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  • 2012-11-18 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-11-18 - created first new question
  • 2013-01-06 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2013-02-02 - posted a robot project showcase

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Hi Guys Havent Been Here In A Long ,Thiers Been A Change On Random Joke

is it posiable that the random joke web site is gone i pulled my robot Genie ask to tell a joke wounldnt do any thing getting . i check the web site looks like it for sale lol cory any idears eek

Have ? On A Script That Not Working

for some reason when i ask what day it is ,it will error out . i thought about it was working last time i used my robot . i did load the example check with mine it all good so i ask the example what day it is, that also did error too humm . any idears eek thanks cory

I Like The New Web Page

this is getting better all the time , thanks dj

Ezb Script Manger?

how do i move my current scripts,into the script manger without rewriting it all ? thanks guys cory
Ive Notice Something Wierd

Ive Notice Something Wierd

has anyone have this happen , after shutting down the power to ezb board .then power up again . when seems good i give command to look home .and servos move fast in...

Question On Amps Of Ezb Board

how many amps i can input to ezb board . iam running 12vdc at 2 amps battery pack now running 5 servo .but if i add more servo for arms ill have to add more amps to the board how much can it take any idears ,i know that theres 5 amp fuse on board will it blow if i go over that amp . thanks cory

Wirles Mic Question

anyone find a wireless mic to put in thier robot .yet thanks. cory

Thier Was A Guy Here That I Get Pre Amp Board I Had ?For You Lost Forum

hooking up from mp3 trigger to pre amp board hooking it up cory

Floor Mapping?

anyone know how set up floor mapping any help be great . thank.s cory

Battery Power

iam looking power up with a 12v battery pack lipo-ion . you think it be ok to use this . i think it will good its thin and small compack rechargeable to . good price .ill post a link here in few seconds thanks cory

Speech Reconition On Windows 8

my new lab with windows 8 has built in cam and mic i try setting it up . how do i activate it in ez-b i go to mic setting click on one shows up . its not working the i thought it apply it all nothing any one could shed some light on .dj goes though the video so fast not sure if i missing a step . thank cory

Hi Again Another ?

i have rest all servo home .1 prob need to adjust home postion slightly do to weight of my robot head it lean alittle . to go like to home 58 postion not 50 .. playing around with the number couldnt get that number. thanks

Continuous Sevro Iam Not Able To Adjust Speed

i need adjust speed on wheels to fast i set up speed control for each wheel it didnt . i was able to adjust on the std servo np not sure why the contiuous.. ty cory

Mp3 Trigger ?

i order the little chip for from newegg . its micro sdk with adapter now does this plug into usb port to or do i need by something else thank you cory
Ok Camera ?

Ok Camera ?

with camera that comes with the kit . i know its been talk about before been reading form i found. the video tutorial that dj did can i do the same thing with the one that came in the kit for power...

Distant Sensor

i lost tutorial on wirer it distant sensor ,i seen it some where cant find it again .it be great if someone point me in right tutorial ty cory

Got Question ?

do i need to get micphone for my computer ...........

Modual For The Blue Tooth Stop Working

today got my kit setting up bluetooth got it connect ok . went though all servo rest i was good up this point . so going to do test with the box bot program and modual on blue tooth light was gone. rebot it couple times never came check all connection all board pin and power it look ok .. not sure what happen . cory

Ok I Have A Question Just Got The Kit Help

got kit today now was setting up the bluetooth had it working .now the little lite that for the blue on board is no on .but blue light for power is flashing ok . no lite for blue tooth stress
Hey Thought I Show You The Halloween Video Diff Platform

Hey Thought I Show You The Halloween Video Diff Platform

hope this will work for you all
Hello All

Hello All

new here just checking out the web this is really cool . . getting ready to build a cool robot out of old wet dry vac .motor was shot soo make it a robot . cory ackerman
Hey I Had Question On Type Of Speaker To Use With Mp3

Hey I Had Question On Type Of Speaker To Use With Mp3

anyone have place i could get a little speaker for it . iam going to using the sparks fun board mp3 board . thanks...

Robot Speech With Speaker

hi all this looks like fun .can software be use with windows xp and newer . like to order kit . thanks cory
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