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Hello all Can I properly hook up an Arduino Motor Sheild to EZ-B, to run 2 DC motors. If so, can I get some sort of diagram/schematic? I need to be able to control the speed and direction if both motors individually. Sorry, noob question.
Why not use a H-Bridge?
I already have the Motor Sheild. I bought a bunch of Arduino stuff for some F/X Animatronic projects, then I stumbled into EZ Robot. Does this mean I need to buy another motor controller?
Did any documentation come with the shield ? It should be able to interface with the EZ-B, it will require knowledge of what battery power connections are available to drive dual electric motors at a certain voltage and operational amperage as well as what connections are on the shield for PWM input control.
The datasheets which should have either come with the arduino stuff or should be available from where you bought it should have the required schematics with the VCC, Ground, PWM, VM etc. etc. etc on.
If you can link to the datasheets or provide us with details of the shields someone should be able to tell you how to wire it up.
Hello again and thanks for the swift response. I'm at work and I'm on my phone so the best I can do for now is a link to a pic of the motor sheild. Everything is labelled: http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/MotorShield_R3_Front_450px.jpg
Thanks! I'll post a pic of my project when I can.
I think that yes! You can use it, but I not Recommend you to do that , better if you can get an H-Bridge.
@doombot if everything is labeled the answer is yes you can , follow the labeling. The ezb version 3 , the most recent version that was available to purchase was made to accept standard arduino shields. There is a shield compatibility chart I posted a while back too if you search for it or look under my profile of threads posted.
Really? Why don't you recommend? I wanna know
I've seen applications where people use the digital out directly to run motors, just using a transistor and a diode. Can a motor controller be bypassed then using this method?
Additional info like what motors do you plan to use with the shield, operational voltage and amperage numbers that the motors require.
Just regular toy DC motors, not sure what the amps are
Without the dc voltage of the motors nor the power requirements to operate them I can't recommend that you use the Arduino Shield or even an H-bridge.
For a few bucks you can get the 2.5A H-Bridge which is most popular and has very detailed tutorials on usage with the EZ-B. Provided your motors don't draw more than 2.5A combined. You will need to know the current draw of the motors, without it you risk buying the wrong parts and possibly damaging them.
If you are dead set on using the shield you will need to find the schematic. Looking at the image you posted for it, there are connections that probably aren't required.
The connections are described here. Basically put, the EZ-B makes things easy so you just need to connect up the digital pins (3, 8, 9, 11, 12 & 13) to any of the EZ-B's D0-D19 ports, analogue (if you want current monitor) to the analogue ports, your Vin to Vin, Ground to ground and set it all up in ARC according to the digital ports used for the specific function.
Bear in mind that the shield is 2A per channel or 4A max. Make sure your motors don't need to draw more than that.
6vdc each.
@Rich thanks dude, I think I got it. I'll play with it a bit.
After I saw this thread, my inner child kick in and was curious. I had an R/C car laying around along with Arduino and Arduino motor shield collecting dust. So I decided to give it a go. Yes it is possible, wire connection are very similar to the L298N H-bridge.
Be sure to mark it answered
@PJ - post a schematic or photos of what you did! @jstarne - I thought I did? I credited Rich
Custom H--bridge PWM D14 Orange ( arduino pin 11 & 3) D12 ( arduino pin 12) black D13 ( arduino pin 9) red D11 ( arduino pin 11) green D10 (arduino pin 13) blue
It's hard to tell the picture, but the diagram should help.
Thanks PJ! Exactly what I needed... However if I separated PWM 3 and 11 on respective digital pins I should be able to control the speed of the motors right? I see you tied them together...
I would say that you should separate the PWM anyway since this will make the motor move, the dir will determine the direction. So if you only wanted one motor to move you couldn't do that with combined PWM.
The brake may not be required too. It would stop the motor but just shutting off the PWM (setting to 0) would allow it to freewheel which in my opinion would be better if being used for movement.
P.S. It's still showing unresolved this end too, not that it's a problem
Ok Ill try it again...Thanks Rich and PJ!
In ARC, to make the motor move;
PWM control for whichever digital port you connect to PWMa PWM control for whichever digital port you connect to PWMb Set Digital for whichever digital port you connect to DIRa Set Digital for whichever digital port you connect to DIRb
So, if you chose D8 to D11
PWMA to D8 PWMB to D9 DIRA to D10 DIRB to D11
In your custom movement panel, to move both forwards use the code;
For reverse
For stop
For left
For right
Yes Separating them is more effective, kinda just threw a quick visual together for you.