You may have seen on the Shop EDI Mech Warrior!
This robot was designed by the one and only ezrobot intern (me)! With legs, wheels, and an elastic band cannon, nothing can stop EDI:
It's also the one and only ezrobot intern's last day here! It was fun building robots, and performing menial tasks for you guys, thanks!
By Johnnybib
— Last update
Other robots from Synthiam community
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Ww321q's Testbot
Playing around learning the software . Camera and arm are next ! J.W.
@James.... Awesome design!.... Vaya con Dios my friend....
great work.its funny and awesome at desame time.
Thanks guys!
I like this! Very creative design.
Hahaha, it really scoots around. It reminds me of Japanese Anime where mechs with legs just jettison off in any direction. Very cool.
I finally have my own version of this robot
congrats . the band shooter robot .