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2014-02-01 - joined Synthiam
2014-02-22 - created first new question
2014-05-02 - joined your first forum discussion
2014-08-13 - connected ARC to the cloud
2014-09-04 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2014-09-04 - answered a forum question
2014-09-18 - shared your first photo in the forum
2014-09-29 - shared your first video in the forum
2015-04-17 - posted a robot project showcase
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2018-04-09 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
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Inmoov Legs
Some extra filament rolls and servos.... Picture from the official InMoov site under activity members http://www.inmoov.fr/project/question

Inmoov Camera Tracking With Eyes, Head And Torso
Develop for Inmoov Robot. (Could also be used with any mobile) This script allows the eyes, head and torso to follow the...question

Another Way To Auto Release / Restart Servo
Last week we had a discussion about buzzing servo and capability to release it without loosing the mechanical position of the...question

Missing ) In Expression When Using Exec In Script
Exec(C:\Program Files (x86)\RoboRealm\RoboRealm.exe) generates an error : missing ) in expression. I suppose the (x86)...question

Robot Mimicking Facial Expressions
You can watch it smile and make cute facesquestion

Timeline Of Innovation
Very interesting site http://www.sri.com/work/timeline-innovation/timeline.php?timeline=computing-digital#!innovation=shakey-the-robotquestion

Cant Switch Speech Recognition To French
Is any one have been successful setting up Speech recognition from US to french Canadian or other language in ARC. (French Speech synthesis...question

Murata Self Balancing Dancing Robot
Self balancing robot on ball The making of Cheerleaders video shows more details Look for making of Videoquestion

Hand Pulley Echanism
Here is an inspiring idea to manipulate a robot hand. One servo will move all fingers to grab an object. This image is from Gizmag medical section Pulley mecanismquestion

Inactive Server?
Are we back on line? server could not be reach for several hoursquestion

Cant Find Control Command Clearlastglyph
What would be the exact syntax to clear last Glyph befor reusing it?question

Cos( )---Wrong Value Result
may be I am doing it wrong cos(20) should result as .93969262078591 not .408082061813392 unless there is an extra conversion to do?question

French Voice Recognition Not Functioning In Ez-Buider
EZ-Buider gives me an error when I attempt to use voice recognition on windows8 set to French language....No general conversations. Click here to start a conversation.
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Servo Buzz Control V3
This script will automatically apply a release command after a servo has done his last movement If needed, it will be used to stop the buzzing noise when a servo is in standby...app

Eyes, Head Torso Camera Tracking Capability
Develop for Inmoov Robot. (Could also be used with any mobile) This script allows the eyes, head and torso to follow what you select...app

New Neck For Inmoov
Head Color tracking script will folow in this example red color. To avoid physical binding Before using the script the min and max position of all 3 servos controling the head have...app

Single Servo Buzz Control V2
This script will automatically apply a release command after a servo has done his last movement If needed, it will be used to stop the buzzing noise when a servo is...app

Inmoov Servo Buzz Control
Inmoov Servo shoulder Arm Buzz control You may watch the opperation just by connecting to your EZB. No need to connect any servo to it. The Buzz control script will...app

QR And Glyph Navigation
This script is a simulation of Roli moving from room to room when asked for. To use this script you will need something red so the camera will react to it when asked for. You...app

Inmoov Right Hand-1
Script running Inmoov hand. Untill i attach it to the rest of the body, this script runs a dialog in bettween the pc and the EZB controling the hand. Its nothing fancy but it worksapp

Riddle_Game_1 (Draft)
Text file containing words with coma separator. Ridle game-1 script extract each line from text file in to an array set-up to receive each word elements (in this example, not...No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
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