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Some Questions About Ezb????

Hello DJ & Forum:D My name is SAKIS(Greece)

I would like to ask a few questions a bout EZB.

  1. at what point do I connect lcd screen, and how can I write to the LCD screen????

  2. Can i use this battery??? (how many volts must be the battery ???)

3.I bought the MMA 7455 3- AXIS ACCEROMETER. at what point must connec to the EZ B????



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Welcome. you can connect your lcd screen as soon as you hook the EZB up to power and connect to it with a bluetooth dongle over a COM port. The LCD you have linked too above does appear to be I2C capable. You would need the documentation of the lcd to understand the address and command set to send to it to make it work but it hooks right onto the I2C header on the EZB.

As for the battery. Sure. Depending what you need there is alot of information on this forum about batteries but that battery is similar to the one I use for my project.

As for your accelerometer...looks like that is I2C as well and ARC even has a control for it. That would be wired into the I2C bus with your LCD.

If you can't find the I2C header on the is next to the ADC ports.

Good Luck!




Hi I'm New In The Robotic:) My Question is : Can Ez-b v3 Control My Robot Without I Connect To Ez-b v3 For Send Command??


Thanks for the replay kkeast;)