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V3 Still Supported?

I've been away for a while, I updated ARC, and Firmware to 16.6...all a sudden the servos stopped working. The board image is also showing the v4 now...did I miss something? stress


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United Kingdom

The V3 is still supported.

There is a firmware update to the V3 available which is required if you update ARC though.

EZ-Robots have said they will continue supporting the V3 for as long as possible. There will be a time when it needs to be left behind but that time hasnt come yet.


I hope they will always support all versions! It would be a big mistake not to! I think about buying several V4 this year to supplement work with my V3's.

I would not want to have to swap out controllers every year.

I hope we have some definite answer on this.

I am on a project that does support Adriano now and now is the time for me to make a turn to something else if cannot be sure we will get support.


What? You're threatening to move to arduino (a seriously inferior micro) a completely different platform just because support for the ezb3 will eventually end? That absolutely makes zero sense whatsoever ... With that thought process maybe I should go back to a horse and buggy because my old car will eventually be out-dated? Technology moves on... that's why we don't have black and white TVs anymore.... confused Microsoft discontinued support for XP, it has to happen or else you're stuck with same old, same old... New features may mean new technology required.... You really should try a V4 first before you make your platform leap.... The V4 blows away the V3 in every way and leaves arduino but a tiny speck in the rear view mirror... Why would you need to swap out controllers every year?.... The V3 has been around already for more than a few years now. And I seriously doubt EZ Robot has plans to roll out V5 any time soon...

United Kingdom

User support for the v3 will always remain. Updates to ARC will eventually stop being able to support the V3 as V4 features improve. At which point the latest V3 compatible software will be saved by many community members and more than likely EZ-Robots.

The V3 will never become obsolete or require swapping out with the latest hardware provided you don't want to take advantage of new controls that the V4 will bring (i.e. 2 way serial communication, greater resolution for servo positions etc.)

It would be short sighted to swap from EZ-B to Arduino based on the fact that support (i.e. updates and new features) will eventually stop for the V3. If your V3 does what it needs to do now then that wont be changing.


No threats here. But this is a complex robot that want to use V3 in learning to use with .NET.

I am actively trying by posting on line in many different places more users with EZ...

But I get concerned when I see support ramping down on any product line when new products come out.

I do not want have to a lot of programing changes later.

Calm down... someone needs to ask these questions... it took a long time for these guys to get V4 out the door.

Does that mean it stopped production completely on V3?

United Kingdom

Yes, the V3 is now discontinued.

You wont need to reprogram. ARC updates rarely require rewrites of projects and when they do there is warning given. Similar warning was given when Windows XP/Vista support was dropped and I am sure the same warning will be given in the future.

That said, many of us keep older copies of ARC. When support for something stops (i.e. Windows XP) these are offered unofficially for those who need them. The same will apply when the V3 is eventually dropped. Provided I am a member of the community there will always be backups of older versions available.


Production of the V3 stopped a year ago about the same time when Revolution was announced... Arduino will evolve too... Just as likely you will have to upgrade your arduino boards at some point in the future... No platform will stay stagnant if they want to remain in business, that is... Ask yourself this... although highly unlikely, what if windows drops support for Bluetooth? With WiFi being far superior this eventually may push out Bluetooth as the main way to communicate with devices... Probably not, but you never know?


By the way, if your project uses vision/camera then trust me you want the V4... DJs new camera is absolutely brilliant... that alone is worth the upgrade... especially when you consider DJ is sill working on bringing object recognition to us ...:)


Hello all @Rich, @Richard R I am aware of what all you guys are saying, I did the firmware update first, and that's when it stopped working. Its connecting, but the servos stopped working. My firmware is at 16.6....this is the latest right?

I'm quite sure the firmware update was all the way to recycling the board's power. The board works, and connects (faster btw) Any theories?


We have no immediate plans to stop supporting the v3 in ARC or EZ-SDK. Many of the new features of ARC are unable to run on the v3 due to processor and hardware limitations. However, the v3 will always remain compatible in the software.

In fact, we have released a few firmware updates for the v3 recently.

Yes, the v3 has been discontinued for production in April 2013 (over one year ago). We spent the last year developing the v4 and decided to not sell the v3 during the development time of the v4. This is because we did not want people to buy a v3 and be disappointed when the v4 came out. We gave our community the opportunity to purchase and wait for the v4 - which, as you can see was a wait worth while!:)

As for your servos not working, I recommend checking the fuse. If it has been a while since you last used the EZ-B v3, maybe there was an accidental short in the wiring of DOOOOOOOOOOM BOT. Can you use a volt meter to verify there is power between the GND and +5 Digital Pins of the EZ-B v3?