Doombot V1.0



Hello all, Been here for a while now and I thought I'd share my project with you, DoomBot V1.0. He's a big one, a little under 5 feet tall. I'm still working on the platform, haven't really decided just yet, but I did get 2 wheelchair motors. Nothing is wired up yet, I'm still planning on adding a bunch of stuff on it so we'll see. The arms are all dc window motors and a pneumatic cylinder. Comments appreciated!

Influences are T-600-800, Predator, Alien (I live for H.R Giger). I'm sculpting all the panels once all the hardware is crammed in. This is gonna have a real sick exoskeleton, both for looks and strength. See my website to get an idea.:D

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Harnessing the power of ARC Pro, your robot can be more than just a simple automated machine.


Wow!... A little scary for my taste but all the better for Halloween!

Well, one idea I have to make ribs around the electronics. You can leave them open but protected by the ribs.


Yeah I was thinking that, using parts from my guitars...since I already have the molds. The legs on Arachnoid1 would make for a good ribcage.


@Doombot ....looking goooood! I can see a lot of work in these really good images. Good close ups as lets see a few vids please!


Thanks irobot58! Thanks to EZ-Robot my quest for world domination is now possible!

I'm about halfway with the face...may change especially when the back of the head gets its shell. Then I'll work on animating the head. I like that it not only goes up and down, left and right but it also has tilting capabilities, to make some intimidating looks haha. This Bot is meant to intimidate, and definitely a Decepticon haha.


OMG! How cool is that!?! He surely does intimidate - you really stuck with your influences well. I really didn't expect to see the real terminator when I clicked on this thread. Well done sir, well well well done!

People joke a lot about EZ-Robot being the start to SkyNet... I think you just proved their point:P eak


Thanks DJ! Yeah I'm somewhat pleased how its coming out so far. its gonna have a lot of stuff so im probably gonna need 2 more V3s.

cant wait to add the elongated back head, and the squirt gun tongue! haha:D


Doombot , your a true artiest! Or should I say artisan. Please don't skimp on pictures and descriptions on how your building. Vids are always welcomed!

I'm really interested on how your arms are going to be controlled. How are you going to provide position feedback to ARC? What type of motor controller are you using?

You gotta get one of those models from you web site to pose with your bot! If you do please post the pics!;)

United Kingdom

Seriously blown away! Great work. I'll be keeping a very close eye on this one, just awesome:)

Can't wait to see this one up and running.


@MovieMaker, @Rich Thank you gentlemen! Keep in mind this is just the skeleton...shells are gonna be made. I'll try to document as much as I can. The bottom half is being worked on, but not pretty enough for photos just yet. The same tilting system that the neck has, only using bigger 12V linear actuators.

@dschulpius I'm gonna be using relays to trigger the motors...using photo switching so nothing is physically touching the EZ-b. I have a DC/DC converter thatll put out +5Vdc, +12Vdc, and -12Vdc to control speed and direction. These are worm geared motors so there pretty slow, but I'm going for that "effect" anyway. I want to create a monster! haha. I'll be using potentiometers to measure feedback.

I'm also gonna employ a UPS system to where I have an A and B battery pack, that switches when the A is being used, the B is being charged, and vice versa...more on the details when we get there.


@doombot- awesome looking bot.i wanted to sub to this post so, i have to ask, do you have the geiger ibanez?


Thanks Antron007 !

No I did not get the Giger Ibanez...any version. Simply because mine are better. I hate Ibanez. Overrated overpriced crap.


Doombot You've got a Great design going, I certainly will be glued to this thread for your progress and contribution towards the "big bots" !


@Robot-Doc Thanks man! Yes I am pretty excited how this is gonna turn out its my first bot!


Doombot , I know that you said that was parts from old guitars, how did you build that? Are you using air pistons or linear actuators? So cool. Looking forward to more. Steve S


@Doombot- So last off topic question, what are you playing these days?


@Steve S

Most of these parts are scratch built, but I didn't say I used old guitar parts, I said ill use parts from MY guitars, I build and manufacture them, so they're not "used". My guitars are biomechanical abominations haha

I am gonna use mini pneumatic cylinders (air) for the arms, controlled by a solenoid, speed is controlled by the air valve. I'm gonna use potentiometers to measure feedback.

The linear actuators (12vdc) are gonna be used on the lower body. I'm gonna use relays to control that.


Nice Work;) Dig the XO Skeleton quite a bit. Thanks.


That is so Awesome! Finally someone has built a Terminator, the ultimate end all machine of mankind. Would love to see a production run of those. Just think, Cylons, Terminators. a small army of them, send them over to Afgan... So cool!


