Hello this guys, the above is my testing platform that I have been working on for the past two weeks or so. The only cool nerdy name I was able to come up with is R.A.I.D ( Robotic Artificial intelligence device.)
With the 4 D batteries, It is pretty heavy, walk to slow to roam around the house freely as a reasonable speed, So I added track wheels (Dagu Rover 5), awesome grip.
Need you guys opinion, should I take a step further and remove the Robosapien Legs to reduce weight? Also plan on replacing right arm with an actual robot arm.
By PJ_Dtechy
— Last update
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Im currently testing,, but will eventually harmount the body into the chassis debating on the legs leave it to preserve the humanoid look, chop it off to reduce weight?
The Wire sticking out is for charging, currently working on a magnetic charging mod for the Rover chassis
Cool! In my opinion, you don't need the extra weight of the legs so take them off.
I agree, but will have to create a voltage divider circuit. Each leg carry 3V of batteries power, which total to 6V. Tomorrow I will test the amount of current going to the circuit. I have 3x 9.6 rechargeable R/C cars batteries, and two 7.2V R/C batteries. Two of the 3 9.6V will be in parallel to increase the hours of operation, it will power EZ-b H-bridge, camera. I can use one of the 7.2V with a voltage divider along with resistors to power Robosapien upper half, should do the trick.
Seems like that will work.
I like it a lot, great job. If you were to remove the plastic it would be like C3PO in SW episode 1.
My little guy drinking too much juice. I am currently using two 9.6v batteries in parallel, lucky if I get about 30 min of play. Here is a list of thing all being power at the same time.
H-bridge, EZ-B, camera, Rover chassis, robosapien. I have a couple of voltage regulators coming in the mail, but still need to come up with a better power source for this little guy. Can't be a security robot and pet annoyance if can't stay charge:D.
any recommendation of a good small light 12v batteries.
Look at R2D2's first post.
What Battery?
Just do a quick search of the forum for results.
here you go : 11.1 battery 1500mah:www.sparkfun.com/products/10470 7.4 battery 2200mah:www.sparkfun.com/products/10471 a balance charger:www.sparkfun.com/products/10473 a battery Indicator:www.sparkfun.com/products/11087 a tutorial to use them: 1-www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209187 2-rcvehicles.about.com/od/rcbattery/tp/LiPo_Battery_Pack_Safety.htm 3-www.rchelicopterfun.com/rc-lipo-batteries.html 4-infectedairsoft.wordpress.com/tech-info/lithium-polymer-batteries-part-1/
The rover 5 can handle some pretty serious weight. I'm running a 6v 7ah sealed lead acid and I've even ran a 12v 8ah. These are both really heavy but the runtimes are awesome and the rover can hang. They are also awesomly cheap.
I finally completed my lower half of the project. The Rover 5 is an awesome chassis. I am using the 2wd Dagu Rover 5, bought it of eBay for $50. At first I was skeptical about purchasing, due to the fact I wanted to keep my total project at the low end level. But OMG it is awesome for a house robot. The grip on concrete and carpet is phenomenal, Capable of running over small objects, like cloths, shoes, boxes. I also added a voltage regulator to go along my 2x 9.6v batteries in parallel and my battery run time increase tremendously, haven't fully tested but definitively more than an hour of play. I am pretty complete on the hardware side of the projects.
2x ultrasonic sensor, one in the rear and one in the front mounted to a servo wireless EZ-B camera mounted on 2x servo ( X and Y) Voltage regulator H-bridge Dagu rover 5 2wd model Robosapien skin remove to reduce weight, along with the 4x D batteries( too heavy), 2X 9.6 Volt NiCd Rechargeable Battery Pack 9.6V running in parallel.
The hardest part was waiting for items to arrive from China.
Now the hardware side is completed, it's time to attack scripting.
I will also add an Wifi module, along with an actual robot arm.
completely unrelated to my m main project, but I wanted to torture my gf cat, so I slightly modify it just for giggles.
PJ your robots looks very cool,i have 7 of them and need to find out what to do with the other 5 more. Since i have a roborad project using 2 of them,i mostly know everything about robosapien models. HAVE PCB layouts ,codes and more plus a very good book on hacking robosapien robots.
This is a totally cool project! I can't wait to get back to my RAD now.
@bret.tallent I just saw your RAD projects. OMG it is absolutely amazing, I applaud your hard work and creativity.
@bret.tallent & bret.tallent do you guys mind if I ask for help, I am fairly new to robotics and have some questions
I notice you remove the legs on RAD and use the upper Torso area. I would like to do the same thing, except keep the legs, but simply replace the 4 D cells batteries with a rechargeable battery. Can you please tell me how exactly are you supply power to the Robosapien upper body without the legs?
Cool project PJ...I am inspired to build my own personal house robot too
PJ there are a few ideas to supply voltage to the robosapien,one is use 2 separate 3 volts power supply circuits ,from a
12 volt or 6 volts or any type battery you want.,this idea is the easy way.
