Hello everyone.
I am looking for some scripting help. I would like to set a servo speed, or even better, an incremental servo speed to all the servos in the Auto Position selections I use in a script. Instead of adjust speed for each servo individually. Is this possible?
I am using 2 auto positions from 2 boards.
The reason I would like this is after the script executes the auto positions the servos really move fast/snap back quick when another script executes other auto positions.
I have used an Initt script in the Connection control upon start up which works well to set everything in the beginning.
This is for an Inmoov . I have the head, look at the hand when offered something in one script and then look at the other hand after in a different script. The head really snaps to the second position quickly.
Thanks for any help. Please let me know if I need to clarify.
ControlCommand("Board 0", AutoPositionFrameJump, "S-")
ControlCommand("Left Hand - Board 3", AutoPositionFrameJump, "S- Left Hand")
ControlCommand(" Release board 3 left hand", PauseOn)
See Setting servo speeds and Initialization Script Tutorial’
*Note: To initialize the ServoSpeed() at first use, set a Servo() position before using the ServoSpeed() command. If there is no previous position (such as during power-on), the software assumes the position is 0 and will cause issues with your robot.
Here’s the link:
Thanks Cem, See Setting servo speeds and Initialization Script Tutorial’
Already did that with the Initt .
I think I have read all the tutorials.
Press the ? (Question mark) on the Auto Position control to read the manual. This is a very important step when wanting to learn more about a control.
Set the speeds for each frame of the Auto Position action to -1
Read the manual to notice that -1 means "do not set the speed". Also, The Robot Program has a great episode on using the Auto Position that we spent a lot of effort and time on.
Before executing the Auto Position action with ez-script, set the speed of each servo.
Thanks DJ,
I have read all the question marks.
I was hoping not to set the speed for every servo for every script.
You can make a script that sets the speed for every servo of a variable
Here, i made this for you: ControlServoSpeedsinAutoPositionFromScript.EZB
That is awesome, Thanks very much DJ. I'll post a video when I get it up and running.