@RoboHappy Thanks man! I appreciate that. I have finished most of the torso section and the bottom half I may post more pictures tonight. The right arm is coming up too, identical to the left only with a different hand.


Doombot V1.0 Stands upright via linear actuators (in the back) at 5'1".

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Here's a closer look at the arm of doom, and the "other" hand. That's a squirtgun mechanism inside.

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More to come! The bottom half is gonna be covered in aluminum plates. No wheels are gonna show. Also I still have the torso motor mount, I just mocked this up to see where I'm at so far...I guess that may add another 2" to the height. I might have to trim somewhere, if the proportions are not right (in my eyes).

Thanks all for the wonderful comments. This is way too much fun for me. With the exception of the motors and electronics, most of the stuff I used to build is just stuff around my garage...


The more I look at it its starting to remind me of the Sith...Its got like a General Grievous feel to it haha. Maybe a cloak and a lightsaber? I can call it Darth Doomicus haha


Rear view of the head mechanism

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I'm scared! eek next time he plays the guitar! wow! creative work - Í wanna see a video


I def like the nick name Dark Doomicus! @Doombot what is your vision for the Doombot droid? Entertainer? Telecompanion? or hired out as an attention getter for shows(Guitar Cons) Enquiring minds:)


Wow, this is turning out to be a engineering marvel. Where are you getting all your parts? I see some that can be bought but it looks like your making a lot of them yourself. I love the way your using acrylic for mounting plates and pivot points. What type acrylic plastic are you using? They are making polymers now that are almost as strong as some metals. I like using acetal and Polycarbonate LEXAN.


@irobot58 I'm not sure what I want for Darth Doomicus now, definitely want to bring him to conventions...but no funny dancing stuff for this guy! Like I said it's for intimidation! I may bring it to Monsterpalooza in California this year!

@dschulpius Thanks! Not quite the engineering marvel like you said...pretty standard stuff. Look around Home Depot and Lowe's you'll find a lot of what I use. Also frequent dollar stores and the like...I love using Lexan and Delrin. But I also use a lot of wood like Poplar and Oak. And of course fiberglass. I can go crazy and start using carbon fiber and Kevlar but that's when I'm more confident about my robot-building skills, as I'm still learning as I go. I didn't start with any drawings or schematics, I just started building.


Sorry for the side track... but since we're on the topic of lexan/polycarbonate. ... what's the best way to cut non square shapes. .. ie round or curved Shapes?


I use a bandsaw and clean it off with an oscillating sander...If you don't have shop tools like these a simple jigsaw would suffice...then smoothen the cuts with sandpaper and files.


Excellent work ! You're a real pro ! Looking forward for videos and progress.


Its been hectic so I'm working quite slow right now. But I've been test fitting panels for Doombot, so I have some progress here. I've also completed the drivetrain - I will post photos later on when I get back to my shop.

For the templates I'm working with galvanized sheet metal, aluminum, cardboard, foamboard and aluminum foil. When I get my desired shapes/curves/lines, and the panels fits together, I will create master molds out of the originals and reproduce them in carbon fiber/kevlar.

I have started sculpting the face plate, truly menacing. I will post photos of that too.

Any critiques, comments, suggestions are always welcome :D

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Goodmorning Doombot :-} This is really an awesome build and it keeps getting better :-} Like I said before I do believe you are building the first in the line of many TERMINATERS. So how much would you say he weighs right now?


Then all we need is Rich to start working on Sky Net....:P


Hey bro:)

I know it looks like its 2 tons, but its actually not that heavy, its just the base that weighs a lot. I cant give you and exact number right now, till I properly weigh it.

If youre wondering the pan/tilt contraption on the left shoulder is where the laser sight/predator inspired BB cannon is gonna sit. I'm gonna have it move the same as the camera recognition so it moves as the head moves. I cant wait to finish this now man, so I can scare the pesky neighborhood kids always peeking into my shop when I work. hah :D


@Doombot Yeah I know what you mean about people peeking in and watching, these days you don't want people to know what you have or knowing what you are working on. My heavier equipment is my garage and well most of my building goes on inside the house in a spare bedroom I made into a work area. Yes your robot does look heavy, but then it all depends on the materials you are using, nothing wrong with light/heavy artillery, being quick and on target is what counts and well scary and mean looking doesn't hurt either :-}


@stonewolf Ah dude I'm not one of those elitist types that hog knowledge...I'm always willing to teach what I know and I'm not afraid to admit I don't know something...I'm always "learning" so I never claim to be the "best" or an "expert" at anything because that's the downfall...and that's when you start sucking.

I only keep people out because of the nature of what I create. My paintings, sculptures, etc. At my late 30's, I'm finally confident enough to say " I'm done explaining myself".

