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Question About Sharp Sensor.

Hello forum.

I want your help:)

I have already a sharp sensor 2D120X and i connected to ADC0 Port . I want my robot change direction when sensor find an object. I use SHARP IR RADAR , ADC0 port, scan Interval 500ms, no servo and i click control Movement Panel (turns robot to fredom on object) But when i use it the radar find some Red "balls" when it found some object , but didn't change direction as ultrasonic sensor does.

I did something wrong?


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Check the settings are OK. I've had no luck with the IR control since my IR is different and short range not long range.

However, I have posted scripts in the scripts section for the IR sensor for object avoidance and my Introduction To Scripting post uses the ADC and IR sensors as an example.

Easiest way to find it is click on User Details under my name on the left and find the topic in there, or the project on the files section.


Thanks Rich for the replay :)

I have saw yours post .

Thanks again .