Project Multi-omnibots 2000



I have no clue yet to as what to name my bots, but I do know someone should probably ban me from EBay! I will end up with 3 total when it's all said and done.

Okay so what I want to do with at least two of the bots is to add a Mini ITX setup, one I already have which runs windows 8, 8gb ram, and a 120gb ssd. I figured that the 3rd omnibot 2000 I can use for parts or whatever..

For powering the onboard pc's I figured that using a pair of 12vdc 7 amp batteries should be enough to run the pc for at least a couple hours? There will be another battery to run the EZ-B as well as other electronics. IS there enough room in the base for the batteries?

I would love to get some input on this project, as I mentioned in another post I also have a CNC Mill which I have recently started using again, and even though I am not that good with it(It's been a long time), I would think I can fabricate some parts if need be. I usually use either 1/8" or 1/4" think pvc plastic for milling.

Today I received my first Omnibot 2000, one of it's arms is broken and the first thing that happened is that it smelled so bad that it was taken completely apart and is currently in the dishwasher. I think it was living at a kennel with a bunch of dogs for the past few years, loaded with hair and all sorts of interesting things. I had to change after it was that bad.

A couple the things I want to do:

  1. Get rid of the gears and motors in the arms and replace them with decent servos, maybe something like the Power HD 1501MGs?
  2. Motor controller for each robot is going to be L298 based.
  3. Single Microsoft USB Lifecam HD camera on each robot - I found that the tracking on these is fantastic compared to the one that comes in the EZ kit, especially where lighting is an issue.
  4. Servo Pan/Tilt for the head, maybe using Lynxmotion servo brackets?

There's a bunch of stuff I am still working on but most of the items I mentioned above I already have on hand.

Here's a couple of pics of the 2000 I got today:

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By — Last update


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Your robot can be more than a simple automated machine with the power of ARC Pro!


Nice robot to hack! So you will have three of these? I like the way matt converted the head on his omni, so i recommend to check out his thread on he forum. Dont throw away any parts, somebody might still have a use for them;) P.s if you ever have an omnibot 2000 to sell in parts, post it on the forum. I know jstarne is looking for arms and i am looking for a part of the head and base....


Yeah I was supposed to stop after this one, but I just couldn't resist getting the two other ones, this way at least if I need spare parts I have them on hand. I am looking at a couple threads, matt's included for ideas on the pan/tilt head, some of the gears I took out of it today looked like they were about to crack apart, and some of them have teeth missing....


Well the second omnibot I purchased arrived today, and unfortunately it did not make the trip very well and the result is the motorized arm on this one is broken as well:( , crap! so that's two with broken arms. Also the back wheels are broken off and stuck inside(not the ones that drive the robot). The other arm is broken as well, lastly the head is also broken. I thought I could use this as another robot, but it's looking like a parts bot more and more.. So I think my Ebay buying days for this stuff are over, the packing was horrible on this.

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Okay so back to the first bot, I am trying to decide where to place the two 12v 7a batteries and the mini-itx motherboard, and so far this is all I could come up with. I really don't need to get to the motherboard once it's all done, but it would be nice to be able to get to it without taking it all apart:

The part of the robot that goes over the motherboard, I added 3/4" spacers so that it go over the top without hitting the motherboard..


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Its a shame some people just dont know how to wrap items right. I had a lot of tomy robots coming over from the uk, and most were damaged during transport due to poor packing.


Tell me about it, after going back and fourth with the seller they at least gave me a partial refund, it just sucks that the last bot I am waiting for also has broken parts, and it was taken apart already so i'm sure parts are missing. I guess either it's going to be lots of hot glue or something..... Maybe start a 'omnibot 2000 swapshop':)


3 Omnibot 2000's

I'm still trying to find one that I can afford :) Keep hoping to luck out and find one at Goodwill or on CraigsList CHEAP ! Have fun with them.


Well actually it's starting to look like 2 1/4 at this point, you really have to watch people, especially when your looking on EBay, I am starting to think that the same garbage is going from person to person, one of the bots I have went around 4 times, maybe people were trying to get a complete setup by getting different bits here and there, but I am going to guess that broken arms are the common thing on EBay..


Update, I think I worked out placement of the motherboard and the two batterys, this way it still looks 'almost' stock on the outside:

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Both Ebay and Paypal have insurance. You ought to turn in a claim.


That was my first thought, but after working with the seller who later refunded me what I asked for, there was no point to filing a claim, and the process with EBay sucks in general, it all sounds good 'buyer protection' and all but in the end it's easier to work with the seller.

United Kingdom

Damage during shipping is the reason I collect my bots when possible, it also means I can see what I am paying for before paying in case it's yet another bot that's been passed around a few times.

This has just made me even more determined to collect when I eventually find a 2000 I can afford.


So I'm trying to figure out the wiring for the motor in the gearbox that controls the high / low range, there is purple and grey, from what I read you are not suppose to reverse the polarity, does anyone know which is positive or negative?



