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Hello All

new here just checking out the web this is really cool .:) . getting ready to build a cool robot out of old wet dry vac .motor was shot soo make it a robot . cory ackerman


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Welcome Cory! I think you will find this a very helpful bunch of robot geeks. Can't wait to see pics, we love pics. Merry Christmas!


Welcome and Happy Holidays! You will get tons of advice here but remember there's always more than one way to skin a cat. Don't be discouraged if a question isn't answered right away. The right person with the expertise may not have read it yet. Be patient and you will really enjoy the community. Again welcome.


Welcome! Happy Holidays. No better time to build, right?:D


Hi Cory. Your idea of the old shop vac sounds cool. Don't for get to add it to the project's section to keep us up todate on how you are making out with it.


yes you all have a marry christmas and new year .yes its winter no better than to build a robot:D ill keep you posted on my mine . i got head start on building it have to wait to order the kit after christmas ..well forgot to say i build amertronics halloween skull sing talk runs off my computer also before i came disable from tumor 5 year ago i was robot tech installer for factory robots .not so new at this ha,ha but ill be asking alot ? lol thums up well thank for all welcomes we see all yea soon .. cory


Ahh, new meat!

Just kidding Cory. Welcome. Cant wait to see what you have in store for us. Looking forward to learning from your process. Please keep us posted on both your accomplishments and struggles. Also please share any ideas or expertise you may have.

Thanks and again, welcome, Dave Schulpius


Welcome abot Dave, we're a crazy bunch but all try to help or guide in the right direction:) Of course our platforms are all different but the common thing is ARC and of course EZ-Board!

United Kingdom

Welcome to the community.


thanks ill be add some video here soon on something ive done with different platform .

hope this work uploaded to youtube. halloween 2012


Cory what type of robots did you work with. I am an electrician for a company and I install, program and maintain Fanuc robots the R30ia controller with different size arms. Plus deal with the PLC to work with them we use mostly Allen Bradley and some Siemens.


hey i installed injection molding robots pick and place.are plc were all allen bradly with touch teach pendent


iam moving to project page now in process look wet dry vac update stages of it. hows it going:D