Inmoov Project



This is my InMoov Project which is a downloadable open source 3d printing project that I am working on. Robot is life sized. I am using EZ- Robot and EZ Face.

I will possibly be using a Kinect for advanced recognition and hopefully EZ will support this or some one else will come up with a plug in also. If not I will probably use and attach.

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The InMoov will be my next robot project hands down! Great job Jack!


how much time needs the Makerbot Replicator 2 for the parts ? how much material costs do you have?

I hope, one day he can walk and go out with my dog:D thanks for the video


Great job Jack ! I'm impressed ! Pls hurry with the Kinect. I'm interested.



I think it take about 400 hours to print entire. 10% of all parts are either warp or get messed up.


I probably will get to until summer. The arms and hands are a lot of work.


Be careful of parts you download and stick with same version on parts. Some different versions the parts are not interchangeable. The head, torso, neck, shoulders, and bicep are pretty good. Forearm I am having a lot of issues with.


Left Arm Complete. Working on Right shoulder now. Right forearm complete. Should have most of project done soon.


Hi Jack, I got my EZBv4 controllers a couple of weeks ago and I've been playing with them. I have been trying to get a Sound servo to moving the mouth of my InMoov correctly. Have you got this feature to work for you? Where are you at with your InMoov?

I had a lot of problems getting things to fit together as well. One thing I found, was to decrease the number of shells and increase the fill. I printed most everything at 3 shells and had troubles but at 2 shells things fit together better.I think it's the way makerbot adds shells that make the difference.


most exciting robot.awesome.



I finished all the parts and rebuilt left arm. I have all servos but have been busy over the summer so not much else done. The site now has a way7 to do stomach which I intend to do also. When fall comes and I am stuck indoors I will finish hopefully by years end. I am using PLA and 2 shells for project. Some pieces that take a lot of strain I am using 50+ % fill.. I have broken a couple of worm gears in the bicep.

Not sure about upgrading to new version. I am using 3 V3 controllers now... one in each arm one in torso. Mouth moving but very slow. Never could get eyes to move because of camera size. Only have one camera working... I cannot get EZ to use both cameras. Facial recognition working with EZ-face ok as well as tracking colors.

I am using 23 servos so far but looks like at least 4 more for stomach.

I will probably use a wheeled base.. not sure yet. I do not think the plastic would be very durable in the legs, but I will see what Gael comes up with.

I am in NJ where are you located?


Jack Good to hear you are making progress, it's a big project. I printed all of the worm and screw gears at 100% infill and I epoxied metal screws in the bicep and PistonClavi screw gears. I also have the Top Stomach working but not attached I'm going to wait for the rest of the stomach before doing so. I like the capabilities of EZ-Robot and I am looking at switching over my InMoov to it but first I need to get the mouth movement working properly.I think the movement needs to based on text rather then sound. A life size humanoid robot rather needs the mouth to move correctly. I'm in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada.



That is going to be tough to do.. mouth movement. Let me know how you do.


Will do, I'm sure someone will figure it out - it's an important feature to have.


Hi jackphillips1953,

question. Do you still have to modify the servos for the Bi-ceps and shoulder when using the EZ-Board?



Yes.. I did but not the way Gael does it. Someone posted on YouTube a way the just unsolder the motor remove the pot. I ruined 2 servos at $50 a piece the other way. Since I have done 5 with removing solder no issues. Also you must trim stop on the large gear so it spins 360 degrees. I am thing of changing eventually to air piston on the shoulder and bicep later for speed and strength.


Hi jackphillips1953, Are you still using the Pots after removing them from the servo? my servo are moving slow and when I move the pot turning it, it sometimes goes faster. What am I doing wrong?



Here is a picture. also would it be posible to talk on a phone with you?

thank you

User-inserted image


Hi Merne,

Love the head assembly! Good job. BTW - I met Gael in NYC at Make Faire with his InMoov.

I haven't used the POTS but did remove them. I will be working more on the project now that the weather is getting colder and I am inside more.

I am thinking on some of these servos, removing and replacing with air actuators, especially bicep and arm. Gael's InMoov is about the same speed as mine and both are slow. It has to do the gearing and the servos themselves... it is what it is unless we do something different. Gael did change the worm gear in the shoulder and is going to do the same I believe in the bicep to make to larger and stronger but no improvement in speed. You need to be careful though.. I am using PLA and though strong cannot take too much strain.

What do you intend to do, if anything, about movement ie. legs or wheel movement?

Where are you located? Contact me on my Gmail account at jackphillips1953@gmail and I will send telephone number so we can talk.