Well today I was testing out the first omnibot 2000 and found that it had a chipped gear inside the gearbox, so I ended up replacing the gearbox with the other bot I have for 'parts'. In addition I found that the rubber tracks on a couple of the wheels are about to fall off, they are cracked and dried out, so I had spares at least for that....

I think I have the wiring figured out for the high low range motor, I should be able to wire the switch from that to the EZ-B so that it knows when the motor changes gears to either high or low range....


If you ever need new rubber treads, drop Matt a message on the forum, he reproduced treads that fit.


Thanks, I was actually thinking about that...


i have 3 omnibots now,one not going to take it apart and other 2 for my EZB and another AI board right now my first omnibot design is getting done,called my omnibot 2000 project arm design can lift over 100 lbs,inside it will have metal frame (aluminium) to mount itx boards ,arm mtors and more,plus almost nothing will be mounted on the shell,will have slotss and holes for sensor, but sensors will be mounted to frame as the lcd and more


Good grief!

I am just starting to get back to where I left off with my project. Things just got crazy over the holidays. Anyways I have to finish wiring up my first Omnibot 2000, still have to work on the arms, but everything else is close to being done.

The second Omnibot 2000 I had found more damage that first thought, it's probably going to be a parts bot at this point. I know the 3rd omnibot I gave up on, the cost for these things used is nuts and I can't see spending that kind of money at this point.

Onto the arms.. I have 5 of the power HD 1501mg servos that I plan on using for the arm(s), but I need to decide if I am going to have both arms or one arm and something else.....

Any ideas for an arm? I want to re-use the original arm, minus the motors and using the servos?



Check out Josh's Jarvis project, he did good work on his omnibot with servos.


there is a lady on ebay that sells parts for omnibots kinda cheap


Yeah I was looking at the parts, but some of the more important stuff like the gearbox I haven't seen listed, not yet anyways..


Boy I have to get one of these things going! I've since gotten more parts so I can modify the arms, so far I have gotten a pair of the servocity SPG400a 5:1 gearboxes to go along with the powerhd 1501mg's I already have, i'm hoping they will be strong enough for the shoulders. I also have a pair the HS-5685MH servos as well. Still have to work out some of the wiring, but i'm hoping to have something working within the next few weeks....


I just won a transmission for the omni2000, so maybe the second one might happen afterall....


We all found that those gear boxes not so great,best bet is to use a XEV tracks like on my omnibot 2000 project,soon at this one is done i got still 6 more omnibots to work on ,2 omnibot 2000 anf 4 omnibot 5402 series


Thanks for that info, I never thought about the vex track setup from your thread. Have you been able to test with the tracks on your omnibot 2000 yet? I am just wondering if I should go with either two motors or four being my omni 2000 will weigh about 20-25lbs when i'm done with it.


I'vd been looking at your thread, and the VEX hardware/tracks idea, I would imagine it's not nearly as noisy as the stock transmission on the omnibot 2000, that and less things to go wrong. Right now my omnibot 2000 weighs about 20lbs and it doesn't seem to have any problem moving around, but once everything is added, it's closer to 27lbs. I'm just wondering with the vex frame cut to fit on the base, are you mounting the vex frame underneath the omnibot 2000?



Thought this was kinda interesting, suppose to get the transmission for my other omni 2000 tomorrow, but it went the wrong away, somehow I doubt it will be here by then:)

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I had the same problem with some stuff i ordered too, they say a certain date with tracking and usps sends it to another place and back to me.


It was even better when I called the post office and had them try to figure it out, guy was at a loss for words...


I was just looking at the Power HD DC1217MG, anyone try these? According to the specs, this thing is capable of 219 inches? The price is pretty cheap too, $45.00?


my design has 22500 oz on the arm,not going to need that much ,but will use a lot less current them any other servo,on the arms and hands using 407 oz servo's i got my 407 oz servo $69 on sale ,made by HITEC Power HD are good servos ,i used them before


couple of other points on that servo if its 219 oz thats stall torque First so you need to look at real lift torque witch is 75% of it,second at 219 oz divide by 16 = 13.6 lbs and 12 inch arm you are looking at 13.3 divide by 12 = 1.14 lift and most arms are 24 inches so looking it can lift less then 1/2 lb.


Wow, 2000 Oz inch is quite a bit! I was trying to find a decent Hitec servo with a good Oz inch rating, but I haven't had much luck (with a decent price I might add). What Hitec servo did you get?


not 2000oz i made mistake 22500 divide by 16 to get lbs its 1406 lbs then 12 inch arm is 117blb and my arms are 24 inches so total my hand can lift is about 60 lbs

its a digtal servo,need to find the part #


I was looking at your thread a few times, it looks like the Hitec servos you have are discontinued, and the next one I saw that came somewhat close is the HS-7995TG. That coupled with a servocity spg400a with a 5:1 ratio would allow me to lift something around 5lbs, which is more than enough for what I need.


Yes thats the one you can use,i have some of them in my lynxmotion johnny five project JOSH omnibot project uses it.

Small problem it does use a lot of power,in my setup it uses a lot less current and i think the cost it less too.,dont have to use a high torque motor,there are few others at lower torque.

