Country: USA
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CEO/Founder Bertone Industries, LLC; Ikon Customs
- 2013-07-23 - joined Synthiam
- 2013-08-12 - created first new question
- 2013-08-21 - joined your first forum discussion
- 2014-05-10 - answered a forum question
- 2014-05-23 - posted a robot project showcase
- 2015-02-07 - connected ARC to the cloud
- 2015-02-12 - created a custom avatar
- 2015-02-12 - shared your first photo in the forum
- 2015-02-27 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
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Charging Dock Ideas
Repost : @Everyone I am designing a charging dock for my bot, and a lot of what @Rich said, Im already doing in the background...Im already in touch with a few great programmers...question
Hard, Protective Coating For 3D Prints
stumbled upon this from my silicone supplier...might be of interest to the 3D priniting crowd... XTC-3Dquestion
High Torque Servos
Has anybody here tried these out? Im experimenting with different configs and different gear motors that i can use as this a good option? High Power High Torque Robot...question
Triggering 12V Relays From Digital Ports
Hey guys, whats the best and safest way to trigger 12V Relays from the Digital pins? Thanks. I tried a Tip120 Circuit with a 1K resistor,...question
Perfect Platform For Big Robots
Found this when I was at Toys R Us with my daughter... Fake Segway for kids. 12V. Only $200. Darewayquestion
Arduino Motor Sheild?
Hello all Can I properly hook up an Arduino Motor Sheild to EZ-B, to run 2 DC motors. If so, can I get some sort of diagram/schematic? I need to be able to control the speed and...No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Doombots Dirgebot V1
Hello all Its been a while since I posted, been busy catching up on back orders for IKON so that took up most of my time. I finished Doombots skeleton/frame and I took him apart to...robot
Doombots Archetype Finally Complete
Well its never really complete right? Heres my first (whew!) fully working droid, Archetype. As you can see its somewhat EZbit friendly so room for...robot
Doombots Droid In Progress
Im not talking about the iPhone clone (haha) Heres R0-F6, my love letter to the SW universe. R0 is the dome style, using an R7 body scheme, and custom details designed...robot
Doombots Doombot V1.0
Hello all, Been here for a while now and I thought Id share my project with you, DoomBot V1.0. Hes a big one, a little under 5 feet tall. Im still working on the platform, havent...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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