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2013-03-30 - joined Synthiam
2013-04-05 - created first new question
2013-05-08 - joined your first forum discussion
2013-06-29 - posted a robot project showcase
2014-09-18 - shared your first video in the forum
2015-02-12 - connected ARC to the cloud
2015-02-25 - created a custom avatar
2015-03-11 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
2015-03-17 - answered a forum question
2015-03-19 - shared your first photo in the forum
2024-12-05 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
2025-01-11 - started first conversation
2025-01-24 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
2025-01-24 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
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How To Choose A Battery?
Multiple Batteries Advantages Requires less design time Can be more efficient Disadvantages Various parts of the robot will stop working at different times Multiple...question

Ez-B V3 Camera Tracking
Extremely old video, but decided to share, about a year old when I was using EZ-B V3. I am sure EZ-B studio is way more powerful than it was a year ago. But had graduate...question

New Robot Brain Storm
Hey guys, been away from the community for a while, but with the new v4, I got inspired again to built me a robot helper around the house. It have to be at least 4 ft tall. It...question

What Are Your Favorites Robots Movies?
hello fellow robots hobbyist, I have been silently away from the forums for about 6 months, due to my personal life. I finally graduated college...question

Whos Feeling Adventurous?
Hello guys, EZ-B is a very powerful softwares, without it I would had never gotten started with robotics. Now that I have learn the basic of robotics building,, I would...question

Portable ARC Version 2013.06.04.00
I hope I dont get in trouble for creating a portable ARC Version 2013.06.04.00. Since the software release I havent had a chance to test it out due to...question

Need Assistance Modifying 1/10 Rc Truck
Hey Guys, I am a noob at robotics and slowly getting the hang of it. I have this wonderful monster 1/10 R/C truck that I would like to use as...question

Curious! How Long To Ship The Kit?
Hello everyone, My name is PJ. I am currently a sr in college, majoring in computer engineering and biomedical engineering. I always wanted to get into...general

Robot Chassis ( Roomba Or Else)
Hello everyone, I need some assistance in deciding on a drivetrain for my robot project. I currently have two Roomba 600 series vacuums, which are integrated...general

P1 ( Testing And Learning Platform)
Getting Back Into Robotics: Test Platform Journey Im gradually re-entering the world of robotics and am currently working on a test platform that I...No robot skills. Click here to view the Robot Skill Store.

PJs Ez-Truck
Hello everyone, long time member/fan of the EZ-Robot, just been admiring in the shadow. During the thanksgiving break had a few hours downtime so finally decided to complete ( will never be...robot

PJs Robosapien ( R.A.I.D)
Hello this guys, the above is my testing platform that I have been working on for the past two weeks or so. The only cool nerdy name I was able to come up with is R.A.I.D...No live robot hacking sessions. Click here to view the past live robot hacks.
No user tutorials. Click here to view all user tutorials.
No firmwares. Click here to view robot hardware and firmwares.
No 3D printable parts. Click here to view 3D printing robot library.
No features requests.