Asked — Edited

To Dj Sures


My name is Athanasios Ioannidis and I am from Greece

I am an owner/user of EZ- Robot Complete Kit.

I am writing this note in order to inform you for an upcoming event in Greece in the area of new technologies and robotics.

The event is the first nationwide event on new technologies/robotics.

I have sent my project which is a "Home Made" Wall E with Lcd, two cameras, Ping sensor,MP3 Trigger, BlinkM, and others (attached is a photo of Wall E) and I have been accepted to participate on the event. which will take place on 19 & 20 of April.

The participants include amongst others:

  • Businesses that are activated in this area.
  • Academics
  • The secretary of the Commerce Ministry.
  • Participants with a generic interest in robotics.

I find this an excellent opportunity in order that everybody could be familiar with your work (EZ Robot Kit).

I am also sending you this note to let you know that there will be a live stream that you can view the event or you are more than welcome to visit Greece and participate to this new and very exciting initiative.

I would appreciate if this is an interest of you, or any of your colleagues that you deem appropriate, to get in touch in order to be better prepared for the event, and also discuss any possible cooperation that could be an outcome.

Thank you in advance

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Upgrade to ARC Pro

Harnessing the power of ARC Pro, your robot can be more than just a simple automated machine.


That's a very neat robot! I am excited for your showcase in the upcoming event that you mentioned. I'm certain you will do a wonderful job and turn a lot of heads:) ... Any questions you have regarding configuring the robot can be asked on our forum. It's not just about me - it's about everyone... including yourself.

Our community works as a team. If you browse the Robots section, you'll see many awesome robots built by our community. And now, you're one of them:D ... Glad to meet you!