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  • 2015-06-03 - joined Synthiam
  • 2015-06-03 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-06-08 - created first new question
  • 2015-06-15 - created a custom avatar
  • 2015-06-21 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-06-23 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2015-06-25 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2015-07-20 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2015-07-23 - answered a forum question

Latest submissions

Robot Design And Control Using 3Ds Max And ARC

Robot Design And Control Using 3Ds Max And ARC

This thread is a continuation of Thread #9584

Edit Window Not Remembering Its Last Size Or Position

@DJSures As of the last two updates, the script edit window is not remembering its last size, partition splitter setting, or position upon closing. It always opens in full screen. Please look into this as soon as possible as it is very tedious to have to change back it every time. Thanks.

Filereadline Question

Recently I have been working with a text file from which I read a series of comma delimited lines. Each item represents a series of numbers, like this: 27,28,29,31,32,34,35,37,38, The problem is that the FileReadLine function strips out the commas and reads the line as one huge number. It even adds exponent notation such as +E25 to the end, so I...

Servospeed Questions And Questions

Whoops! The title was supposed to be ServoSpeed Questions and Issues Unfortunately you cant change the title so we are stuck with Questions and Questions, Sorry @DJ_Sures Lately, I and Mickey666Maus have been working with recording the movements from a virtual robot in 3ds with the purpose of playing them back in ARC. This we can do. The problem...

Servo Resolution Of Movement Question

@DJ_Sures I know that you can send a fractional degree to a servo via the Servo() instruction, for example 60.379. But, does the servo really move to 60.379 degrees or is the actual movement rounded down to 60? If it does move to a fractional degree, what is the resolution to which it can be set? Thanks.

Date-Time Question

@ DJ_Sures What exactly does CDateTime() do? I thought it converted a date-time string into a standard time stamp (a double) but that does not appear to be the case. Thanks

List Of Updates

Just wondering if anyone has compiled a list of the ARC updates for 2016 that they would be willing to share? Thought Id ask first before doing it myself.
Advanced Servo Profile

Advanced Servo Profile

I have been doing some things regarding connecting to multiple EZB-4 and have been having some problems with the Servo Profile. Specifically, how it works in relation to a...

Wildly Gyrating Servos On Board 1

I have been using both board 0 and board 1 lately. When I connect to a robot through Board 0 and go directly to a frame on the corresponding Auto Positioner, and click Transition To all goes fine and the servos go to the proper position immediately as normal. However, when I try the same thing by going through Board 1, the servos go wild, some...

Parts Shipping

Im about to order an EZB-4 and a couple of cameras plus assorted cabling. I would like to get the swag ASAP and was wondering if obtaining parts directly from EZ-Robots means the parts come from local stock these days, or if its still all drop shipped from China? If still from China, does anyone know of a US supplier who does keep said parts in...

Ez-Script Control Re-Sizing Itself

@DJSures Of late I have noticed that the EZ-Script controls are re-sizing themselves when I reload a project. I will set them to a certain (small) size and save. When the project is reloaded, they have become wider and are overlapping. This makes it difficult to structure the controls as I would like. Have they been programmed to some minimum and...

Servo Profile In Lessons

I was about to post a few tips on starting to build and use the Six robot in one of the threads (since I just put one together) when I realized the Servo Profile step was missing from the lesson steps. Looking around, the only references to it I found had to do with JD and a couple having to do with loading one from mobile apps. In the lesson steps...

Wall-E From Junk

Remember the guy who made a DJ robot from flattened plastic water pipe? Well, hes still at it, making a Wall-E from stuff and such. A Wall-E from junk seems kinda fitting to the Wall-E meme, actually.

Bandwidth Usage In Forum

Just a little FYI. I have found that, because of the surveillance cameras being broadcast over the forum webpage, that I take a sizable hit on my available bandwidth. Its about 65K. With only about 300K or so (DSL) available to me in the first place, that is a sizable chunk. I like to park on the Forum page while pulling up the various threads in a...

Bug Report - Left Paren Causing Error When Used In Quotes

Im listing this as Conversational so I wont get those endless Unresolved emails again. The bug is as follows: #Anywhere a left paren appears in a literal string, the #following error message will #be displayed: #Error on line X: Missing ) in Expression #Examples are: $VariableX =quot;(quot; $VariableX =quot;(AAA)quot; $VariableX =quot; ( quot;...

Multiple Robots

I know this topic has been done to death. I know this because I have been reading posts on it until Im bleary eyed. Out of all the posts I have read there have been some concrete answers and some iffy so Ive decided to add yet another to that long list of posts and just ask straight up. Ive only just ordered more EZB4s and some other parts so I...

Bug Report: Script Error Using \ Combination

I was trying to set a string to a directory path and found when the combination of the characters quot; comes up it seems to be interpreted as a token of some sort. For example: $TheFilePath =quot;F:\Images\quot; Will give a Missing quotes or invalid expression error when its run. I tried a work around for it by establishing a slash character...
Autoposition Speed Question

Autoposition Speed Question

Lately I have been doing a lot with the Autopositioner. One is having JD sit on a seat and get up again. The seat is about 43mm high which is just right for JD to sit...


Was out and about again today and stopped by the local Brookstone in the mall. They had a small EZ-Robot display (about 1.5 feet sqaure by about 4 feet high). It had one six, looked to be inoperable with its legs folded up on top. and one six kit under it. I dont know if they simply sold out of other stuff or what? I kind of doubt it given the...

Script Manager

I have been through the tutorial on using the Script Manager module a few times now but still dont understand how to get existing scripts into it. The video just glosses over that and goes so fast when it shows that being done I cant really see whats going on. Ive also searched the forum for answers but none of the posts seem to address that part....
Miniture Robotic Hand

Miniture Robotic Hand

I came upon this while searching for miniture robotic hands and thought it might be of interest. Looks like it might be right for JD. Then there is this thing: Just needs a...

Control Ar Drone From A Desktop Pc

Hello; STILL waiting for my robot. They tell me now it wont ship until the week of the 22nd. To quote Charlie Brown ... AUUUUUUGH! stress Anyway, I was just going through the AR Drone video concerning controlling it via ARC. At least I have one of those. I was trying to do that via a desktop PC instead of a laptop as shown in the tutorial, and I...
Autorepeat In ARC Designer

Autorepeat In ARC Designer

Hello; Brand new to EZ Robots. Still waiting for my JD kit to arrive. In the mean time I have been using the ARC software to design modifications I am planning to...
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