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Member Since:


  • 2013-01-14 - joined Synthiam
  • 2013-01-27 - created first new question
  • 2013-03-30 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2018-09-28 - connected ARC to the cloud

Latest submissions


Serial Port Monitor On Ez-Bs Bluetooth Port ?

Saturday, 2 February 2013 Good Morning EZ-Robot Community ! HHD Software has a Serial Port Monitor that I used to Monitor Record the communication to my iRobot Roomba via an RS-232 Tether Cable. Does anyone have any success with any Serial Port Monitors for EZ-Bs Bluetooth Serial Port ? Mine is on (COM3) Best...
Need Help Testing The Elechouse Tlg10ua03 Uart-Wifi ?

Need Help Testing The Elechouse Tlg10ua03 Uart-Wifi ?

After Midnight Thursday, 14 March 2013 Good Morning Hardware Team ! Last week I received my ElecHouse...
Adding Wifi To One Of My Existing Ez-B's

Adding Wifi To One Of My Existing Ez-Bs

Wednesday, 20 February 2013 Good Morning EZ-B Robot Builders ! How much Code would be required to add WiFi to one of my existing EZ-Bs ? I...

Irobot Roomba Music Websites

Wednesday, 6 February 2013 Good Morning ARCs The Roomba Insane ! I really like the Music and Tones from the Roomba in response to different tasks. I would like to learn to Duplicate Them in EZ-Script. The following Link explains the Tones their Meanings : Same page actually lets you Play...

Anyone Have Success Adding Voice Recognition To Xp ?

Good Morning EZ-Roboters ! ARCs Voice Recognition works GREAT on Windows 7, and I hope to test it on Windows 8 sometime this weekend. Has anyone had any success adding Voice Recognition to Windows XP, and if so, what Software Packages worked best ? Its Now Six(6) Weeks with ARC, and I LOVE IT ! ! ! The Neighbor Boy is a member of the local...

Solution Explorer Refernces Tutorial-19 Roomba No Ez-B ?

Tuesday, 19 March 2013 Good Morning EZ-SDK-C# Coders ! Microsoft Visual Studio 2012s Solution Explorer References reporting that Roomba Tutorial-19 has NO EZ-B ? What am I doing wrong ? I found these links on the EZ-Forum by D.J. Sures: By Right-Clicking and Opening Tutorial 19 - Roomba.csproj in EZ-SDK/C# Download, Roomba loaded into Visual...

ARC Connect To The Pcs Generic Rs-232 Com1

Wednesday, 19 March 2013 Good Evening ARCs ! Feature Requests Rich, Thank You for Scripting Examples ! I had been requesting something like in previous EZ-Forum Posts. Friday, 1 February 2013 Good Morning Fellow EZ-Robot Scripters ! Is anyone available to colaborate on EZ-Scrpts and write simple Test Code Examples to become familar with Using the...

Volunteers For Ez-Sdk Kindergarten Wanted ?

Saturday, 16 February 2013 Good Morning EZ-SDK C# Coders ! Early this morning I downloaded and successfully installed Microsoft Visual Studio Express (The Free Version) from the Microsoft Website: On the first Click of Tutorial 19 - Roomba.csproj, the project loaded and started showing me things...

Help Learning To Use The New Ez-B Serial Terminal

Sunday, 24 February 2013 Good Morning DJ ! I APPLAUD Your Addition of Serial Terminal to ARC ! Early this morning I connected to my iRobot Create via Com1 and the Creates Serial Cable, and the minute I set the Baud Rate to 57600, I got the Powerup Dialog Screen from the Create ! I was not so fortunate on the Send Side, trying 128 131 followed by...

Alphie The Talking Robot By Hasbro Toys

Monday, 18 February 2013 Good Morning EZ-Robot Projecteers ! I purchase a New Alphie Talking Robot last week on Craigs List, and he fits perfectly in my iRobot Creates Empty Top Compartment.
Help With Sendserial To Roomba & Create ?

Help With Sendserial To Roomba Create ?

Trying to understand SendSerial and duplicate Roomba Create Movement Panel with my own understanding of the EZ-Script Commands. Everything...

Learning How To Display Photos On Forum Messages ?

Sunday, 3 February 2013 Good Evenng EZ-Robot Community ! Your File Attachment facilities are GREAT, but I do not know how to use the Add Image feature without buying or borrowing some Hosting Space on a server to get an Image URL. Does the EZ-Robot Server accomodate this ? Again Thanks,, 602-246-1246(H)

Anyone Available To Do Ez-Script Scripting Examples ?

Friday, 1 February 2013 Good Morning Fellow EZ-Robot Scripters ! Is anyone available to colaborate on EZ-Scrpts and write simple Test Code Examples to become familar with Using the EZ-Script Instruction Set ? Hopefully, we can do it by this Forum, if that is permitted, or Phone, or Skype, etc. Thank You Best Wishes From Phoenix,,...

Printing Using The Pwm Value ? ?

Good Morning EZ-Scripters ! Attached is my crude attempt to use and display the PWM Value. :Start # PWM(D19,50) # :Loop # $x=GetServo(D19) # #WaitForChange($x) # Print($x) # Goto(Loop) # PWM(D19,50) initializes to 50%, and the Slide Bar changes its value, but my Print Value does not change ? Thank You All Best Wishes,,...

Would Like To Purchase 1 Or 2 Ez-B Micro-Controller Chips

Teusday, 29-Jan-2013 Good Morning EZ-B Sales ! In one of your Forum Replys, you offered to sell an EZ-B Student a replacement IC for his EZ-B. As of this morning, my EZ-B is working GREAT, capable of controlling each of my iRobot Series-400s. All of your Roomba Code works perfectly on the first try, But None of my SendSerial Scripts talk to any of...

Error Message On Scriptstop

Has anyone used ScriptStop sucessfully, without geting an Error ? I was trying to use ScriptStop to debug my Roomba SendSerial Script, Line-By-Line, and I keep getting Syntax Error on line 18: Unknown Command: ScriptStop . I have attached my EZ-B SendSerial Script that I am trying to learn to Debug. Thanks All,, 602-246-1246(H)...
Optional Xbee/Synapse/Wifi Long Distance Communication

Optional Xbee/Synapse/Wifi Long Distance Communication

Good Morning EZ-Robot Folks ! references an EZ-B Module with the WiFi Adapter instead of the...

Use Of The Script Console ?

May we please have some instruction or video on the Use of the Script Console ? Please see my attached file, Latching Print Loop, 28-Jan-2013.EZB . Thank You,, 602-246-1246(H)LatchingPrintLoop,28-Jan-2013.EZB
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