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Country: Australia
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  • 2012-05-19 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-05-31 - created first new question
  • 2012-08-05 - joined your first forum discussion

Latest submissions


Stepper Motor Vs Servo

Hello all, For my next project I am going to make a flea circus! Ive already done a very small proof of concept which you can check out here The EZb would be perfect for a project like this as I could talk to my fleas and have them perform tricks almost magically! The biggest issue is servo noise...
What Mp3 Trigger To Use?

What Mp3 Trigger To Use?

Hi All, Ive finally sorted out the problem I was having with the voltage regulator on my EZB and now I really want to add some sounds to my little robot. What is the best...

Missing The Original Robots

I think its terrific what DJ has achieved and really believe hell make robots accessible to a bigger audience. What I do miss though is all of those great, hacked robots on the website. Its a little sad that they have been relegated to the back pages. For me, the pure creativeness of solving all those problems when hacking a robot and bringing it...

Ez-B Available In Australia?

Hi All, Im trying to find someone (a business) locally in Australia that sells the EZ-B. I have tried Richies RC in Melbourne but he has decided not to sell the EZ-B anymore. My original EZ-B is kaput and Id like to avoid paying high postage prices to get one sent if possible. If anyone knows of a business which does sell them, can you please let...
Power Regulator Fell Off - Still Waiting And Getting Desperate!

Power Regulator Fell Off - Still Waiting And Getting Desperate!

Well its nearly been 3 months since I first mentioned that my power regulator busted off on my...
Want One

Want One

love the way this robot moves

Power Regulator Fell Off

Oh No!!! One of the power reglators but snapped off my EZ board - the little pin in the heat shield wasnt soldered into the board and the pins snapped off through movementstress Its the one numbered 29300. Does anyone know what the correct name of this is - Im going to have to get anoter one stat. If anyone can recommend where I could buy one of...
Help With Combining Scripts

Help With Combining Scripts

Hello all, Ive just put together a script which makes makes my robot do a little panic dance when I say danger (thanks Hazbot for the sample - I used it for some...
Using Servo Speed

Using Servo Speed

Hi All, Ive put together a script and I need some help refining it a little. When you say hands-up, my robot lifts up both arms, turns his head slowly left to right and then puts his...

Script Sample Page In The Disscusion Forum

Hi All, It would be really cool if there was a page in the Disscusion Forum just on script samples for all of us still trying to work out what it all means. I have gone through the different samples DJ has included in the EZB, and have trawlled through the comments in the disscusion forum for any helpful hints. I have managed to get some really...
Adding Autonomous Mapping Code To Omnibot

Adding Autonomous Mapping Code To Omnibot

Hello all, I have started to build my litle robot and have been palying around with the controls and have managed to sort out the servos,...

Getting The Wii Remote To Work

hello all. Ive been trying to get my Wii remote to connect and it keeps on coming up with the following message: Error connecting to wii remote: Timed out weaiting for status report. Has anyone else had this problem? What do I need to so to sort it out? I can connect the wii to the bluetooth, no probs, I just cant get the EZ board to find it. Help!...

Adding Power To The Wireless Camera

Hey All, A couple of questions: 1. when you wire up the camera to the EZB power sorce, do you also have to remove the camera battery? 2. I watched DJs instructional vid and couldnt work out where he soldered the white wire to the boaard. I havnt soldered mine on and it still works OK - do you have to? As always, thanks for your help.
High Torque Standard Servos

High Torque Standard Servos

Hi All, Im looking to purchase a couple of high torque servos - perferably cheap Does anyone know where the best place to get these from is and also which ones I...

Servo Motor Questions

Hi all, Ive just received my ez board and have been messing around with the controls (pretty damn cool). Ive managed to get the servos to work but when the servo is in the 1 position I can hear the motor still trying to work. how do I stop this? Cheers. Oh, and Ive so far busted 3 of the servos! I must be putting them under too much strain when...
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