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  • 2013-03-02 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-04-16 - created first new question
  • 2013-05-25 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-07-08 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-07-28 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2016-02-16 - created a custom avatar
  • 2016-05-22 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2016-10-12 - shared your first photo in the forum

Latest submissions


Wowwee Rovio Cgi Commands With User Privilege

Hello, Im trying to control my WowWee Rovio through httpget cgi commands with EZB scripts manager and so far it works but I cant get it to work with the user account I have set. Since its connected to the Internet its unimaginable to use it without user security. For example I can get it to go home and dock with the following command :...

So Weird : Ezb V4 Ultra Slow / Even On Ap Mode / And Some Really Weird Stuff : I

Just tried to upgrade one of my robots with EZB V4 hopping to get something much faster and also to overcome some serious issues and limitations due to EZB V3 losing Digital ports one after the other. 1) This expensive piece of hardware does something totally unbelievable : it CHANGES MY NETWORKS GATEWAY to its own clients address... How is it even...

Led Battery Charging Test

Hi everybody, Could someone help me with this bac to basics trick which should allow me to connect an LED to the leads which connect to the battery charger when my robot docks so, when charging current is running through, the LED lights up? I wish to do this without using any controller so no ADC port, no HIGH/LOW digital port, just an LED and...
How Can I Get The Sum Of An Array At Once?

How Can I Get The Sum Of An Array At Once?

Is it possible to get the sum of all the values in an array beside using a simple addition, index entry after index entry? Thank you.

No Board Index For Setvolume() Command

Hi, could this be fixed so we can set a different volume level for different boards working together? Thank you.
Camerastop Command Still Crashes Everything

Camerastop Command Still Crashes Everything

Hi, Could someone fix once and for all this bug (see file attached)? This is a terribly annoying one... :s Im using only EZB cams now,...

One Board Connects To Wifi But Wont Get An Ip Address

Hello everybody! Just checking if I may be able to fix this issue otherwise than by changing the main board to my main robot. This robot has 2 V4 boards (+ 1 V3 that serves only to put everything on standby by controlling a simple relay). One of the 2 V4 boards will simply not be able to get a stable IP address. Since I use 2 DHCP routers which...

Script To Select Camera

Hi, Something is terribly annoying : ARC resets its default camera so if you are using a different camera than the ezb camera, any script that is supposed to boot your cam and then start it in the camera settings will not activate the one you want. Is there a way to select a camera in the list as default and lock it so it stops bugging me like...
Goto Last Loop Variable Goto + Variable Goto($Variable)

Goto Last Loop Variable Goto + Variable Goto($Variable)

Has anyone figured out way to get the goto() function to work with variable so it can goto the last defined...

Getdigital() Function Sets Digital Port On Rendering It Useless

getdigital() function sets digital port on rendering it useless. Tried on different boards. Will try from a different computer but if anyone has the same bug, please let me know. Updated ARC to last version. Thanks, Elfege


Hi, Has anyone successfully connected and used a HMC5883L compass on I2C port without systematically crashing at init ? Im kind of stuck and wish to know if I should go on trying again or give up. Did read former threads about same topics Did find datasheet and Hex address of chip DId use I2Cwrite and Read commands Did use tutorials script did use...

Is There A Way To Check If A Script Is Currently Running

Im almost done with my project of a robot capable to find its way accros my apt to its docking station! Now I however would need to know if it is possible to condition a behavior to a currently running script such as this : if($scriptisrunning=1) action else... thanks
How To Use Severa Glyphs Or Objects For Docking Robot

How To Use Severa Glyphs Or Objects For Docking Robot

Hello everyone, Im opening this new thread because so far I still havent resolved what looks to me either as a...
Weird Behavior Qrcode And All Other Camera Tracking Features And Variables

Weird Behavior Qrcode And All Other Camera Tracking Features And Variables

Hi everybody, Im stuck with GLyph, QRcode, object tracking and all...
If Camera Is Running

If Camera Is Running

Does anyone knows how to do something such as checking if the camera is running so I could write something such as : if($cameraisrunning=0) controlcommand(camera,...

Can I Connect ARC Mobile To An Ez-B V3 ?

Anyone has ever tried to connect ARC mobile to an EZ-B V3 over TCP port? WHen I try I get the error message Disconnected by remote host. I also tried over Http server, no joy. Any idea, beside throwing away all my V3 boards? NB : Tcp connection works fine over telenet, so no pb on my network side. Thanks in advance. Elfège.

Neato Project - How To Unplug The Fan Without Stopping The Neato

Hello everyone, Its been a long time since I didnt dive into my hobby again. After having built two awesome remotely controlable robots to play with my cats when Im away, I am now trying to retrofeed a Neato XV21 vacuum into a floor scrubbing robot, using an EZB to activate a pump that will inject the cleaning solution when the wheels are running....
Digital Port On/Off Status When Ezb Disconnected

Digital Port On/Off Status When Ezb Disconnected

I seem to remember that theres a way to set the EZB so digital port stay in OFF mode (current=0) once it is disconnected. I...
Getadc(Adcx) Does Not Work

Getadc(Adcx) Does Not Work

What is wrong ? Anyone ? Im stuck...

Script To Disable Camera Stream

Hello everyone, Back from 5 weeks vacation in France its time to take care of my latest project again. I have a script that disconnect and reconnect some relays such as charging circuit, camera, laser beam and other cats toys that are attached to my robot. I really appreciate the start/stop camera button that allows EZB to be more stable (it used...
Uart Wifi

Uart Wifi

Hello, After unsuccessfully trying the UART WIFI suggested by this website, mainly because of power issues though I could have it to work and run for a little while, I tried another UART WIFI which...
Board Index In Key Control

Board Index In Key Control

Stupid question : How am I supposed to indicate on which board a key control is to be sent ? Thank you.
Charge And Load Questions Searching For An Auto-Switching Circuit

Charge And Load Questions Searching For An Auto-Switching Circuit

Hello everyone, Does anyone know of any shield/ready-made circuit that would allow to...
Ip Cam

Ip Cam

I cant get my IP cams to show in ARC. These are MJPEG cameras so it should work I guess. EZB initializes the parameters but nothing shows in the window. Here are the parameters :...

H-Bridge -- How To Allow The Chassis To Turn

Hello, I have a simple 4wd chasis from sainsmart, using EZB and 2.5 amp Hbrige. I cannot make it to turn (wood floor). The only way I got the platform to run is by stripping out the rubbers on rear wheels so theres less friction and it can turn. It seems that while given the order to turn the Hbridge runs the wheels on both sides at the same speed...
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