Here is the first interesting video of my Hansi.
With working Head and Torso ( and of course with Neo Pixel Rings)
By rentaprinta
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Nice work, Boris! Your InMoov is very unique and the movements are well done. Glad it is all coming together for you.
Thanx Bob,
was a hard work until now.
I like hardware work, but i like also software work ;-)
Slowly slowly comes together
Great work Boris and man is that a clean workshop! I love a clean workshop but mine is never like yours!
Very nice job Boris. Very clean build, and how you have it set up with the smooth movements really makes it look great. I like what you have done with the lighting too. Very cool. cool
Wow! Awesome Boris... You put a lot of work into yours..... The jaw is in perfect sync with speech and Bob's adapted neck servo system gives the head an amazing degree of fluid movement...
Boris... I also really like that spring on your inMoov's neck servo... My inmoov's up and down neck movement is very sloppy (loose) and the neck servo buzzes quite a bit... Does/Will that spring help with that? I am also going to add Bob's extra neck servos as well...
Really Cool Boris, that is the best movement and voice control that I have seen with the inMoov.
@fxrtst: thanx for you compliments, but good that you don´t see my workingplace-table, he is always really messy ;-)
And i like you ALAN too! I am also waiting for your Kickstarter Campain, to support ALAN ;-)
@Steve G: thanx also you for helping and support!
@Richard R: I must tell you a secrect. i not use the Bob Neck Upgrade. i was using it before and i had so much trobble because my Inmoov Head is so heavy. Thats why i change the neck back to the old ones. ( The Pistons are deco, because they look so good)
I make a video where i more expain the problems.
But to your question: The Spring works really good. This idea i had with the Bob neck version.
In 1 hour i will have this video, i will tell the secrects.
@Robot Doc: Thanx also to you. Cool that you like the movements. Makes me really happy, thats you find thats the movements and speech are good.
Still i am not really happy with the mouth opening, he can do this better.
And for the Torso, i must say, i slow down the servos. Normaly he can move his torso faster, but this looks then dangerous. Also the Head he can move much faster, but faster=dangerous. ;-)
But in the end, i am also satisfied with the result.
Now the arms begins!
Here are some Pics from the last Maker-Faire in Berlin:
@Robot Doc
here is the video, where i explain the Neck Spring Secrect.
Nice engineering Boris. Your German ingenuity makes me proud of my heritage!
I see you are going to have three EZB's sitting right next to each other. Have you had any problems with radio interference with each other? Others have complained about this issue. I've got two EZB's within 4 inches of each other and I haven't had any problems at all. I wonder if it's a real issue with EZB or something else. The only time I've had problems is when I sent a command ment for one EZB but had it coded to send to the other by mistake. Usually a Sendserial command. Then one will disconnect.
This Inmoov is very good, and the mouth is in perfect sync with speech, I know you had a lot of trouble in the beginning with the talk servo control. I'm struggling with mine, sometimes it works OK, but I can run the same script again and it gets out of Sync on some words?
Also I have problem with servo buzzing, which looks like you have mastered.
The spring on the neck piston is a GREAT idea, and I will definitely look at doing this on mine.
The photo's at the Maker-Faire in Berlin of your Inmoov look fantastic.
Cheers, Chris.
@Boris You're making me jealous! Your Inmoov finish quality is just great. I wonder if someone will in the future teach or share info how to achieve such a good result.
Thanks for sharing the neck design, I had to abandon the 3 neck pistons because of the head weight containing the EZB in it. The spring Idea will certainly solution both the movement and the buzz noise coming from the neck servo.
@Cem Talking about the buzz noise coming from servo trying to hold position. The Inmoov shoulder having 3 servos to control the arm movement is quite a challenge to. The arm twist and arm lift mechanism are capable to hold the position even when the servo is release. (also shoulder lift in most of the case).
NOTE: after a servo release command, the only way to restart it, is to set the speed to 0 or 1.
Here's my solution: 1- At the beginning of an action, do what I call a RESTART.
2- Do the action (adjust the speed you want)
3- At the end of the action then do a Servo Release
(first line is a sleep timer to let the action finish his movement before applying the release command)
Start and Release could be 2 separate script that you call from each frame within an action. Call Restart Script within a pause frame, Call Release Script within the movement frame.
It's working
until now i had no problems with radio interference. But i must say until now the EZB No.1 and No.3 only send serial signals to 2 Ardunio Uno for the NeoPixel Rings.
In the Future the No.1 will drive the left arm and the No.3 the right arm. I will see what happens.
