Other robots from Synthiam community

Ezang's Mr. Conehead Dancing, Take 1 - I Will Try More...
This is a test, hard to balance Mr. ConeHead dancing Take 2 soon :-)

J's My Hexapod Project
This is what Im now working on now I finally have all the parts for it now and all my aluminum cut thanks to a local...

Ezang's New Update Mr. Roman
Hi, This is Roman, I am updated - Hi Dave Schulpius and everyone else :-) I am back, if I talk to fast, I am from N.Y....
@sakis33 You're most welcome
I'm glad to hear you are enjoying yourself! Looks like you may need to re-upload the photo. It seems to have been corrupted somehow - we can't see it
Thanks DJ for the replay.
What I use:
Nice work. Simple and effective.
What are your plans for his arms?
Hello Gyus
,and thanks for the comments...
Bret.tallet i don't know yet, any suggestion?
Thanks for posting info about this robot. I really like it. Cliff
I really like the tracks.....and rubber band !
Thanks for posting!
You know, some of that aluminum drywall corner bead might be good for those arms. Very light weight but rigid.
What did you use for the tracks?
Hello forum !
I want to present you my new up grade project wall E Take a look