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Volunteers For Ez-Sdk Kindergarten Wanted ?

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Good Morning EZ-SDK C# Coders !

 Early this morning I downloaded and successfully installed Microsoft Visual Studio Express (The Free Version) from the Microsoft Website:

 On the first Click of Tutorial 19 - Roomba.csproj, the project loaded and started showing me things that I have never seen before.

 I feel like a Head-Start-Student, "1 and 1 is 2, 2 and 3 is 4; What's a 4 ?"

 What is the FileName of the Graphic used for the Roomba Custom Movement Panel, and is it present in this release of EZ-SDK ?

 Is anyone available to do C# Tutoring via TeamViewer 7, or UltraVNC ?

Thank You All, & Best Wishes From Phoenix,, 602-246-1246(H)

P.S. I am still trying to purchase a Full Set of OSMO's, Both 400 & 500 Series for our local Washington High School Robotics Club ?


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Unleash your robot's full potential with the cutting-edge features and intuitive programming offered by Synthiam ARC Pro.


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Good Morning Again EZ-SDK C# Coders !

 The following Link shows a YouTube Video for making a Simple Calculator using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

 My Goal is to learn how DJ created the Roomba Custom Movement Panel, and learn how to Tweak It.

 Is anyone available to do C# Tutoring via TeamViewer 7, or UltraVNC ?

Thank You All, & Best Wishes From Phoenix,, 602-246-1246(H)

P.S. I am still trying to purchase a Full Set of iRobot Roomba OSMO's, Both 400 & 500 Series for our local Washington High School Robotics Club ?


Thanks for the link Doug. I someday would like to learn C#. I'm sure it would give my robot a whole new expanded personality and would appear more lifelike. In the mean time I'm content with learning ARC coding. That and building my full size B9 are the most challenging thing I've attempted in a long time.

Good luck and my hat is off to your sense of adventure in learning this compacted (to me anyways). language.

Just a friendly hint, there is an edit button above your posts here on the EZ forum you can use to edit posts you've already made. I use it all the time. It helps me from looking like a complete idiot sometimes. ;)


Thank You D S Chulpius for the kind words and the introduction to the Edit Button !

At age 68, I have had LOTS of Experience at looking like a Complete Idiot, which I call "Baptise By Fire".

Thank You All !, 602-246-1246(H)


I also just downloaded Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows desktop. And then ordered this EBOOK Hopefully there will be some examples that will soak into my mind and I'll be able to build some apps to use with at least the Roomba. I've already learned that C# is "See Sharp"