Asked — Edited

Auto Position Control Window Rename

Hi,   I am having a brain fart and can't remember how to rename an Auto Position window? I've done in the past but just can't seem to do it.



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United Kingdom


Go into the Setting button under the Auto Position window, and your find it there!  :)


Thanks Cem.  I still don't see it under settings.

United Kingdom
#3   — Edited

This is what is see, once I hit the "'setting"' button.

Change Title under Name.

User-inserted image

#4   — Edited

Well , I feel a little better now.  My Auto Position window does not have a Settings button.  Perhaps a different ARC version.

Here is what i see.    Thanks for responding

User-inserted image

United Kingdom

I'm using:   ARC BETA Version: 2019.02.03.00


#6   — Edited

I'm using the latest.                   Version 2019.03.11.00    I was excited to use the new Auto Position feature. It's pretty cool.

United Kingdom

I’m using Scripts in my InMoov rather than using the Auto Position control. You can select in the code the EZ-B controller number, so didn’t need to use the new Auto Position controller to use more than one EZ-B controller.


Looks like the new Auto Position is missing that option. I’ll add it for next beta release


@ Cem,  Yes I did(do) the scripting too but I love the simple complexity of the new auto position.    @Dj , thank you Mr. Sures!


This has been resolved in the latest release of both stable and beta


Perfect. Much appreciated.  Downloading now!