Asked — Edited

ARC Connect To The Pc'S Generic Rs-232 Com1

Wednesday, 19 March 2013

Good Evening ARCs ! Feature Requests

Rich, Thank You for Scripting Examples !

I had been requesting something like in previous EZ-Forum Posts.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Good Morning Fellow EZ-Robot Scripters !

Is anyone available to colaborate on EZ-Scrpts and write simple Test Code Examples to become familar with Using the EZ-Script Instruction Set ?

Would you please consider letting ARC Connect to the PC's generic RS-232 COM1, just for testing purposes ?

I realize that defeats the sale of EZ-B's, but it sure would make troubleshooting Roomba Scripts Easier.

I really like the NEW Active Debug Window and IT's Always Show Feature !

Thank You All, & Best Wishes From Phoenix,, 602-246-1246(H)


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Elevate your robot's capabilities to the next level with Synthiam ARC Pro, unlocking a world of possibilities in robot programming.


The iRobot Roomba and EZ-B use different communication protocols. It would be a gigantic job to rewrite ARC to natively connect to a Roomba without the EZ-B. The EZ-B already contains a control for the iRobot Roomba that connects to the EZ-B port D0.

Great to hear you like the active debug window:)


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Good Morning DJ & Thank You For Your Prompt Reply !

I did not realize what I was asking or how large a change in scope for ARC.

I think that your New Serial Terminal and a little practice on my part will let me Manually Enter iRobot Create-4400 Test Commands via COM1 from Create's Included Manual.

Then I switch to a Bluetooth Port on the EZ-B, and enjoy all the Roomba Features WIRELESSLY !

Thank You Again; I feel like Lee Iacocca Is Washing My Chrysler, Personally !, 602-246-1246(H)


I have become a Washington High School Robotics Lab Volunteer, and I NEED SOME HELP ?

The Students return from Spring Break this comming Monday, 25-Mar-2013.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Good Morning EZ-SDK-C# Coders ! Good Morning DJ!

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012's Solution Explorer References reporting that Roomba Tutorial-19 has NO EZ-B ?

I have attached Screenshots of the Microsoft Visual Studio Error Messages that it generates when I load Roomba C# Example-19 from EZ-SDK.

What am I doing Wrong ?

Thank You Again; I feel like Lee Iacocca Is Washing My Chrysler, Personally !, 602-246-1246(H)


Please follow the directions in the readme file within the sdk package. There are many more steps to understanding visual studio also. My suggestion is to pick up a book on introduction to visual studio:)

Best of luck with the volunteer work. That will be a lot of fun:)


Thursday, 21 March 2013

Good Evening DJ ! Good Evening EZ-SDK-C# Coders !

GOOD NEWS ! I followed the INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY in the SDK-C# ReadMe File, as DJ Suggested.

The SDK Roomba Example-19 Worked On The First Click of MS Visual Studio's RUN Arrow !

Luckily, I had it connected to a Roomba Scheduler, Model 4230, and it played A Song, with Full Motion Control.

I could NOT Repeat this success with the iRobot Create-4400's. EZ-SDK Example-19 talks to Roomba's, but None of the Create-4400's; A Challenge For Another Day !

EZ-SDK Movement Panel is not as Delux as the ARC Roomba Example, No Brush Controls, etc, BUT IT WORKS GREAT. Let the Washington High School Students complete the details.

ALSO, The Pop-Up Debugger Reveals that all of the's Roomba Examples that I have tested to date are connecting at 9600 Baud, not the Roomba Default of 57600.

EZ-Debugger displays a Lot Of GREAT Connection Dialogue when you click the ARC Connect Button to the Bluetooth COMM Port, in my case, COM3.

Thank You Again, DJ, Robot-Doc, and All Of You Who Accepted My Phone Calls With A Willingness to Talk ROOMBA !, 602-246-1246(H)

Welcome to EZ-B! EZ-SDK-C# Documentation

  1. If you load an example tutorial solution into Visual Studio, you may get an error about not being able to find the EZ_B.DLL file. You will need to manually add the DLL file as a reference to each project. MY FIRST ERROR or Ommission.

    Right Click on Project -> Add Reference -> Browse -> Select EZ_B.DLL from DLL folder

  2. The default passkey to connect to the EZ-B over bluetooth is "1234".

  3. Be sure to download ARC from and obtain the latest Firmware update

  4. Projects must be compiled as x86 (not 64 bit). Configure your project to generate x86 (32 bit) binaries. MY SECOND ERROR or Omissions.

    Right click on project, select Build and change the CPU to x86

  5. Projects must be configured for .Net 4 runtime


Glad to read of your progress Doug, The Microsoft Visual C# 2012 ebook by John Sharp @ has certainly helped me understand how these programs can be created. This is a great way to learn C# as well as Visual Studio. Those that want to check out this book can go HERE

United Kingdom

Thanks @Robot-Doc that's just what I need, I was a little lost with visual studio earlier when I installed it but it's something I will be learning in the next few months, so was about to ask what reading material is recommended... and now I know:)


Friday, 22 March 2013

Good Morning UK Rich !, and Any EZ-Forum Members Who Want to JOIN Us ?

Robot-Doc and I plan to learn how ARC's Custom Movement Panel is Coded in C#, thats C-Sharp, after John Sharp, the Author of Microsoft® Visual C#® 2012 Step by Step (Step By Step (Microsoft)) [Kindle Edition] @ $25.

We plan to Experiment with various Remote Desktop Software, using Skype, TeamViewer7/8, and UK's UltraVNC, so that we can MUTUALLY CORRUPT OUR CODE at the same time, and Chat while we are doing it.

Will YOU, and Any EZ-Forum Members who want to join us, Please consider Posting your Email Addresses, or Contact Us for this purpose.

I hope to get some of the Phoenix Washington High School Physics Students to join us in the comming weeks. Young Minds Are Great Teachers.

Thank You All & Best Wishes From Phoenix,, 602-246-1246(H)

Free Download from the Robot-App Store is C Sharp RoombaSCI Framework

C Sharp RoombaSCI Framework

United Kingdom

I'd love to join in but suspect I will be either working or sleeping while you are doing that. Keep us posted on your findings though (both good and bad).

Besides, I learn better alone working at my own pace. As I posted elsewhere, in school I did poorly because I was bored with the pace amongst other things, I've since learnt why thanks to MENSA but I digress.

But any books, examples, online tutorials etc. for C# would be very welcome, I plan to hit C# hard once I finish up with Unix and SQL in the next few weeks.

Although, that said, I do have a week's "staycation" (I stole that from someone else who said it yesterday, good word! Apologies I forget who it was) after Easter so may be able to sit in around that time.