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Is Sabretooth Serial Still Supported?


I haven't used the sabretooth control in a while. I remember settings that I could use. Seem to be gone now. If I need to use Movement Panel how do I wiring up? I would like to be able to use with mobile interface.



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Hi again,

I see some changes in sabretooth configuration... I guess old is obsolete?

Old conf. <FormType>SabertoothSerialMovementPanel</FormType> <Title>Sabertooth Serial</Title> <TopLocation>14</TopLocation> <LeftLocation>338</LeftLocation> <Width>157</Width> <Height>193</Height> <WindowState>Normal</WindowState> <GUID>7d207ea6-6608-4315-b70e-7fd7516a3bb8</GUID> <Desktop>0</Desktop> <SabertoothSerialMovementPanel> <SabertoothSerialLeftForward>128</SabertoothSerialLeftForward> <SabertoothSerialLeftReverse>1</SabertoothSerialLeftReverse> <SabertoothSerialRightForward>204</SabertoothSerialRightForward> <SabertoothSerialRightReverse>128</SabertoothSerialRightReverse> <SabertoothSerialLeftWheelTurnRight>127</SabertoothSerialLeftWheelTurnRight> <SabertoothSerialRightWheelTurnRight>192</SabertoothSerialRightWheelTurnRight> <SabertoothSerialLeftWheelTurnLeft>64</SabertoothSerialLeftWheelTurnLeft> <SabertoothSerialRightWheelTurnLeft>255</SabertoothSerialRightWheelTurnLeft> <SabertoothSerialPort>D1</SabertoothSerialPort> <BaudRate>Baud_9600</BaudRate> </SabertoothSerialMovementPanel>

New config for sabretooth

<FormType>SabertoothSerialMovementPanel</FormType> <Title>Sabertooth Serial</Title> <TopLocation>1</TopLocation> <LeftLocation>1209</LeftLocation> <Width>281</Width> <Height>196</Height> <WindowState>Normal</WindowState> <GUID>7d207ea6-6608-4315-b70e-7fd7516a3bb8</GUID> <Desktop>0</Desktop> <SabertoothSerialMovementPanel> <SabertoothSerialPort>D1</SabertoothSerialPort> <BaudRate>Baud_9600</BaudRate> </SabertoothSerialMovementPanel>

What do I need to change or is it possible to even change. I tried dropping old in with new and when saved reverts back.



Hi Dj,

Thanks went through that. do you notice the differences in the 2 config files. There is interface anymore to the movements. It was there now gone. When I cut and paste then save it removes these values. Was this changed. I haven't gotten around to working on this in about a year.

I can communicate on mobile a bit if I write direct scripts to each movement, not all working though.




Those values are not compatible with ARC. To configure an ARC control, use the CONFIG button to present the menu.

The Sabertooth serial Movement Panel does not have set values for forward, reverse, etc.. because the speed is now set with either the sliders -or- via EZ-Script SetSpeed() command


Hi Dj,

Ok thanks. Works now expect for reverse on mobile joystick. Is there a certain way I need to set DIP switches on Sabertooth?

Currently I have set as follows: 1-down 2-up 3-up 4-down 5-up 6-down

I guess with mobile no way to control speed either.


You can control speed on mobile - use the mobile joystick in your app and enable speed control checkbox. Click here to read about Movement Panel and how they work with speed.

As for the dip switches, i have no idea. The dip switches are different per model of sabertooth. The settings are specific to that model. The link i pasted above will show the default generic settings, but you'll have to check the manual of your product for the correct baud rate and simple packet serial mode settings.