I want to keep the Doom light, but hella strong. This is why I'm using carbon fiber, and Kevlar. Even now, you can hit this thing and it wont budge. Most "hobby" robots are fragile.

The problem with me, is I don't think this is "scary" or "mean" looking hahaha. But that's just me:D


I think he is coming along great I love watching this build. You are quite an artist. I can't wait to see how he looks with his skin the new face.


Marc is more than an artist... by the look and craft of his build he is a serious engineer as well...


@Richard R Yeah bro I'm an awesome engineer I used a PowerAde bottle for an arm bone cover! hahaha

@Dave Schulpius Too kind brotha. Yeah I'm liking how the "skin" is coming about, although now I'm having reservations of making this thing "organic" looking. I may leave it robotic looking, so I guess I'd rather call it "shells" now. I will post pics of my sculpting so I can show my process step by step, to those interested. I'm saving the silicone skin idea for a future humanoid build - that hopefully @Rich would collaborate on...

I am however sticking to my original idea to where the shells can be removed, and worn, and control the robot that way. The potentiometers are going to be contained in the outer joints. The only drawback is the Doom would be naked hahaha

@MovieMaker Thank you as always!


This is the drivetrain...the robot comes apart in 3 sections, the top body, the torso, then the drivetrain. Here you can see the "A" batteries, 4 18VDC drill batteries, DC/DC converter that puts out +5VDC, +12VDC and -12VDC. The motors are controlled via the 2 300 A motor controllers. I'm gonna have a "B" battery that will go on another section of the robot, and I have a DC UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) That will switch from "A" battery to "B" battery when the voltage is low (about 5%), it would also throw a digital signal which can be used as an alarm or some kind of alert that the batteries are low. I'm still figuring out a system that will charge the battery pack not being used while the other is working...

Any ideas you guys wanna throw around I'd appreciate.

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@Richard R

Here's some photos of how I did the sensor on Doom's claw. As you can see I placed it on the bottom.

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@Doombot - Soooo awesome! I think the next step is for you to post a video of you and your scary creation to play guitar together. Or just a pic of your guitar! It's probably as bad-ass as your robot. :D


@aislinn Thank you! This guy thinks my guitars are cool...

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Haha @Dave Schulpius I ain't no groupie! Guitar enthusiast that's all.:) @Doombot- I was correct. Your guitar is bad ass.


@Dave Schulpius

Haha I have plenty - of haters. You should see some of the crap I get...purists telling me I'm ruining their beloved instrument hahaha. GOOD!

@aislinn Check out my site to see more "badassery" hehe-

If you didn't recognize my buddy up there, he used sing in some garage band called "Pantera"

United Kingdom

@Doombot you have a groupie, but it's me:) Love your guitars! If I didn't already have so many (despite not being able to play that well) I'd have got one - I've been tempted many times! I think it would look good amongst this collection (missing Les Paul which is away being made to look prettier)

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Anyway, back on topic I guess lol.


@Rich Sorry bud, I don't "play" that way...hahaha You know what, I've been getting a lot of emails and orders from the UK recently. Hmmmm Anyway thanks man, wondered why you haven't commented on my build more, I value your input! I had the pleasure to build one for one of my all time favorite bands, Paradise Lost. Heard of them?

Is that a Cort axe bass? I've worked with their marketing guy for a while...almost went to a more "commercial" route but I've decided its not for me...

You can knock off topic anytime bro, its my thread! hah

United Kingdom

I wish I had time lately to comment on many threads but I've just had so much on, this is the first time I've really sat down for weeks, and this break is only going to last another 5 minutes before I need to go do something else.

Yes that's a Cort GS Axe Bass, 4 years old, bought on a whim and cost more in shipping and duty than what I paid the place I ordered it from. Never played it, it's horribly mis-balanced. Bought it to go in my Kiss collection (proud Kiss Army member for over 2 decades now). Now if only I could find an Apocalypse with cracked mirror finish...

I'll have a good read of your build when I get chance though dude. It's one of my favourites but I never get chance to check progress. It's a long weekend this weekend, I may get chance:)


@Rich Cool bro. I got more updates tonight.


@Doombot, Your build is very detailed and ambitious. Looking forward to your updates! Using mini pneumatic cylinders on the arms and linear actuators on the lower body is very interesting. Dying to see any video, even if it is a narration. It would show different views of your skilled work. Thank you, Steve S


@Steve S Thank you for being interested.

When I upload videos, its gonna have some function involved, for sure. I have been doing a lot of testing, but its just that, testing. I'd rather have the Doom's construction finished first. If anything I may post some how-to's. And I'm very open about that, if I know something I'd teach to my best ability to whoever was interested.

