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2012-12-14 - created first new question
2012-12-21 - joined your first forum discussion
2013-04-17 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-10-29 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2015-04-14 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-12-04 - shared your first photo in the forum
2018-01-15 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
2018-03-13 - shared your first video in the forum
2018-08-31 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
2018-09-21 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
2022-02-18 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2022-03-09 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
2022-03-29 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2022-03-29 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
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Mp1584en Dc-Dc Buck Converter
Hi, I am working on Roomba and InMoov projects. I needed something to step down power from 12VDC for sensors on InMoov and Step down power from Roomba to EZ B....question

Mind Storms Lego
Has anyone wired an EZ comtroller to a Lego Motor? If so how? Thanks.question

Creating Plug In
Hi, I posted this yesterday but did not show up for some reason. I am creating my first plug in. Followed the tutorial completely. I keep coming up with the same error constantly. CA0055...question

Unable To Connect To Ez Module
I am unable o connect EZ Module. Using version 2015.12.03.00 Is there firmware upgrade I am missing? Thanks.question

E-Z Builder Interface
Hi, What happened to the interface? Using Win 7 here with multiple monitors. Last couple of versions unable keep controls in same place after saving and reloading. Unable to use...question

Inmoov Robot Update (Hand)
Hi, Hand working with voice recognition. Using one EZ control just for arm movement for now.question

Servo Movement
Hi, I am using multiple HS-805bb Servos. I can not seem to get full 180 degree movement using the servo controller. Is there another controller that works better? See image for specs on...question

Inmoov Project Update
Hi, Connected head to torso. Working on arms and hands next. Having issues with tracking. Movement jumpy and inaccurate.. suggestions welcome. One eye operational, other eye hope...question

Tried To Get Off Of Solar Panels With Thumper
Made this attempt with Thumper today. Snow plow was a 3D printed part using Makerbot. Thumper does not have the power or the...question

Camera Not Working
This is the second camera purchased from EZ robot in 2 months. First died after 2 weeks. One in video died after first time use. Will not stay on as shown in video. Tried holding...question

1938 Erector Set For Parts
Just found 2 1938 Erector sets for parts. Perfect for Robot building! Seems all parts are included... One heck of a find!question

Extra Cables, Servo Arms Etc.
Hi, Where is a good place to look for extra cables brackets etc. I have no cables especailly for things like the sound sensor that has an extra cable it requires....No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Jphillipsnjs Inmoov Project
This is my InMoov Project which is a downloadable open source 3d printing project that I am working on. Robot is life sized. I am using EZ- Robot and EZ Face. I will...robot

Jphillipsnjs Inmoov Project
Using EZ Robot for controller.robot

Jphillipsnjs 6 Servo Arm Using Vb.Net, Visual Studio 2010 Code And Video
Hi, I am writing a lot of code for EZ and I would like to share some of VB...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
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