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Baud Rate 4800 Invalid, Is It Possible To Enable It?

This question is for DJ, I needed to use the sendserial command that required a 4800 Baud rate but when i use sendserial(d0, 4800, xxx), it said not a valid baud rate, is it possible to include 4800 in the next release? I believe 9600 is lowest possible. Thanks


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4800! That's slow:) what is it for? Is it not adjustable? I can add it to the list, but it won't be for a while. It can be on our next scheduled firmware update - which isn't for a while.


It's for a sound module im testing, not adjustable but it'll be a cheap alternative solution to MP3 Trigger if it works, it supports 199 mp3 in serial mode, volume control, 8 manual output, use simple serial command. How is it going to affect the operation with 4800? Thanks for adding it on the next release, i don't mind waiting.


That's an awesome mp3 module:) What model is it? I'd like to see!


They have many great components that could be used for robotics at very good price!

There is another MP3 module im testing and is working very well with EZ-B:

However both modules needs an audio amplifier and the 2nd one is limited to 40 mp3 but for the price you can't beat for small to large robot projects that don't need a lot of sound files.

I have already got it working well with my Wall-E project, there is just one problem because the volume reset once power is disconnected so i found a way around that by using a init script at connection to change to max volume and a start up sound. All costs less than half price of MP3 trigger:).

Here is a rough wired pic. I will post more details soon but still i would like to be able to use the 199 mp3 module, nice thing is both module output stereo sound and you are not limited to small speakers, just use bigger amp for bigger speakers and blue color matching EZ-B board:)

User-inserted image


Thanks dude. If you are good with programming, feel free to create a module using the SDK and we can add it into ARC. Or you can alternatively use the C#/VB Script Control in ARC to create your own controls.

In the meantime, we'll have to wait a bit for a new firmware release to support 4800


No problem DJ, it's the least I can do, i have absolutely no programming skill so will have to wait for the next release. Thanks:)