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Country: Greece
Member Since:


  • 2012-03-15 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-03-23 - created first new question
  • 2013-03-30 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2013-06-04 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2014-10-05 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-04-20 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2016-10-31 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2018-03-05 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
  • 2018-03-05 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2018-08-07 - used the Cognitive Emotion Service to have a robot detect your emotion
  • 2018-08-09 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2018-08-09 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees

Latest submissions

Speech Recognition/Greeks?

Speech Recognition/Greeks?

Hello forum! I want to ask if I can use another software for speech recognition? Because I want to give voice commands to my robot in Greek language and as I know...

I Cant Upgrade Firmware For The Ez-B V4.X/2

Hi forum.., i bought from HobbyKing 2(two) Ezb- v4 controller and i cant upgrade the firmware. When i sellect the connect button i hear the connect sound but i cant sellect the upgrade button... Also, if i visit the web server (default is i saw that its the old version.. Hope that i have explain correct my problem. Any Help...
Pandorasbot [Roblem

Pandorasbot [Roblem

Hello EZ-B Team forum..., Ithink tha i have a problem with PandorasBot control. I cant see the Speech Recognition Visualizer and pause control ... Any help please!

Support For Ez- B Ve

Hello EZ-B, i have a V3 controller for my project, and i and i can not connect to the port from today. May i ask if it changhe something for the EZ-B VE controller? i have read the post that it is no longer supported by EZ -B. But all this days i had no problem with the controller v3! Friendly Sakis
Voice  Recognition Question

Voice Recognition Question

Hey Forum.. i have problem with voice recognition ,,. when i add voice recognition the follow message appears to my screen..( i use windows 10) Regards Thanos

Mulit Answer To A Question.

Heloo Forum I dont remember if it is answered this question: I want to ask my robot somethink or told, for examble: Hello, and the robot answer with many ways 1: hello, 2:i already told you 3:..... I want to choose the robot his own answer between 3 or more answers that i write to script. Can i?

Question About Blinkm

Hello Forum from Greece I need your help about BLINKM. I want to write a script but i cant, i found the script command: I2CWrite(0,0x09,?) What is the correct command? I want to use BLINKM, when it found a red object then lights Red.
1St Position With My Project !

1St Position With My Project !

Dear forum-DJ Sures. As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I have participated in the first national robotics meeting which was under the sponsorship of the...

Question About Sharp Sensor.

Hello forum. I want your help I have already a sharp sensor 2D120X and i connected to ADC0 Port . I want my robot change direction when sensor find an object. I use SHARP IR RADAR , ADC0 port, scan Interval 500ms, no servo and i click control movement panel (turns robot to fredom on object) But when i use it the radar find some Red balls when it...
To Dj Sures

To Dj Sures

Dear DJ SURES My name is Athanasios Ioannidis and I am from Greece I am an owner/user of EZ- Robot Complete Kit. I am writing this note in order to inform you for an upcoming event in Greece in the...

Which Battery For Morrepower?

Hello Forum. I want your help, to decide which battery buy for more power. BATTERIES: 1. 2. Regards SAKIS

Question With My New Ez-B

Hello Forum. I just get my second EZ-B and i have a connection problem. The problem is when i give power to EZ-B the blue led not flashing , only the red led on bluetooth flashing. Sorry, it is flashing for 2-3 sec, and after nothing ,it isnt flashing. What is the problem and what can ido ? Thanks confused

Video With My Question

Hi dj. Can I send you a video with my connection problem? I think it is better to describe with video. Can I ?

Proplem With Firmware Update

Good afternoon DJ. Sures. My name is SAKIS . I have the ez-b kit about 5 month. I have a problem with the update firmware V6.5, I did the steps to up date but i cant . This is the message that i saw when i try to update......... Attempting connection to COM18 EZ-B reports EZ-B Firmware V6.5 Connected T+NAMEsakissending ping sending ping sending...

Problem With Fuse

Hello forum/D.J. I want some help....I thing the fuse(the orange ) is burn confused When i give to EZ-B some power it is not respond ?? how can i replace the fuse??? THANKS SAKIS.

Some Questions About Ezb????

Hello DJ Forum My name is SAKIS(Greece) I would like to ask a few questions a bout EZB. 1. at what point do I connect lcd screen, and how can I write to the LCD screen???? 2. Can i use this battery??? (how many volts must be the battery ???) 3.I bought the MMA 7455 3- AXIS ACCEROMETER. at what point must connec to the EZ B???? THANKS ALLOT SAKIS....
Hello Robo Word From Greece

Hello Robo Word From Greece

Hello everyone. My name is sakis and i am from Greece. Before two days I received my EZ- ROBOT KIT, it is very interesting kit DJ Sures. now I take ideas to make a...
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