I really like your bot, I might build something similar on the side, with a different head, and a homemade platform, since I think the Roomba-less Roomba is too expensive for what it really is. But I dig how clean your arms are made.:)

United Kingdom

Just found time to have a quick browse through. I have to say I am loving the build.

On the question of the skin you may apply to it, personally I think it would look more awesome without. Just the metallic skeleton structure looks amazing! It's kind of like Johnny 5 meets Terminator:)

Can't wait to see it moving around and showing off what it can do.


Thanks @Rich! Been tied up boxing up orders myself I wish I could finish the Doom sooner. It still may change, since its starting to look different now its bulking up, gotta get my proportions straight.

As far as skinning, I already abandoned the idea, I'm saving that for another, more human like build. I am still making metal and carbon fiber shells though - that will house the potentiometers for feedback.

I was gonna ask if you wanted to collaborate on that ( a more human like android, or gynoid). Just need ideas and scripting really, I'll do most of the mechanical and design work. Got the idea from @stonewolf, he reminded me of Blade Runner, I think we should make those NOW. :D


Hahaha , you inspired Steven hawking that robots AI poses a threat to humanity, i can't see why. I would give the terminator a hug lol.


The Terminator is the coolest design ever.An army of those would be awesome. Wouldnt mind seein the human race take over by them.


Doombot :) Well just seeing what is being built and created on here, I seriously do believe that humanoids are just around the corner in time. It's a little scarey, but on the other hand it is cool to think that maybe we are being a big part of history on here, creating artificial life. I just started building my robot for a hobby and I have always been interested and curious about building a robot of my own and it looks like things could go beyond that. So many different ideas, different builds and ways of doing things, this is a very fine place to be and learn from others.


Arm starting to shape up. Added the solenoids for the pneumatic cylinders. Next up shells.

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Thanks all for the very kind comments! I've busy redesigning the whole bottom part of doom...also done testing out the cylinders, they're pretty powerful! That means I can add more cool ideas on the bottom arm/claw area since I have a ton more freedom doing so because I don't have to be too concerned with "weight". I wanted to do more "animatronic" weaponry...:P


Doombot :) All I can say is AWESOME man, that truly is a work of art in the making robotic wise. That really looks like a powerful beast in the making. Very good work, curious to see how far you take this project? I'll be back, the famous last words :-}


I think you should set it up to play (maybe simulate playing, anyway) one of your guitars dude... make your own compressorhead bot...;)


Thanks again @stonewolf

@Richard R I thought of doing don't think its a little cliché? hahaha. I may do a bot in the future where it's just a torso with a specially designed fingering system and a special fretboard to accommodate it...maybe we can make some lightning-fast black metal?! haha. Its something I can jam with that'll play along with me or even teach licks...or can even tune guitars for me...kinda like an interactive tablature or even an instructor...

Anyway this is where I'm at with Doomy I'm drawing out the "formers". It's like an armature for the basic shape of the outer shells. I will then sculpt panels out of Proclay (Monster Clay). It's a professional grade of oil based clay that a lot of F/X guys use...invented by a friend of a friend of mine. I shall then make silicone molds of the sculpt and cast fiberglass shells out of that.

My highly professional CAD drawing that took me 200+ hours to draw:

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Ok I'm forming the basic shape on the bottom of the body, I'm coming close to something I can live with (my design work seems like it never ends, I've come to accept I'm never content).

Here's what I've got so far, The basic skeleton, pretty soon panels/coverings are next. Stay tuned.:P

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Look Ma no hands

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South Africa

A very professional build



Thank you sir. Much appreciated.


Freaking awesome! You've got some talent. He looks huge! Is he really the size of that fridge there?


@chrissi Thanks! Yep he's varying in height right now, but I'm quite sure it's gonna stay this way, he's about 5' 6" right now.

South Africa

@Doombot on doombots hand there is a pipe leading down what is that for I saw another robot that also had a pipe and they said that they put a liquid inside and it will cools the robot



I'm not sure what pipe you mean That's just tubing to organize and protect all the wires.

South Africa

That's what I meant the tubing



Yeah I think I've seen what you're talking about...they were using a liquid cooling system not unlike what they use in cars, to cool the motors. Great idea.

For those interested, this is how I'm gonna measure feedback on the pneumatic cylinder:

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I'm sculpting outer shells for the arms, and I'm installing the potentiometers on the joints. I can then use the GetADC() command to read the value and use it in a script.

I'm using relays to control the cylinder, powered by CO2 canisters, the same ones used for paintball guns.


Not sure how I missed your Doombot? Very cool work. I hope you get the chance to upload more pics.


Here here! What's the latest on Doombot? The most badass bot I've seen.


Have not seen any updates with Doombot in long time ? Would love to see how it is progressing.