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Country: Canada
Member Since:


  • 2017-03-22 - joined Synthiam
  • 2017-03-23 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2017-03-26 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2017-05-06 - created first new question
  • 2017-08-17 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2017-10-09 - created a custom avatar
  • 2017-12-08 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2017-12-08 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2017-12-15 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2018-01-16 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2018-01-16 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2018-01-16 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2022-03-05 - answered a forum question

Latest submissions

Would This Work With An EZ-B V4 And Arc?

Would This Work With An EZ-B V4 And Arc?

Hi, Just wondering if EZ-B V4 and arc would drive this  type of servo/ stepper?,  link
Auto Position Control Window Rename

Auto Position Control Window Rename

Hi,   I am having a brain fart and cant remember how to rename an Auto position window? Ive done in the past but just cant seem to do it.    Thanks!

Will A Single Autoposition

Will a single  autoposition control ever be able to access multiple EZbs/IoTiny?   For example I have 2 IoTinys ,one in each arm of my inmoov operating the fingers, wrist and elbow.  Right now I have to use 2 autopositon controls and then make a script to try and tie the action together. Its a little counterproductive.

ARC Dumb Question

I exit ARC and save the project. When I reload the project the control windows rearrange themselves every time. It even goes so far as to move some of the controls to a separate window. I am clearly missing something to make them stay put when saving. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Micro Hdd Servo Dimension

Micro Hdd Servo Dimension

Hello everyone. Can someone confirm the physical size of the Micro HDD Servo? The product page lists - Width 3.0 cm Length 3.0 cm Height 1.0 cm which seems odd. I wanted...
Inmoov Eye Mod For The Ez-B V4 Camera

Inmoov Eye Mod For The Ez-B V4 Camera

Here is a quick mod I made up to fit the EZ-B Camera into the inmoov left eye. Just print it out and the camera slips in easily. Enjoy!...

Servo Recorder Control

The servo recorder is great but only seems to playback any servos only connected to Board 0. I can record from Board 1 using the servo pad control ( it shows data) but it wont playback the recordings of those servos connected to Board 1 or any other board (1-4). Am I missing anything obvious or is the servo recorded control only for board 0? I am...

Will These Be Available At Robotshop.Ca?

Does anyone know if these servos will be available at
Need Some Advice And Help With Code

Need Some Advice And Help With Code

Need some advice and help with code. I am making a motorized bi-fold door opener / closer using a stepper (nema17) and belt system, a momentary switch...

Oculus Rift Camera Plugin

Hi Everyone. Has anyone been able to get the Oculus Rift Camera plugin to work?

Some Code Help Please

Hello, I need some code help. I realize this is super simple but cant get my head around it. In the following code once Master or Milady has been identified and the ControlCommand has been executed, I would like the CameraObjectName subject to be ignored for say, 1/2 hour. To try and be clear, once it sees you it wont execute the ControlCammand...

Setting Servo Speed For An Auto Position

Hello everyone. I am looking for some scripting help. I would like to set a servo speed, or even better, an incremental servo speed to all the servos in the auto position selections I use in a script. Instead of adjust speed for each servo individually. Is this possible? I am using 2 auto positions from 2 boards. The reason I would like this is...
Happy Halloween  From Me Too

Happy Halloween From Me Too

Happy Halloween everyone! My Inmoov wanted to dress up.
Terrible Whine  From  Hs-5805Mg Giant Scale Metal Gear Digital Servo Motor

Terrible Whine From Hs-5805Mg Giant Scale Metal Gear Digital Servo Motor

Hello All those smart than I. I am trying Digital giant scale servos on my...

Object Rename

Hello everyone. Is it possible to rename an object once it has be learned / trained? An example would be if I learned/trained a face as an object and named it Clair and then wanted to later change the name from Clair to Bossy, can I do that? The reason I would want to that is if the person is no longer there to learn or train. Thanks.

Ez-B Iotiny Random Servo Jumps/Activity?

Hello Everyone, I have an EZB LoTiny (such a great little device) set up with 7 ez-robot HDD servos. The problem I am having problem is with random servos activating, moving anywhere from 1 to 180 degrees. This will happen when the board is powered up and not connected to WIFI and also when it IS connected to WiFi and to EZ builder. Once connected...

Inmoov Shoulder Piston Sleeve

Deleted content

Ez-B V4/2 Pcb Cad Layout

Hello everyone, I am looking for a cad file for the EZ-B v4/2 pcb. I am specifically looking for the dimensions and mount hole locations. An stl file isnt useful. I want to make up a bracket to fit the EZ-B v4/2 board into the head of my Inmoov T-One

Canadian Dollar

I am wondering why a Canadian company sell its products to fellow Canadians in US dollars?
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