Second idea is that the robosapien robot uses a 6 volts to power the robot and you need to take it apart and look for the wires from two 3 volt battery where 2 wires are connected in series and connect your 6 volt source to the other wires. this one is kinda hard because you need to take it mostly apart. I can look for the ling again on the connections to the main board on the robosapien is shows the pinout of all the wires.
IF you need help i can help you no problem
I actally had both ideas in mind also. I have two voltage regulators, the idea was to supply 3v per leg to mimic the double D cell batteries. The plan was to use a 7.2 lipo rechargeable battery taking out of an R/C plane, use the voltage regulators on each leg gear down to 3v. Or use that same battery with one regulator set at 6v. My robosapien is already torn apart. As an enthusiast I cherish the loose wires, exposed circuits, resistors, etc more than the Plastic shell cover. I think it look more sexier. So taking apart is already taken care of
Yes I have already located the main voltage wires for Robosapien was second guessing myself about feeding it 6v, afraid to burn it.
Sadly due to my heavy work load and the move to a new location, haven't really had time to tinker, measure the Robosapien current, do trial runs etc.
But I really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.
Help me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I mostly know a lot on the wowwee line of robots since i work on them ,only lack in programming ,but scripts look fairly easy.
Also like you way your computer office is setup it looks a lot like mine,only thing i add is a JARVIS design so i can ask question ,find websites all by voice like in the iron man movie and networked in all my rooms in my house.
MIGHT think about adding it to your design
@robotmaker thank you, yes I am running a custom PC. What software are you using to mimic Jarvis. I search the web High and low with little amount of luck. I use dragon naturally speaking 12 and window speech recognition. I am seeking something like Siri (IOS) assistant (android) for the PC window platform.
PJ here is a youtube video on how to make jarvis with free software ,there are other ways but most you need to buy the software ,plus there are more on youtube and looking to try them and compare.
ALSO making the table jarvis tony stark use in iron man 2
MY whole house is going to be jarvis and workshop i hope to put activated doors with a security pad just like in the movie.
Currently using that same set up, not quite what I'm seeking for, so I am developing my own. will share my beta.
THERE are many more on you tube,looking to buy a software for jarvis
@PJ_Dtechy - did you get your voltage issue ironed out? I also recently moved and have not been able to work on mine for a while. I have not run power to him yet but was going to use the pin-outs on the main board as Robotmaker suggested.
There are a lot of poor excuses for Jarvis like systems on YouTube. Mainly they use Windows VR and are not interactive at all. Those that are slightly more advanced still don't have the facility to respond dynamically, search from dictation etc. I was very disappointed in the results that come back from searching YouTube for Jarvis.
That said, feel free to take a look at my version (just find my youtube channel Youtube.com/RichPyke there are a bunch of examples but it's only touches on what it can do). The praise I've received on it indicates people seem to like it (heck, I've even been offered funding for development on it). It will eventually be documented on my Jarvis project here and on Jarvis' own website (www.JARV15.com) once the EZ-B and ARC is integrated in to the design properly.
But we have gone off topic. Robosapien looking good.
Still packing and unpacking, haven't had time to. Hopefully my next week, my workstation will be up and running.
You opinion are always welcome @rich, my won't be call as jarvis (too common)but it related to my bot. Your right on topic.
YES we gone off topic about JARVIS ,and RICH is right about youtube they are very poor designs,but free
I only put the design up as a FREE software ,software you pay for is always better.
I love the most is testing each design to see its better or not
Mine is much much better ,will make a new thread for my design using eventghost ARC AND much better voice program i found.right now i downloaded it for 30 days it seems very good.
I only went off topic because PJ asked about the software.
Well back on topic PJ hope to see more improvements done you very cool R.A.I.D design
@PJ so you are using JAVIS on your R.A.I.D DESIGN that would be cool
PJ hows that idea i read about of you using magnetic charging design.
I Guess you mean coil in the robot bottom and another coil on the base and with simple osc design it charges the battery,the design is simple only DOESN'T charge the battery that great or fast and distance from coil yo coil makes a different too.
Now i am working on a design to make it much better ,it need a bigger amp design using a audio amp chip.
Little hard to explain without schematic,but kinda like a DC to AC inverter ,(battery backup inverter)
@PJ i dont know you heard how great eventghost is ,but i had it for a ling time and before EZB and besides controlling programs on your computer it can control anything in your house if you have the X10 SYSTEM,and now has support for EZB and a lot more.
