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Question About Blinkm

Hello Forum from Greece:)

I need your help about BLINKM.

I want to write a script but i can't, i found the script command:

I2CWrite(0,0x09,?) What is the correct command?

I want to use BLINKM, when it found a red object then lights Red.


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United Kingdom

Section 3 of the datasheet covers the commands.

Looking at it you need to use;

# Set BlinkM to red


Thanks Rich for the replay. It works, I am going to read the data sheet

Thanks again.


Hello forum, I am confused confused with BLINKM

I wrote this code

I2CWrite(0,0x09,n,0xff,0x00,0x00) for red color, but when i run the code i saw this message

Start 1: I2CWrite(0,0x09,n,0xff,0x00,0x000) > Error on line 1: Missing String Quotes or Invalid Expression: n Done (00:00:00.0380022)

I did somethig wrong?

"I did the right connection with the controller".

United Kingdom

The EZ-Script syntax changed a few weeks/months ago. Any text must be in quotes.



or try converting the ascii to hex with



I didn't know that

Thanks Rich I am going to try


Yes , the change is "n" .