Louis T
— Edited
This question is for DJ and those who has done this.
So im working on modding my Wall-E U command to incorporate EZ-B into, i read DJ Wall-E mod details and he has extracted the sound eeprom from the original board and it looks like he cut the board in half and soldered 3 servo wires in, the question is how do you do this? how do you make it talk from EZ-B?
I understand DJ's original mod was a smaller Wall-E and the later one was a U Command, DJ did you use the same method for sound (half-cut board) or using the MP3 trigger board? and where do you get the Wall-E MP3 audio?
Thanks, Louis
i didn't extract the sound eeprom. i connected a digital port from the ez-b to "push the button" on the sound board. so it played the sounds from the original board. simply connect a digital signal port to one side of the button that connects to the board
Thanks DJ. I had the impression that you extracted the eeprom from this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdV3zfvbF5Q but i didn't know in the later video you did the same or not. I'm going to try that but how do you make it play different sound with the voice command and how it make a sound when you take the ball away like in your other Wall-E video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJiMUzJHYFk
There are example files and tutorials in ARC and on the website
DJ, I'm aware of the examples in ARC. Sorry if I wasn't clear on my question. What i want to do is utilize the stock board for Wall-E sound, but I want the sound to come out of Wall-E speaker, not the computer's speaker, and be controlled by ARC by voice command or scripts. Is this possible? How did you do it with your Wall-E?
So i take it isn't possible for what I wanted to do without using the MP3 Trigger? Anyone?
either mp3 trigger or remote speaker
So if i will use MP3 trigger, where can i get Wall-e's sounds?
Record clips from videos, record the wall-e board noises.