One main reason is part of my JARVIS DESIGN
@robotmaker, to save PJ's showcase going too far off topic can you make a new topic explaining EventGhost's EZ-B plugin, where to get it from, how it works and what it can do please? I'd be interested in knowing that since I am using EG in my Jarvis project and would rather not waste my time writing a plugin that already exists (yet isn't listed, mentioned or known about by the EG plugin developers). It'll also benefit many others since it will add in a level of control and integration that currently isn't possible, opening up so many other features that can be made or used.
ok,not going to argue yes or no on PJ FORUM i thought he said he is using JARVIS
SO next remark to me will leave alone so no problems,you to every post i do,can you please STOP
SORRY PJ it seems a another problem came up on yours,RICH loves to make comments on every post i ever made,he doesnt need too,let someone else make a comment please RICH and you dont see others do it ,so why you.
You misunderstand, I had hoped it was explained clearly enough however perhaps not. I am requesting you post a new topic for the EG integration 1) to save PJs showcase becoming about Jarvis like systems and EG and 2) so people can find it. I am interested in this plugin and would like to know what you can tell us about it.
Nothing else was said other than that request, please do not kick off. I chose my words very carefully to avoid a reply like that and a response like this. I guess will have to email someone else in future to make my requests for me.
If you still do not understand the request please ignore this post and allow PJ's showcase to continue as before.
Lol its perfectly fine by me , I love nerd talks. To help others in the future lets open a new thread focus on mainly A.I, autonomous. Where everyone can pitch in ideas to create the ultimate Jarvis.
PJ you sound like great guy to know.
Yes will open a new thread on it,great idea of the software thats needed and hardware needed with a video on youtube also i will make.
RICH one last remark you said i understand you perfect .more then you think.
Since PJ doesn't mind, please post information on the EG plugin you mentioned or at least where to get it from - it's not on the EG website. It will be a huge benefit to the community.
And again moving and work sucking up all my time. Give me until next week, we can put our head together and fabricate a fairly descent A.I minus the cheezy Jarvis wanna be. Start the new thread robotmaker, we will jump in.
I other projects working on ,may be RICH can make a AI POST and we can put our ideas up,seem fair. BUT not shore if RICH will ideas be posted ,good or bad
WE need to be more like brothers and work together not fighting all the time.
RICH is on the EG website,when i post info will show where ,i guess you mean controlling X10 system ,that the easy part. MAY BE I AM SMARTER THEN YOU lol
My list is getting rather long with things that I need to do or finish such as the TellyMate tutorial that still needs a few commands explained and examples made, LiPo auto cut off circuit, 6V power board, Melvin, Jarvis, Ping Roam update to use left & right speeds for centering along corridors, new tutorials for other sensors and devices I have which haven't been covered (or don't have extensive help and guidance on them)... I could go on for a while. Not to mention life, work etc. I don't see me getting around to writing up my AI details and ideas for a long time. For the moment I'm only really interested in knowing where or how you got the EZ-B EG plugin for reasons already mentioned.
Also, please take the time to read posts properly. I made two very civil and polite posts in this topic of which you misread. I have no desire to waste time and effort arguing. It is not in my interests to argue with you and it certainly isn't in your interests. Also, please be aware of how some of your posts come across, your last one can be read as though you are claiming that there may be an issue of bad ideas should I join a discussion on AI which we all know is not the case.
If you decide to make a new topic discussing AI I will offer my suggestions, advice and help. It is simpler that way as if I were to make a topic about my AI it would take hours to write. My Jarvis currently has over 400 voice commands and close to 100 automatic processes, each one I would feel the need to explain in the same detail that everything else is explained in when I provide information.
Edit: And no not the X10 plugin the EZ-B plugin that you mentioned. You claimed EventGhost now supports the EZ-B yet I cannot find any mention of this plugin other than from you.
Edit 2:
It should be "Maybe I am smarter than you", not that I'm implying anything here...RICH check your EZ-Cloud post on JARVIS you put info on how to use eventghost with EZB
I've only ever posted about using the HTTPGet function which requires a webserver running PHP and is a very messy method. I have mentioned using telnet however this has not been implemented yet. Neither of which are on my Jarvis project on the cloud only in an earlier example posted that has since become superseded by the Jarvis project, and neither of which mention anything about Eventghost supporting the EZ-B.
Currently, other than using telnet which I am still working on, there is no way to use eventghost variables in ARC or ARC variables in eventghost. Events in ARC are not recorded in Eventghost and Eventghost cannot control any aspect of ARC.
Sorry PJ i should brought this up ,since it messed your good post,and it seems RICH will make a comment when all i did is answer your question on making JARVIS from a youtube video and problem started
here is the info on EZ CLOUd RICH will not make any more comments so make as many you want
jarvis example
Owner: Rich
Last Updated: 4/27/2013 1:55:49 AM
Project Details: 4 Controls Label
File Size: 4,333 Bytes
Description: Quick example of Jarvis voice control and httpget to control devices via eventghost
DOES SAY YOU USING PHP ,its not that hard to use.if i can use anyone can
ALSO KKEAST is using eventghost with EZB with other software and other guys here
The magnetic charging idea came from the Macbook laptops. I figure the robot can easily attach and detach himself without the aid for a human. Can be archive using script, or QR code.
PJ any info on the charging design or links ,i like the idea