Connection is always stable!
PS: You come (or your familiy) from where in Germany? I am born (West) - "Berliner" long long ago ;-)
@cem thanx that you like the speech control. But i must say there are also some problems. If he will read a "rss"-feed he stops before the hole feed is finish. If he tells the time also the mouth close before finish. The same with date!
I use the "Say" command there it works ok. If i use the "SayWait" Command sometimes also the mouth stops before the telling is finish.
Still there is missing some tuning for the talking servo.
@Aerius i made a turorial for the work to get so smooth 3d Printouts.
If you are interested: here is a link:!searchin/inmoov/pla/inmoov/a6z8a43DRmA/09L5B8eDtvoJ
and thanks for your "Anti-Buzzing-Script" i will check out!
Another idea for the springs:
I will try to use some springs also for the "Forarm" to get up a little bit and in the Shoulder, when the arm is moving up and down (the same like in the Front Neck Piston)
When i finish this, i will make photos.
endlich mal ein deutscher Bastler hier :-) Das freut mich sehr!
Super Arbeit!
Gruß Marty Robo Toys
Hallo Smarty
Hab dir gerade bei Youtube gepostet.
Jau danke für das Kompliment.
Hab auch schon dein Shop gefunden ;-)
in meinem Profil steht auch meine Email.
Dann müssen wir nicht das Forum mit privat Gesprächen vollstopfen.
Where did you get the spring for the neck from? I'm based in the UK, and have tried loads of places, including Ebay, but can't find one the correct size, regarding inner diameter and length.
Cheers, Chris.
Hello Cem,
i use two diffrent springs together to get a better result.
I bought this springs from here:
I see its a german site, but you can choose also english and i think they also send to UK.
Have a look there, they have a good sortiment of springs!
But it takes some days for sending ;-) My last oder took 1 1/2 Weeks inside Germany.
Thanks Boris, I'll have a look at the Federnshop website.
Cheers, Chris.
Hello Boris,
Simply a great inmoov project, particularly the facial area. So I need to ask what 3d printer do you use?
Thank you,
Keep up the good work!
Hello Walt,
i use the Ultimaker 2, but the finish Product not comes directly out of the printer. A lot of handwork is needed to get such kind of print results.
I made a Tutorial where you can see, what work is it.!searchin/inmoov/pla/inmoov/a6z8a43DRmA/09L5B8eDtvoJ
awesome robot! its really impressive how you did the mouthwork. keep building!??
Hello dederdegamertag!
Thanx for the compliment!
Yes i am still at work!
For the mouthwork, i try in the moment a new idea, to source out the Talking servo App to a Board Soulution.
The idea to send the Audio Signal to the
and the Spectrum Shield send a signal to arduino who send a signal to a servo.
So then if everything work, the mouth move to every sound what come out of my loudspeaker.
Until today the talking servo make some problem. For example on a saying date, the talking servo stop to fast. The date is still saying, but the mouth is not moving anymore. And some other timing problem.
I will see if my idea will work.
If i have news i make a video update.
That's great! Very impressive the way you improvised and got all the controllers working together, I'm tempted to start an ez robot/inmoov project...but I think I should stick with stock EZ parts for now, too many hobbies! On a side note I lived in West Berlin for a year in 1980-1981..had a great time their as kid. My dad is originally from Berlin...nice city.
Hello Surfcrs!
Thanx for your compliment! Yes you are right to collect a lot of ez controllers, usb cams, electronic stuff and a really lot of servos ;-)
I had a big break of more than half a year with building my inmoov. I installed last week the Omron face camera
and it works quit good ( Thanx to CochranRobotics!)
If i have some good stuff for a video i will post it!
Yeahhh West-Berlin ;- )
I am born in Schöneberg! I know this West-Berlin times also really good, but also on the other hand i had also holydays in the DDR as a little child. The told all people in this little village that i come from East-Berlin (not West-Berlin) and they told me not carry my Mickey Mouse Comic outsite, because then i will have problems!
Yeahh great old times. Where do you live in Berlin in this times?
Greatinxx from
now from Moabit - Berlin
I believe the area was considered Tempelhof. My dad taught at the Free University and I went to the John F Kennedy International School. We did take several trips to DDR and one to Poland to see Poznan (Posen) which my Dad's family was from Pre World War 1 before moving to Dad wanted to see it again as he used to visit there with family in 1930's. I grew up and still remain in California but that Berlin experience still remains an exciting and unique childhood memory. I did visit for about 1 week in 1993 and remember seeing Cranes everywhere from all the building post wall.