Synthiam Robot Showcase

Daves First Real Look At My Ez-B Controlled Full Size Lis B9 Robot
Hi all, Id like to share a video I just took of my full size Lost in Space B9 robot...robot

5.5 foot tall humanoid robot that walks and talks. 56 servos controlled by 3 ezbv4 boards working together over...robot

Dunning-Krugers My Inmoov Bartender
Well after seeing Bob Houstons inMoov (hard act to follow by the way) on here a while back I knew I had to make one too. So here he is working as a...robot

Daves Hello All
Hi all Im very new here and not long had my ez b controller and so far love it. Ive linked a video to what im using my controller on which is a full replica of johnny 5 from short circuit....robot

Charleybots Project Multi-Omnibots 2000
I have no clue yet to as what to name my bots, but I do know someone should probably ban me from EBay! I will end up with 3 total when its all...robot

Henriks Cardboard Wall-E!
So I thought Id share my Wall-E so far. Since I havent got my hands on a toy Wall-E I decided to build my own. The idea is to build him out of plywood later on, but I...robot

Johnnybibs Edi Mech Warrior
Hello! You may have seen on the Shop EDI Mech Warrior! This robot was designed by the one and only ezrobot intern (me)! With legs, wheels, and an elastic band cannon,...robot

Chris9s Jds Adventures At Microsoft
Our Microsoft team recently picked up a few of the EZ Robot Developer kits as part of an innovation project exercise lead by one of our MACH Program...robot

DJs Tamiya Bulldozer Robot
This is a tutorial on how to modify the Tamiya Bulldozer to be driven by modified servos rather than the DC motorset. The software controlling this robot is ARC....robot

Ezangs New Video - Using Floor Map And Touch Path Maps And Navigator For Simple Path Following With Audio
I am using...robot

Rickymahk2013s MARK X
After years of experimentation, I have finally launched my first robotic product. The success remains uncertain, but I have fulfilled our longstanding ambition! If you are...robot