist auch der Hammer!
Echt unglaublich gut!
Your robot Combot is very unique, I like how you have taken a top of the line computer, and created a great combination robot using many functions of EZ Robot. Thanks for sharing.
I love this robot! Amazing job tying so many features together. All the small details make a huge impact. Great work and thanks for sharing!
His eyes and voice totally make the personality! Where can I get one of these for my desk?!
Super cool robot and video! He has so much personality!