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Solution Explorer Refernces Tutorial-19 Roomba No Ez-B ?

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Good Morning EZ-SDK-C# Coders !

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012's Solution Explorer References reporting that Roomba Tutorial-19 has NO EZ-B ?

What am I doing wrong ?

I found these links on the EZ-Forum by D.J. Sures:

By Right-Clicking and Opening Tutorial 19 - Roomba.csproj in EZ-SDK/C# Download, Roomba loaded into Visual Studio.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Valued Customer\Desktop\EZ-SDK\EZ-B SDK Windows\EZ-SDK\C#\Tutorial 19 - Roomba.

By the time you get to Video 4, you can see the Custom Roomba  Movement Panel open, and learn where some of Visual Studio's Controls are located !

Visual Studio 2012 trial software and language packs Links :

Tutorial 1: Create a Picture Viewer in C# - Video 1

Robot-Doc, Thanks For The Lead To Microsoft® Visual C#® 2012 (Step by Step) by John Sharp.

Has ANYONE Considered running a Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Class ON LINE, via VNC, TeamViewer, or Skype ?

Not for Free, but say $20 Per Hour Per Student ?, 602-246-1246(H)


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Good Morning EZ-SDK-C# Coders ! Good Morning DJ!

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012's Solution Explorer References reporting that Roomba Tutorial-19 has NO EZ-B ?

I have attached Screenshots of the Microsoft Visual Studio Error Messages that it generates when I load Roomba C# Example-19 from EZ-SDK.

What am I doing Wrong ?

Thank You Again; I feel like Lee Iacocca Is Washing My Chrysler, Personally !, 602-246-1246(H)


If you expand the references tree view on the right, there will be a yellow exclamation mark against one of the items. Right click and remove that item.

Also, ensure there is a reference to the EZ-B.DLL file

You mentioned the SDK Example is not as detailed as the ARC Movement Panel. That is because they are different identities. The EZ-SDK is a collection of examples for programmers using Visual Studio. It is impossible to make programming any easier - which is why ARC is the development environment of choice for practically everyone.

If you decide to learn the EZ-SDK by using Visual Studio - I am unable to make Visual Studio or programming any easier. Programming is what it is:) My suggestion is to pickup a book and begin reading:)


Friday, 22 March 2013

Good Morning DJ & Thank You For The Product Support !

It is my HOPE that our Local High School District will buy at least Fifteen(15) EZ-Robot Complete Kits for a Low Cost Robotics Program.

VEX Robotics in GREAT, but all the High School VEX Labs that I have visited are well in Excess Of $250,000, and there is a Per Student Fee for the Software.

A Fifteen(15) Student Robotics Program will Cost Less Than $3000 TOTAL PROGRAM, and your Website INCLUDES the EZ-B Software for FREE !

Each Student can have His Own EZ-B Software, Both At Home & In Class, at No Additional Cost !

Thanks Again & Best Wishes From Phoenix,, 602-246-1246(H)