— Edited

I have been through the tutorial on using the Script Manager module a few times now but still don't understand how to get existing scripts into it. The video just glosses over that and goes so fast when it shows that being done I can't really see what's going on. I've also searched the forum for answers but none of the posts seem to address that part. Assistance would be appreciated.
EDIT Oh, and while on the topic of scripts. I'm using Script Monitor as well. Thing is, it lists scripts that I have deleted (or I thought I did). I closed them down by clicking the X yet they still show as being around somewhere. Are they? If so, how do I see them again and how do I get rid of them permanently?
Importing scripts into script manager would be a great feature, but doesn't currently exist. Copy the contents of your script into a new script created in script manager, then delete the original script.
I am not sure about the answer to your script monitor question. After you have created and deleted a lot of things from a project it is sometimes a good idea to create a new project and import all the objects from the old one into it. Kind of like starting with a clean slate without all the work. I have occasionally had things just go "wonky" and that always fixes it.
Also save a backup copy of your project either locally or to EZ-Cloud often.
The script monitor is a cache of compilers. You do not need to worry about it. It's a diagnosing tool. For example, when you load a software program such as Internet explorer, there will be libraries loaded which stay loaded even after the application is closed. That is because the operating system or runtime manager (ie .net framework or mfc, etc) cache certain libraries.
I cannot get into all of the details - however Google will help you identify what caching is and how it helps performance if you're interested in learning more.
As for "importing", you copy and paste. Microdot windows has a feature built in called the clipboard - which surprisingly a lot of people don't know about. You may have used it in office software, such as Word. Copy a chunk of text by selecting it and pasting it somewhere else within the document. Well, windows allows text to be copied between programs as well. To move your scripts into the script manager, simply use the copy and paste features as you would in a word processor. For assistance with using copy and paste in Microsoft windows, Google will have many resources with tutorials, but I suspect you'll get be hang of it pretty quick
@DJ Sures Thank you for your response. Yes, I know what a cache and what the benefit is. I also know about clipboards; even that there can be multiple clipboards. Perhaps you might consider an import function at some point. Maybe even an export to a script file. Thanks for the input.
@thetechguru Thank you for your information. So, basically it's the manual way. Ok, it is what it is. Yes, just going with a new project looks like the way to tidy up everything. Apparently another manual process. At least one can run 2 copies of ARC simultaneously to make all the copy and paste operations needed straightforward. Ah well.
Backups I do. I clone my disks once a week (rotating through 4 cloned backups for each), plus delta-backups which run nightly (including copies of the all critical Registry). Not to mention hitting "save" in ARC frequently. Then there are the offsite backups. If I ever lose anything it won't be for lack of trying.
For importing into the new project, you don't need to copy and paste. You can import all (or some) objects from the old project to the new project. The function in ARC is actually caller Merge, not import. Sorry about the confusion.
You can merge objects into your project from multiple other projects too.
Sometimes when I am experimenting with a function (like the updated object recognition capabilities) I'll do that in it's own project with no other functions except maybe an init script. Then, when the function does what I want, I merge the objects into my main robot project.
@thetechguru Yes, I recently discovered the Merge function. Helps a lot, as you say. I like your idea of developing in a pure-clean project and then importing when done. Thanks again for your help in getting this sorted out.