Asked — Edited

Servo Recorder Control

The servo recorder is great but only seems to playback any servos only connected to Board 0. I can record from Board 1 using the servo pad control ( it shows data) but it won't playback the recordings of those servos connected to Board 1 or any other board (1-4). Am I missing anything obvious or is the servo recorded control only for board 0?

I am aware of the scripting recorder and how it works.

Thanks Tony


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@3dPrinterGuy Yes Tony I hear you, I have the same issues, All the native robots at ez-robot work with one Robot one EZ-b , but quite a few of us are using Two or more ez=B's and Io- tiny.
I just reconfigured my inmoov with one IO-tiny in each arm, to save all the extra wires going everywhere, and a ez-b4 in the back and I like to use servo recorder the most. so there is the issue.I cant use the arms with servo recorder now. My Robot is not Happy. Bruce and Bruce-e


I was unaware of this limitation.


Have no fear. I’ll change it for the next update for ya:)


Thank You I mean DJ :)


It's still on the list. Stay tuned...