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  • 2015-06-16 - joined Synthiam
  • 2015-06-17 - created a custom avatar
  • 2015-06-20 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-06-20 - created first new question
  • 2015-06-21 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-07-03 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2015-07-12 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2015-07-14 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-10-24 - posted a robot project showcase

Latest submissions

Save Values To A Excel File Or Xml File

Save Values To A Excel File Or Xml File

Hello everybody from the EZB Forum! I am searching for a solution to save values to a Excel or XML file (or different Database). My idea is: A...

Omron B5t - Hvc - Software 2.4.1

Hello David, short question: I got the new Omron Board (V2) and i downloaded the new Software (2.4.1) and i found out, that the Face Reco Database not really work. I copy the databes like you told to the plugin folder and then the my Script Recognize me, but shows for the Name 1,2,3,4,5 I think my face is recognize (because of 5 pictures of me),...

Frequency Detector Update / Db Detector

Hello DJ! I check out you Frequency Detector and its great! It will be the best audio plugin on the world, if i can choose also the line out for the detection and the plugin detect the Dezibel (dB) and move the servo fast with loud sounds and slow with silent sounds. What do you think about it? If yes, my 3 month of trying to do something like that...

Ezb4 Version 2

Hi to all! Long Long time ago i had so much time for EZ-Robots and my Inmoov but then comes a dark time of no Robot work, but now i am back in business! A BIG HELLO TO: DJ - BOB HOUSTON - DAVID COCHRAN - WBS00001 and STEVE G DJ you bring out a Version 2 of the EZB Controller 4 and a Upgrade for the Version 1. I check out the WLAN is better and...
Servo (Stop) / Servo Stop - How To Stop A Servo At A Specific Adc Value

Servo (Stop) / Servo Stop - How To Stop A Servo At A Specific Adc Value

Hello, i have one ( i hope easy) question. i have a pressure sensor. Work fine...

Myo Armband

Hi, a really short question: Can i controll the JD with 2 x MYO Armbands? Or for later can i controll the left arm with one MYO and the right arm with a MYO but his time from a InMoov? Boris

Variables For Speech Reco

Hello, i am asking me one question: Have i the possibilty to set a variable in the Speech Commands? To understand what i mean: I want to ask the Robot: Do you like x ( and now i can say what i want) like: Do you like fishing? Do you like drinking? Do you like flying? and so on. and the robot can give an answer: Yes i like! But the important, is to...

Objectdetect And Facedetect Together

Hello, i have a short question if this is possible: to explain want i want to do, this script i think eplains everything: if ObjectDetect Say (Hallo + $CameraObjectName) endif I want to run the face dectection and the object detection together. If a saved Object is detected the robot will say Hello Object. In the Moment i have it, that the Robot...

Connection Question With More Then 1 Ezb4 Controller

Hello, i have 3 EZB4 Controller. I try to connect all Controller as Clients in my network. If i connect 1x EZB4 everything works. If i connect 2x EZB4 + 22 i get only the web interface from the first one 21. I also find only one the 21 in the EZB Software - not more! The same with 3x EZB4 To my Router: I check this...
Talking Servo / Inmoov Mouth Closed After Sentence

Talking Servo / Inmoov Mouth Closed After Sentence

Hello, i have a problem with my inmoov. I add a talking servo i adjust the servo - everything is fine i have only one...
Inmoov Scrips / Inmoov Doing Math

Inmoov Scrips / Inmoov Doing Math

Hello, Hello bhouston, slowly i am finish my inmoov (Juhu) for some days i got my EZB4 Controllers (2x Juhu) and now i am checking the possibilities with...

Controll Jd With Wii Nunchuck?

Hello everybody, i use the WII for Control my JD, Everything is fine. I have also a Nunchuck... Its possible to controll the JD also with the Nunchuck? Because i cant manage to controll, but maybe its not possible. For really only one time the Buttons Z and C are working, but now never again. I have 2 WII Remote with 2 Nunchucks! So i check both...

Omron B5t Board - Installtion, Connection And Scripts

Hello Guys and friends from the Omron Board, I like to follow your discussion about the Omron Board ( and I think is a good idea to open a new thread about the technical site of the Omron Board. So far, I rode some people got the Board and make some test with it. It will be cool if we can share...

Digital Servo Question

Hello, i got some new digtal servos i plugged on servo to the EZB4 and i got a really silent zrrrr Sound. On the Servo is nothing attached (So no needed power to hold the position - still this sound!) The guy from Hitech said, this digital Brushless Servos really dont make any...

Power Supply For The Ezb4

Hello, i am searching for a power supply for the EZB4 Controller. My needs: I am in October on a Maker Faire in Berlin and i want to present my Inmoov there. For this i am dont want to use batterys for the Controller, because i need power for more then 8 hours - 2 days! This are the Servos i want to plug: For the big Servos i will use this:...
Object And Face Reco Like Dj´S Robothead

Object And Face Reco Like DjS Robothead

Hi, i try to track objects or faces and i want that the head form the JD ist tracking/follow the object. I must say in the Video from DJ it...
Pressure Sensor

Pressure Sensor

Hello, i build the InMoov (like some persons know) ;-) and i have build in some pressure sensor these ones:...

Ultra Sonic Sensor Script

Hello, i need help for a script for the Ultrasonic Sensor. How i can make a script for diffrent commands on diffent distances? My exampel Script :loop $proxclose = 30 $proxsense = GetPing(D21,D22) IF($proxsense $proxclose) SayEZB(You are to near) EndIf $proxclose = 100 $proxsense = GetPing(D21,D22) IF($proxsense $proxclose) SayEZB(Still to near)...
No Answer From The Pc Speaker

No Answer From The Pc Speaker

Hello, today i work a little bit with the EZB Software. I make a new Project and i added 1x Speech Recognition and 1x Speech Settings I made a new Phrase for...

Web Cam

Hello, i have a question: Its possible to connect a diffrent Webcam to the EZB4 Controller? I mean the 640x480 with 20 fps is really weak. For Raspberry i can buy HD Cam for 40 with 720p / 60fps or 1080p / 30fps. Its a little bit diffrent ;- ) Has somebody tested my idea of a diffrent Cam? Boris

Kinect Or Kinect 2.0 With Ezb4 Controller / Inmoov

Hello, i am building the InMoov and i am thinking what for is the stupid Kinect ;-) Has sombody use the Kinect or maybe the Kinect 2.0 to controll over the EZB4 Controller the InMoov? For example the arms and the body, like Gael does with his InMoov with Myrobotlab Software? Big Question.... ;-) I mean the InMoov looks not so cool without the...
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