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Louis T

Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2012-03-06 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-03-06 - created first new question
  • 2012-05-20 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2013-12-17 - posted a robot project showcase

Latest submissions

Alternative Mp3 Trigger Sound Modules

Alternative Mp3 Trigger Sound Modules

I started testing some alternative MP3 Sound Modules, my goal to get similar functions but at 50% less than the cost of MP3 Trigger ($50 + s/h)....

How Do I Use Sound From Wall-E U-Command?

This question is for DJ and those who has done this. So im working on modding my Wall-E U command to incorporate EZ-B into, i read DJ Wall-E mod details and he has extracted the sound eeprom from the original board and it looks like he cut the board in half and soldered 3 servo wires in, the question is how do you do this? how do you make it talk...

Ez Robot Wireless Camera

Can multiple cameras work at once independently controlled from different PC?
Cheap Wall-E U-Command For Ez-Robot Hacks

Cheap Wall-E U-Command For Ez-Robot Hacks

Hey guys, Havent been around for quite a while due to work and other side of life. I have two Wall-Es U-Command thought they could be used...
Cheap R2d2 Robots For Ez-Robot Hacks

Cheap R2d2 Robots For Ez-Robot Hacks

Hey guys. I have here four R2D2 Interactive Robots that are defective one way or another, I dont know the exact issues so im just going to state...
Look What I Just Score!

Look What I Just Score!

Yesterday i went Xmas shopping for some toys for my nieces and newphew and I spot this truck, i was very happy and immediately grabbed it for EZ-Robot hack of course. This...
Need A Small Part From Wall-E U Command, Anyone Can Help?

Need A Small Part From Wall-E U Command, Anyone Can Help?

I need this part from Wall-E u command, this is the part of the arm mechanism inside, i hacked one up the...
About Embedded Mini-Itx Computer Inside Robots

About Embedded Mini-Itx Computer Inside Robots

I was thinking about embedding a computer inside the robot, my concerns are: how do you operate it without a screen? for example...

Auto Release Dont Work On All Servo

I have two mini digital servos and I cant get them to release from their holding position, they are lock in at all time, perhaps some incompatibility issue with EZ-B and ARC. I would really like to use what i have as im trying to move on with my Wall-E build, i used these for the hands up and down movements but I dont want them to be buzzing all...

How Do I Make A Servo Move Up And Down In A Continous Motion??

I want to make Wall-E head move up and down but in a continuous motion using script, is this possible? that is the servo is not jumping from specified servo position to another and skipping all the in between positions, sort of like how you would slide the servo control slider up and down. Is this even possible using script? I want to create some...

Suggestion: Add Text Search Box In Script Help Window

I want to suggest adding a text search box at the top right of the Script Help window or add support for Control + F for text search. This will make it a lot easier to find the function youre looking for by entering a search term and press enter, much better than scrolling thru the list if you already know what you want and just need the command...

Wireless Camera Focus Distance

For those of you using the wireless camera that came with the EZ-B kit, whats the typical focus range are you using? im guessing about 8-10 inch for color/face tracking, but anything else further gets blurry. It sure would be nice if it has auto focus.

Omibot 2000 On Ebay! For anyone looking for one!
How Can I Use Sharp Ir For Cliff Detection?

How Can I Use Sharp Ir For Cliff Detection?

I got two of these i want to use on Wall-E and have him run without falling off the table. Asked robotmaker, he said i need a specific...
Baud Rate 4800 Invalid, Is It Possible To Enable It?

Baud Rate 4800 Invalid, Is It Possible To Enable It?

This question is for DJ, I needed to use the sendserial command that required a 4800 Baud rate but when i use...
Autonomous Taxi Needs Ez-B :)

Autonomous Taxi Needs Ez-B

This looks like a good candidate for EZ-Robot

How Do You Center A Servo In ARC?

In R/C hobby, when i plug any servo into any channel on a receiver, it is automatically centered, does EZ-B do that? if not how do you do that in ARC beside finding your servo min and max travel and set slider to center? How do you make it auto center?
Need Suggestion On Using Ez-B Kit

Need Suggestion On Using Ez-B Kit

Hey guys, Im very excited waiting for my kit to arrive however after reading and watching the tutorial videos im still confused on how to get started....
Hello All!

Hello All!

My name is Louis, i just bought my very own EZ-Robot kit and im very excited to get it. Since i was little i have always dreamed of having the Johnny 5 robot featuring in an old film (whats the name...
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