Second stays stead up or down with the power turn off,on SPG400a or others you cant do that


Hi there Omnibot aficionados, wow a whole world has just opened up to me reading your threads. You all seem so amped and focused on these little fellas its kind of contagious. I have recently inherited one of these and was fishing around for some info and this is my first port of call. I have just read the instruction manual and am about to have a go at re charging the battery to see if it fires up. Has any one got ant sage advice or tips and tricks at this stage. It was dusty and I cleaned it with a damp cloth and gave it a visual inspection. Everything looks in really good order as its been sitting in a box in a garage for about 25 years. The only thing missing is the microphone, Everything else in tact.


Alright, I was going to get one of the shoulders started yesterday, unfortunately my 8 year old dremel decided it wasn't going to happen and let out a little smoke and that was it, so I had to order one for today.

As much as I keep trying to keep this close to stock looking, I was looking at servoblocks from servocity, you could make a pretty decent arm(they can attach to the spg400a's), has anyone used these?

After I get the shoulder done, the next thing to figure out is the elbow, i've seen a few different ideas, I was thinking of mounting a servo inside the elbow, but I don't think it would be strong enough....


Got my new dremel setup in, damn they include all sorts of stuff now, also got some additional accys for it to make cutting a little easier. I've been trying to decide how to mount the Servocity SPG400A for one of the shoulders(even looked at Josh's idea), but I would rather mount them inside the body, which creates other issues, that and the fact I really don't want to cut this thing up. Anyone have some ideas?

If I could mount it inside the body, using standoffs and drilling out a couple mounts on the spg400a, it might work........


I think standoffs are the way to go. I tried several mods to my omnibot, but on my most recent rebuild I used stand offs and it is soooo much better. Is that a new battery you have in it, or is it the original? I would suggest a new battery, you can get one for about 10 bucks on line. Keep up the good modding. Can't wait to see pics.


Actually i'm not using the original battery with this one, I had to go with a pair of 12vdc 7 amp batteries since it's running a mini itx motherboard. The alumn standoffs should be plenty strong for mounting this to the body, just have to work out some details...


Standoff are great i use and have almost any size made,but becarefull you need to reinforce them depending on the max weight of the arm and what you want him to carry

I use a small aluminium plate and some like to use fiberglass resin,only its hard to work with and needs to work outdoors

Best about using aluminium plate,easy to work with,high strength,low cost and if standoff breaks like on fiberglass ,it can be easy to fix or change .on fiberglass it cant be fixed


That's what I gotta find, I have some aluminium plate/bars around here somewhere, somewhere around 2-3lbs max is what I am thinking for weight... Thanks:)


check mcmaster carr is cheap and fast shipping if you need other sizes also,just need a small piece near 1/16 to 1/8 thick is great,1/8 is what i use


FINALLY a little progress, i'm waiting for a couple parts orders I should see this week. I decided I wanted to mount the spg400a's inside the body, so far I have one side almost done, just waiting for a few parts to make it stronger, but this is basically how the shoulders will go..

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Did you add a feedback pot on the shaft at the back,very important or speed and torgue will be way off

most of the SPG models you can have them add pot instead of doing it your self

all gearboxes or servo's have a feedback on the servo it needs to be removed and the 3 wires longer and add a feedback pot to final gear,its always on the final geat going to a arm or wheel or horns .


look at the SPG i do see there is a change the pot is under the metal hub,.so you will be ok,check if there is 6 wires from servo,3 for RC control to the EZB and 3 going under the aluminium hub most likely it is



The SPG400A's I purchased as kits, already had the servos(PowerHD 1501MG's), they include a trim pot with the kit, so I only had to 'slightly' modify the servo: remove the servo trim pot, modify the servo for continuous rotation, make a notch on the servo body to run the wires for the trim pot through, then solder the trim pot that was included with the kit, it really works good..


Yes thats only way to do it,i design gear boxes ,continuous rotation you dont need a pot or 2 2.5 k resistors with center tap on any other type you need it,its called closed LOOP system on continuous rotation its called open LOOP SYSTEM

from photo i couldnt tell,and didnt know you new about it

looks good so far ,i guess you will add aluminium i said to the plastic ,so it wont stress under load


ALSO one you get both servo boxes install,i would add a plate or angle aluminium to connect both together,one good reason is easy mount a servo for the head panning if you want


That's exactly what I am doing once I have both gearboxes installed:) I was thinking I could use threaded rods to put between the gearboxes, so I could adjust easier, but I also have some angle aluminium on the way, which would make a better mount for the head pan.. Just waiting for the parts...


great ,hopping to finish my box to mount my gear boxes ,i designed it so i can easy remove front or back panels with only 6 screws for repairs or updates all lcd monitor,speakers,usb and memory cards plus voltage and temperature is mounted to the frame,plus sensors and more

A very good example is the HEATHKIT HERO robots i also have ,i just oered a new robot #79 TOTAL


If you have some extra arms with or without grippers, let me know.



Unknown Country

If you have an extra robotic arm for the omnibot 2000 I would not mind paying for it hit me up at